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"Dear Gods.." muttered Eloise as Kiana pulled her out into the hallway. "You can say that again," Kiana remarked, making a face.

"I just- didn't expect that." Eloise said, straightening up, trying to be respectful. Kiana shook her head at her. "Me neither. This isn't Brooklin. I don't know what's going on." Eloise nodded. Silence fell into the hall. The two girls looked around for a while.

Kiana sighed. "Well, dinner will be in a few hours, and then it's the first official ball for all the princesses..." her words drifted off. Eloise nodded again, understanding what her friend meant. "I'm going to the library for a bit then." she said. Kiana smiled half-heartedly and glided away as Eloise went the opposite direction to her world of literature.

A single tear fell down Kiana's cheek. This wasn't her brother at all. She was angry, sad, and confused. It felt like she didn't know who he was...

"Oh!" Kiana exclaimed as she ran into someone and toppled to the floor.

"Princess Kiana!" the same alluring voice that charmed her earlier spoke again. Kiana looked up to see Prince Christian standing above her and holding his hand out. As she was babbling apologies she took it gently. Christian helped her up and she brushed the stray hairs out of her face. She quickly wiped the tear and murmured a final 'sorry' up at the prince.

"No, no, I should have been looking where I was going. My deepest apologies." Christian bowed his head. Kiana's cheeks flushed pink.

Christian cleared his throat. "Although, may I ask where you were going in such a hurry?" he chuckled.

"Oh- I-" Kiana stuttered. "I was off to get ready for dinner and the ball." she stated firmly.

"Ah, well I should let you be off then." Christian smiled playfully. He started to walk past her before turning around. "Save me a dance?" he raised his arms and his eyebrows before smirking and walking away. Kiana blushed deeply.


"Amrulette!" Kiana called when she stepped inside her chambers. Amrulette came running, obviously very excited. She bustled about, talking a mile a minute about the ball.

"Amrulette, slow down!" Kiana said, giggling.

"The ball!" Amrulette exclaimed, smiling wildly. Kiana laughed even harder.

"Wait a moment." Amrulette said, studying Kiana for a few moments. "A man. You've met a man!" Amrulette ran back to the closet, looking for gowns.

Kiana took a step back with a startled look on her face. She stuttered a few breaths before bursting into laughter once more. Amrulette squealed from the closet and the sounds of ruffling gowns was almost overwhelming.

Amrulette appeared in the doorway holding up a beautiful white ball gown with gold accents that glittered in the sun. It flowed as if it had oxygen in it's fabric, breathing and rippling as it went down to the floor. Kiana's heart melted at the sight.

"Oh, Amrulette..." she trailed off, in a haze of white tulle. Amrulette beamed at her princess. "It's perfect." finished Kiana.

About an hour later, Kiana had taken a bath and Amrulette had done her hair and makeup. She slipped into the gown, and it glided over her body ever so smoothly. Amrulette zipped her up in the back and Kiana spun around the room, giggling. She felt so special.

"You best be off to dinner." Amrulette said, tears in her eyes. Kiana gave her a huge hug and before leaving her chambers and heading down the grand stairs.


"Darling!" Kiana's mother stood at the sight of her daughter. Kiana smiled and blushed before taking her seat at the table. It was only her family dining with her, yet Kiana could feel all eyes on her. The other princesses were eating separately, so not to see any of the royal family before the ball. The silence lingered.

Brooklin stared at his sister, and when she caught his eye, he smirked playfully at her. She laughed and shook her head.

"Son," the King began, setting his fork down on the table. "Tonight is the first formal ball. I expect you to dance with every young lady here tonight and get to know each of them." Brooklin nodded even though it was clear his father wasn't anywhere near finished.

"In this castle, right now, is your future wife. You will know who she is tonight."

"Father!" Brooklin stood, surprising everyone.

"NO!" The king slammed his fist on the table and jolted up. "I am your father AND the king. You will NOT talk back to me!" belted the king.

Brooklin sat down in defeat. "Please, father." He begged, his voice wavering. The king sighed.

"Fine." he said diplomatically. "I will allow you to narrow it down to five. Five potential wives- the rest will leave."

"What if I let someone go who our country isn't close with? It could ruin our relations."

"I'll let you decide that. You're the future king, it's about time you had some decisions to make."

Kiana and the Queen watched the banter in awe. Brooklin had been acting so strange lately. Neither of them knew why, and for some reason, his newfound defiance had provided a lot of entertainment for the royal family.

"Deal." Brooklin fired back. The king nodded sharply and sat down again.

The rest of the dinner was much less dramatic. Nobody really spoke, and they all just hoped the ball would begin soon. Luckily, it did. 


Hey everyone!! I know it's been about a week, and I'm sorry for not posting in so long. I promise you, as I speak, I'm working on pre-writing more chapters so this doesn't happen again. Love you all!! Thanks for everything!!!

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