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"I assume you ride?" asked Christian, gesturing with his hand at two beautiful horses.

"Of course." said Kiana, smiling.

"Allow me," he said, kneeling down, offering to help her up.

"I know how to mount a horse, Prince Charming." Kiana jokingly shooed away his hand. He laughed at her stubbornness.

"Very well," he said, walking around to his own horse. When he mounted his horse, he looked at Kiana in intrigue.

"What?" she asked, furrowing her brows. "Nothing." he said, smiling wider. "No sidesaddle?"

"I'm full of surprises." said Kiana. Christian chucked and shook his head in amusement.

The sunrise was a prominent pink color that make it even more romantic for Kiana. She found herself staring at Christian as he rode his horse. He stood up so straight, so regal. Yet, at the same time, he managed to maintain his lenient way about him. She could feel herself falling for him, she tried everything to not move too fast. But all she wanted was for him to hold her close and never let go...

"What?" he asked her expression. "Nothing." she said, turning to face the horizon.

"No, something's up." he said, his grin widening. Kiana's cheeks were bright red as she turned to face him.

"My heart is moving faster than I want it to." she said simply.

Christian's eyes deepened. They made her feel like he could see into her soul.

"Kiana, I am a future king. You are a princess, and will never obtain the throne." he said. Kiana looked down in embarrassment, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"But," he began. "that doesn't stop me from wanting you."

Kiana's eyes widened. She looked back at him.

"God, Kiana." Christian was shaking his head. "You're all I can think about. You have such an effortless beauty. You're funny and smart and everything I've ever dreamed." Tears began to form in Kiana's eyes. Christian's eyes begged for mercy.

"You're dashing." said Kiana quietly. He looked at her in surprise. "You're brave, handsome, clever. You're so diplomatic yet so laid back. I can't even begin to understand you. But when I'm around you, I just get so giddy and child-like. You mess with my mind."

The two looked away from each other sheepishly. Confessions had been made, and there was no going back.

"Where are we going?" Kiana asked, breaking the silence.

"Have you ever been to town, Kiana?" Christian asked. A small smile formed on Kiana's lips.

"Once, when I was a girl. My father took me." Christian was pleased with himself.

"That's where we're headed." he said, knowing that Kiana already knew by now. She smiled even wider.

The hustle and bustle of the town made Kiana excited on the inside. Shopkeepers yelled advertisements for their businesses and all sorts of people scurried about. There were beautiful colors and wonderful new smells around every corner. Music filled the streets with warmth and happiness. Christian loved watching Kiana's face as she took in the magic of the town.

"Oh, Christian, thank you so much." she said, still looking around rapidly.

He chuckled at her delight. For some reason, when she smiled, he felt this burning sensation in his chest, like all of his problems could disappear in an instant if she flashed one his way. Kiana's eyes were bright with interest that taunted him devilishly. Stop it. he told himself. Keep yourself together. You're moving too fast. However, Kiana turned his way and all of his thoughts disappeared.

"Oh! Look over there!" she exclaimed. A young woman stood at a little cart holding up flower crowns. They were all unique with different entanglements and different flowers. Christian hopped down off his horse and Kiana copied him. He handed the reins of both horses to a stable man nearby and took her arm.

"My lady," he said in a sarcastically diplomatic voice. She laughed. "Oh, Christian, I didn't mean you had to buy me one!" Kiana stopped in the middle of the trail, realizing what was going on as they walked in the direction of the cart.

"No, really, it's my pleasure." he said. She huffed, somehow knowing that Christian was almost as stubborn as her.

The woman at the flower cart jumped in surprise when she saw Kiana. She fell into a deep curtsey. "Your highness." she said.

"No, it's okay." Kiana said, gently grabbing the woman's hand and helping her up. "Please, just call me Kiana. I'm a regular tourist." she beamed.

"K-Kiana." The woman stuttered, collecting herself at the end and smiling warmly. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I," Kiana paused, looking to Christian. "Just visiting the town. I haven't been here in so long- and it's so beautiful!"

The flower woman smiled and bowed her head. "We try to keep things festive. Is there anything I can interest you in?" she gestured to the wide array of flower crowns.

"Absolutely. Your work is beyond incredible. You're very talented." The woman began to blush. "Oh, I just love this one!" Kiana said, pointing to a crown with roses and daisies laced into it.

"Ah, it is one of my favorites as well. I added some gold wire and leafing throughout it as well. Kiana looked closer.

"We'll take it." Christian spoke up. He handed the woman a small handful of gold coins.

"I'm afraid this is far too much," said the woman, shaking her head.

"Nonsense! You have a gift that deserves to be celebrated!" The woman smiled and bowed her head once more.

Suddenly, the attack alarms began to sound. Soldiers flooded the streets.

"What's going on?!" Kiana grabbed one of them.

"We're under attack, Your Highness."

"The invaders again?" Kiana asked regally and seriously.

"No, Your Highness. The Danish are attacking us."


I know, I know, I'm terrible!! I announced my new schedule in my last chapter and I totally missed a day. But, here I am! And it won't happen again! (JK it probably will, I'm really sorry.) My next scheduled day to post is Saturday and I WON'T FORGET. 

I'm really excited to see where the story leads from here! Well, obviously I know what's going to happen next, but honestly, not for the long run. I just wanted to sprinkle in a bit of drama :) Kiana's had a pretty good time the last few chapters, but alas, that won't last. See you all on Saturday!


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