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Kiana let out a scream. She bolted for the library door, her heart beating as fast as it ever had. The old door was ten feet behind her, but it seemed like a lifetime away. Her feet thumped on the ground like boulders onto cement, by the second Kiana felt like she was becoming slower and slower. 

Eloise was standing up with a look of worry plastered on her face. Kiana locked the door shut and turned to the french princess. "Help me," she whimpered, motioning to a bookshelf that wasn't attached to the walls. Eloise nodded sharply, not asking any questions. Within twenty seconds the girls managed to block the door. Kiana ran down the halls of the library until she reached the back. Eloise was right behind her. 

Kiana scanned for something in the bookshelf on the back wall. Her eyes locked onto a dark red book with ancient script on the spine. She yanked it backwards and the bookshelf opened up to reveal a secret corridor. Kiana hadn't realized it, but she was breathing extremely heavily and her palms were covered in sweat. She and Eloise ran inside the passage and Kiana pulled a lever on the stone wall. The bookshelf slammed shut. 

The corridor was very dimly lit with candle lamps every fifteen feet or so. After about a minute of running frantically, Eloise stopped. Kiana heard the footsteps behind her halt and she whirled around. 

"What. Is. Going. On." Eloise gritted through her teeth. She wasn't angry, but in the last five minutes she had been through a lot without any information. 

Kiana sighed and tried to pull her along, but Eloise remained firm. Kiana took a moment and a deep breath. "We're under attack. There are invaders in our castle." she seemed so calm, as if she knew how to handle things. 

"And what are we doing?" Eloise asked, her french accent thickening as she became angrier. 

"We're finding my brother." Kiana gave Eloise a look of sympathy as she softened at Brooklin's name. Eloise composed herself and nodded. The girls set off running once more. 

For the princesses, running through the passageways felt like hours. In reality, it took them ten minutes to find the entrance to Brooklin's study. Kiana knew he'd be there. 

Kiana gripped another lever on the wall and forced it down. One of the bookshelves in Brooklin's study rolled open. Brooklin stood as he saw the two girls in the entry. 

"Kiana. What's going on." he walked over to his sister, clearly ignoring Eloise. 

"Invaders, Brook. One of them tried to kill me already." Brooklin's worried expression became stern. "When?" he asked, his soon-to-be-king brain clicking into gear. 

"Nearly ten minutes ago." Kiana grabbed her brother's arm. 

"I'm sounding the alarm." Brooklin paced onto the balcony of his study and yelled a few code words at the guards on the roof. An extremely loud alarm began to ring throughout the palace. There was no way anybody was sleeping through it. 

Within a matter of moments the entire castle was abuzz. Brooklin kissed his sister on the top of her forehead and ran off to get the military in order. Kiana and Eloise disappeared through the passage once more. 

"What now?" Eloise asked as they ran. 

"We go and find the other princesses." Kiana said, slowly running out of breath. "Brooklin is busy with the troops and my parents will be in the safe chambers by now. They won't know what to do."

All eleven foreign princesses stayed in the east part of the third floor. All of them (with the exception of Eloise) were standing in their common area chatting frantically. However, they all immediately silenced themselves when they saw the wall open and two girls step out. 

"Ladies, we don't have much time. There are invaders in our castle, and we have to go to the safe chambers right now." Kiana said with a level of authority that made her want to smile. Some of the girls nodded and gave her a look of appreciation. Others looked like they were going to burst into tears. 

"Follow us." Kiana turned around and started to rush through the passage, Eloise on her tail and ten other princesses jogging behind them. A few minutes passed and a few staircases were trekked. 

Finally, Kiana found the entrance to the safe chambers. They were specially built rooms that were much like suites, however they had concrete walls, stainless steel siding and a lot of secret military equipment. All the girls filed into the hallway. It was much brighter inside, and there was less fear in the air. There were over twenty rooms, so Kiana let the girls choose somewhere to stay and let them be. Kiana and Eloise shared a hug for the first time and took rooms across from each other. 

Kiana sat down on a bed that was much like her own. It was slightly stiffer, due to the fact that it hadn't been used in almost a decade. A decade. Kiana sighed. She remembered the last time their castle was invaded. She was a mere seven years old when two guards snatched her and her eleven-year-old brother and brought them to the safe chambers. Kiana had cried for hours, wondering why she was trapped in a secret room and where her parents were. Brooklin cried a little too, though he'd never admit it. 

Time passed, and Kiana grew more and more tired. She eventually slipped of a few layers of her beautiful gown Amrulette had helped her with only hours before. She pulled herself under the covers and after a lot of waiting, sleep finally came. 


Hey guys! I'm really liking these 'action' chapters, so you'll probably see a lot more of these in the future! Previously I said that I would let one of you decide the plot for this chapter, however (I'm such a drama queen and it's only been a few days, I know) I haven't gotten any suggestions, which is fine. However, my other two contests are still standing!! Thank you guys again, for everything. Oh! And I have some news! I am now a writer for @TruthMagazine !!! I'm sooooo excited and so far I LOVE every member of the Truth team and the family they've created. If you want to read my article, check out TRUTH's profile and read our May issue! See you guys in the next chapter!

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