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"Princess Kiana Mercier of England." Kiana gracefully sauntered to the edge of the stairs. The announcer's loud, booming voice rang in her ears. She could feel all eyes on her.

As Kiana gently went down each step, her dress ebbed and flowed as if it was made of water. Every second it sparkled in a new place as the gold moved and caught different light. Her long hair was beautifully braided up into a sleek yet elegant updo, and her smooth cheeks glowed with natural blush. Kiana was the envy of everyone.

Amidst the crowd was Christian, smirking playfully up at Kiana. He taunted her with his dark, alluring eyes that almost made her melt and drip right down the stairs. Somehow, she remained poised.

In Kiana's greatest fantasies, the orchestra would play a chilling chord as her feet touched the floor. The crowd would part down the middle, leaving a large dance floor. Christian would take her hand and lead her into a compelling waltz that would make everyone else in the room feel their chemistry.

Instead, the crowd smiled at their princess when she stepped onto the floor and then continued chatting and frittering about. Christian did give her a look that asked her to remember his request from earlier, however. She blushed even deeper.

"Crown Prince Brooklin Mercier of England." Brooklin stood at the top of the stairs looking incredibly regal. Kiana saw a few girls almost faint. Every one of them wanted to dance with the prince.

Kiana caught Eloise staring at her brother, a look of longing and sadness in her eyes. She immediately softened. All Eloise wanted to do was please him from the start. Kiana began to make her way through the crowd to her friend.

"Eloise." she said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Eloise turned to face Kiana and tried to blink away the water in her eyes. "Oh. Kiana." she said, acting falsely happy.

"It's okay." Kiana assured her. "I- I just," Eloise started to break down. "I wanted him to like me!" she exhaled. "And I thought I had to be someone else. Stuck up, regal. Opinionated, poised. But," Eloise choked. "That's not me. And pretending like you hit me?! Gods, what was I thinking? There's no forgiving something like that. Kiana, why are you nice to me?" Eloise had finally cracked. Everything she had wanted to say since the start was pouring out. Kiana's sympathy only grew.

"Because I know you. The real you." She said, a small smile on her face.

"But," Eloise protested.

"But nothing." Kiana finished. "Let's enjoy the ball. There's got to be someone here you've got your eye on."

Eloise gave her a face. "Other than my brother." Kiana added.

"It's useless, okay? I'm just going to get some punch." Eloise walked away gloomily. Kiana sighed.

The music picked up and she felt a hand brush against her arm. Kiana quickly turned around and came face to face with Christian. He motioned to the orchestra.

"Care to dance?" he asked, grinning. Kiana smiled and answered him with her eyes. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. The two of them synched up immediately and were by far the most seasoned couple on the floor. It felt like they were made to dance with each other.

"Wow." said Christian, gesturing to her dancing. "Wow yourself." said Kiana, smiling wildly. The waltz continued at a steady pace.

"Would you care to join me in my suite later?" asked Christian, his eyes hopeful.

"Why, Prince Christian, you're no gentleman." he laughed. "I'm sorry, not tonight. However, if you're still interested now that you know I'm not easy, I'd be delighted to have lunch sometime."

"Very well," he said in a mock sad voice. It was Kiana's turn to laugh. "No, of course I'm interested. I'm sorry, I just got swept up in the moment..."

"Me too." Kiana blushed. The song came to a slow end. Christian dipped Kiana low and their lips met with a gentle kiss. Explosions erupted in Kiana's stomach.

"Wow." she said breathily.

"Wow yourself." he repeated, smiling.

Kiana chuckled. "Well, isn't this something out of a fairytale?"

The next morning Kiana woke up to birds singing outside her chambers. She was still feeling electric from the previous night. She and Christian danced until the ball was over, neither of them tiring of each other's eyes.

"Good morning, Your Highness." Amrulette appeared on the balcony. Kiana smiled to herself and looked around at the kingdom.

"You're awfully happy this morning," Amrulette said, trying to get information from Kiana.

Kiana grinned. "Yes, I guess I am..." her train of thought drifted.

"Oh, dear gods, tell me already!" Amrulette begged. Kiana laughed.

"His name is Prince Christian of Denmark." Amrulette had wide eyes as she listened to the Princess's captivating tale of her perfect night.

"Oh, Princess! That's wonderful!" Amrulette said giddily. "Is he still here?! I must get you the perfect gown for today! You have to live up to the standards you set last night!!" Amrulette continued to talk and squeal to herself as she stumbled into the closet.

"Princess Kiana!" Kiana jolted up. She looked down to see Christian, standing in the gardens under her balcony.

"Prince Christian?!" She exclaimed.

"Still interested in doing something with me?" he proposed. Kiana scoffed but remained smiling.

"Christian, it's barely dawn! I'm still in my nightdress! And, I offered lunch!"

"I'm offering this!" He yelled up at her. "Meet me here! Five minutes!"

Kiana rushed off. "Amrulette!" she called as she hurried into the closet, slipping off her nightdress. "It's Christian! I have to meet him in five minutes!"

"Oh!" Amrulette came running. "Put this on!" Kiana shimmied into a deep blue dress that cut off at her knees. She put on riding boots just in case while Amrulette quickly braided her hair. "Thank you so much Amrulette!" Kiana called as she ran out the door.

Kiana ran as fast as she could down the stairs and through the large doors. She practically skipped through the gardens searching for Christian. He was leniently slouched against a tree.

"Ready, Princess?" he asked, smirking as always.

"For what?" she asked, grinning.

"Patience is a virtue." he teased, taking her hand and leading her away. 


Hey guys!! I have a new chapter schedule that will hopefully keep me on track. From now on, I'm officially posting a new chapter every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Yay! I wanted to give you guys kid of a long chapter, so here you go! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for everything1

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