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The feast started to die down at around eight. People started to leave, and for once, Kiana wasn't the first one to head to her chambers. Brooklin had wanted to leave for hours, however, being the prince and the man all the princesses were seeking, he was required to remain at the table. Kiana had no obligations, yet she stayed at Brooklin's side the whole time. She was determined to support him. 

Once everyone had left except the royal family, the king stood. "Well, we best head up." he brushed himself off and took the queen's hand. As they both sauntered away, the queen gave her children a sympathetic smile. 

Brooklin and Kiana still sat in silence. Neither of them had anything to say, and if they did, they probably still would have kept their mouths shut. More time passed until all the food and dishes had been cleared from the table. Kiana stood and Brooklin did the same. She held out her arms and the two siblings embraced. 

Kiana turned around and left the dining room. She didn't feel like talking, even to Amrulette. She nodded at the guards at their posts as she walked past the stairs leading to her chambers. She walked down a long hallway to a door that appeared older than all the others. 

The door squeaked as it opened, it's metal handle not quite as smooth as the other doors in the palace. Kiana breathed in a cloud of dust and coughed a bit. She stepped inside and shut the door behind her. 

A beautiful, old library stared back at Kiana. It had shelves packed to the brim with books all the way up to the high ceilings. Ladders with moving tracks were sprinkled here and there. Kiana smiled as the smell of books and knowledge crept into her nostrils. Out of her library-induced haze, Kiana's eyes rested on Eloise.

Eloise looked up at the princess and then stood up. She had been sitting in a chair in the back, engrossed in a book about romance. "Oh.." she said. 

Kiana squirmed a bit. She and Eloise had found a healthy medium between disrespect and, well, respect. Conversation was not part of the deal. She didn't know what to say, so she said nothing at all. Eloise stuttered on a few syllables. 

"I- I should go-" she brushed herself off and grabbed her book. Eloise began to walk towards the door, however, Kiana found herself speaking. 

"No- I mean-" Kiana paused. "Stay. It's alright." 

Shock drowned Eloise's flustered expression. "I- really?" her almost-too-perfect eyebrows furrowed. "But- I was so mean to you." 

Kiana shrugged. "I get it. You wanted attention from my brother. I'm a decent enough person not to assume that's who you are." 

Eloise smiled. "Thanks." Kiana smiled back. The two sort-of friends stood in silence for a while. 

"Do you read much?" Eloise asked. Kiana looked confused for a moment, so she continued, "Not to pry. Or- or assume things." she took a deep breath. "Just curious." 

"Not as much as my brother. He reads religiously- and I mean religiously." Eloise giggled. "You like romance?" Kiana asked, motioning to Eloise's book. 

"Oh yes." Kiana could see Eloise beginning to swoon before her face became somewhat stern. "Growing up in France, it's hard. Living in the city of love, yet never experiencing it yourself. I've always wanted it- love. That's why I read so much romance." 

Kiana smiled again. Eloise was starting to grow on her, despite their rough start. "I think that's really nice. You know, I've never been in love either. I guess it's hard when you were raised knowing your marriage will be arranged- just too scared to fall for someone and then have to leave them."

Eloise nodded. Kiana cleared her throat. "Well, I should let you get back for your reading." 

"Oh no, it's alright. You don't have to go." Eloise shuffled. 

Kiana nodded. "I'm a bit tired. I think I'm just going to go to bed." Eloise brushed herself off once more. 

"Goodnight." Kiana said, opening the door. 

"Goodnight." Eloise chimed. 

Kiana smiled as she walked down the hall. She swung her arms like a child thinking about her new friend. Finally, someone to talk to besides her brother. Brooklin was stubborn, he probably wouldn't forgive Eloise in the near future. However, Kiana knew that in time, everything would resolve itself. 

The sharp blade of a knife whooshed past Kiana's ear and slammed into the wall behind her. 


Hey everybody! That's so weird- there's an 'everybody' I can talk to! I haven't written an author's note until now, but I feel like I should start. I get to talk to you guys, tell you about my life, ask you questions. So anyways, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I'm in a show with my community theatre group right now, and I've been really busy. My interest in this story also started to fizzle out a bit, but now I'm back and ready for action!

I'm LOVING all the positive feedback from you guys! It makes my day to get a comment, and thank you to the person in the last chapter who asked me to update. It really sparked my motivation again and brought you all this chapter! So, I had an idea for a cool new 'contest' or 'giveaway', or whatever you want to call it. 

When this story gets to 150 reads, I'll add a character that one of you designs! I'll let all of you know the details when the time comes. Also, when I get 75 followers, I'm going to start writing a new novel which- you guessed it- is going to be one of YOUR ideas! That might not be for a while, but I think it will be a really cool way to give back. 

This has been a REALLY long author's note, so I'm going to wrap things up. Thank you again, and I'll talk to you in the next chapter! 

In the ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora