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 Kiana pushed open the metal gate and slid through into the gardens. The cool afternoon breeze brushed against her face and blew back her dark hair ever so slightly. Running had really calmed Kiana down; there was far too much drama surrounding the castle for her to bear. She was also slightly giddy on the inside due to her meeting with that handsome Danish prince..

Nonetheless, Kiana was ready to enter the castle and deal with all of the princesses that currently resided there. Her father and Brooklin were no doubt doing their best to help them, but Kiana knew that she would have to be a part of it eventually. After all, one of them was going to become queen. One of them was going to marry her big brother. As the princess, Kiana knew that it was her duty to be hospitable.

Chatter erupted when Kiana opened the door to the hallway. Maids and servants were bustling about, gossiping and babbling about a mix of serious events and nonsense. Kiana smiled and greeted a few that passed her by. A bit further down the corridor, where there was barely anyone around, Kiana heard giggling. Her curiosity got the better of her and she continued to walk.

One of the princesses, whom Kiana didn't know their name, had her arms draped over Brooklin's shoulders. He was pressed up against the wall, and his hands casually rested on her almost-too-thin waist. The princess giggled once more and leaned in. Her lips smashed against Brooklin's in a passionate kiss, and his hand began to travel down farther and farther..

Kiana gasped and clamped a hand over her mouth. She stiffened up, trying not to make any noise. Past the two lovers, Kiana caught Eloise's eye. She too had a palm over her mouth and was also shocked at what she was seeing. Kiana motioned to a door on her left with her pupils. Eloise nodded and looked at a door that was next to her as well. Praying that the handle wasn't squeaky, Kiana turned the knob and snuck into a room off of the corridor.

"Dear Lord," Eloise exhaled as Kiana quietly closed her door. The two looked at each other for a few moments before bursting into laughter. There wasn't any rhyme or reason for their snickering, they just felt so comfortable with each other.

"Brooklin was clearly very comfortable with that girl." Kiana noted, raising her eyebrows. Eloise's genuine smile faded into a fake one. "Yes.." she said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kiana said, sitting down on a plush love seat. Eloise sauntered over and plopped down as well.

"No, it's fine. I'm just trying to adjust. After, you know, what I did," Eloise was clearly in pain. "I know there's no chance for me."

"Honestly? Eloise, you're the closest I've had to a friend, besides my brother, in my entire life." The two of them laughed slightly for a moment, relishing in their past hatred of each other. It felt like ages ago, even though it had occurred only a few days before. "Brooklin cares a lot about what I think. If he sees us together, friends, and if I talk to him, you might be in the running again." Kiana offered Eloise a half smile.

"Are you serious?" Eloise asked, straightening up, a newfound gleam in her eye. Kiana nodded and the two of them smiled.

The door slammed open. Brooklin and the princess crashed in, Brooklin pushing her up against the nearest wall. The two of them were making out even harder than before. Kiana and Eloise jumped up in fright. Brooklin sprung off the princess and turned to look at the two girls.

"Kiana!" Brooklin gasped, breathing heavily and wiping his forehead. "Wh-what are you doing in here?"

"I was just talking to Eloise.." Kiana rested a hand on Eloise's shoulder. "What are you doing in here?"

"I was- I was just-" Brooklin stuttered in between breaths. "Wait, you and Eloise were talking?"

Kiana nodded firmly. "Yes. We're friends now. But don't change the subject. What were you doing in here."

Brooklin hung his head in defeat and motioned an arm towards the girl, who frankly, looked quite pleased with herself. Kiana gave her a dirty glance and she straightened up, her smug expression becoming apologetic and guilty.

"Well, we're leaving." Kiana grabbed Eloise's forearm and dragged her towards one of the doors. "Enjoy yourselves." 


Hey friends!! I'm SO sorry for not posting in so long. I promise, I haven't given up yet! I'm still going strong!! Anywho, I'm gonna keep this Author's Note short and sweet. We're about 20 views away from our giveaway!!! Once we hit 150 views, I'm going to let one of you design one of the princesses! All you have to do is comment their full name, their ethnicity, hair color, eye color, dress color, and a few sentences about their personality! I'm so excited to give back to all of you for all the support you've showed me the past few weeks. I love you all!!! See you soon!!


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