If it's meant to be!

72 6 5

It's because I miss you

Oh how long it seems to be

It's because I miss you

Thoughts of you come back to me

Lucas's flight had just landed at the airport and as he departed the flight he sighed with relief as he reached the destination of his search. He took few moments to collect himself & took long breathes. He turned to walk where his luggage was but instead he ran into someone who was talking to a girl. The impact wasn't much yet the other person seemed angry. Lucas first reflex was to say sorry only to be glared at. The boy went away without much regard for him.

-"Idiot and a jerk!"

The girl who was still there heard that and just laughed out. Lucas did forget about the girl. After hearing someone laugh he turned around; the girl smiled and said,

-"Sorry for that!! He's not in the good mood right now. Anyways, I'm Ruby Price."

Lucas was relief that the girl was letting go of his insult toward the boy. He smiled and replied,

-"But he is an idiot. A jerk to be exact..... I'm Lucas Castellis."

Lucas extended his hand & added,

-"Nice to meet you, Ruby. Now I need to go find my luggage."

-"See you around then."

Ruby bid him farewell when he saw his brother coming back in the lounge & god he wasn't pleased to see that Ruby was still with that boy. Ruby ran toward his brother who whispered something & she went ahead of him. Lucas maintains the eye contact with the boy for few seconds but then walked away to collect his luggage. The other boy went out too. After collecting his belonging, Lucas walked out of the gate of the airport to be welcomed by the cold air of December in Westwood. He was anticipating cold weather but not this much. He gathered his arms around him to wait for a cab. As he was getting in the cab he thought that he saw the idiot but he gave no regard to it and the cab drove away to the address given.

Lucas was living in a shared Victorian style house which was owned by one of the residents who inherited it from his grandfather. His residence was arranged by one of his friend who was like his brother when he decided that he would go search for his parents in Westwood. After coming to town he did two absolutely necessary things, i) to get a part-time job at a cake shop which caught his eye the very first day and ii) to stealthy go to his new school without catching anyone's attention because he isn't here for trouble. He also got a job as an assistant teacher in baking class that is held in the same bakery. He also meets someone there by good coincidence; Ruby Price, the girl he met at the airport was now enrolled in that baking class which by now he understands takes very few, fine people in the class. And he was also remotely aware of Ruby's crush on him.

The classes were on weekends to accommodate all the people who attended them. Ruby was running late on Saturday class & she had no choice than to disturb his brother & ask him to take him to class. Ruby usually went with her driver but he took a sick leave for the weekend. Ruby bit her lips while she heard a dial tone on the other side of the phone. Right now she was calling her mother as she was her best choice. She doesn't want to miss a chance to meet Lucas at any rate. Indeed, the little rebellious princess was successful because she soon saw her brother out of room in the staircase; definitely not very pleased. He took his keys from the bowl near the door as he called her to hurry up. Ruby knew better to test his patience. The devil once took the trouble to detour just to make sure she was late to school; even he was late himself. That devil was Dominic Price; the golden heir of golden couple Julian & Clara Price. Dominique stood tall at 6 feet 2 inch where he had dark chestnut hairs like his father & the beautiful eye with a combination of deep green with freckles of blue in them. He had six packs all due to his involvement with school basketball team, his last year in the school team. The thing was that devil knew he was handsome & used it to his advantage all the time that's why he was in such a trouble; hence the fool mood.

Dominic drove toward the bakery where Ruby's classes were held. He saw her sister all jitters; like she was very excited about something. He didn't have good vibes about it at all. As soon as he parked the car, her sister got out of the car & fast walked toward the bakery gate. He followed her sister inside because why not she's his little sister. As he went in he visibly cringed; it no rocket science to say that Dominic didn't really like cakes, of any kind; he hated them, despise to be exact.

He went in where the classes were held & as soon as she saw who was inside; his idea of going back as soon as he dropped Ruby away was dismantled. What unfolded in front of him argued him to dig a whole & hide there as he saw her little sister giving a chocolate box to the boy but he felt relieved as the boy refused to take the box & smiled at Ruby which made Dominic click his tongue. Suddenly, he felt himself being tugged by his sister; he let himself be dragged away. Soon, he was face to face with the boy who rejected the chocolate box. He sighed as his sister started to introduce them,

-"Bro, This is Lucas. He is an assistant teacher here."

Dominic saw the boy who was standing in front of him. The first thing that caught Dominic's eye was his red hairs, the subtle red hair and he had the green eye but different then Dominic's & he didn't fail to notice a small difference in their heights; he could easily be around 5'-11'' or 6' himself. He also noticed how the boy was missing his headphones that he had on at the airport. He noticed a lot about the boy. He just remembered that maybe it was his red hair that caught his interest on the airport when they were saying goodbye to their mother but he rejected his thought & pretend to meet him for the first time.

Ruby continued with her introductions,

-"Lucas, this is my brother whom I usually told you about. His name....."

Dominic cut Ruby her,

-" Dominic Price. You?"

Dominic extended his hand.

-" Lucas Castellis."

-" Nice to meet you, Lucas."

-"Nice to meet you too, Dominic".

At this point, both were shaking hands. Ruby was already busy with friends in baking something. Lucas showed him where Dominic could wait for the next three hours. Right, when Lucas was going back to the students Dominic holds his wrist & said,

-" I know you. Don't I?"

-"Yeah! Say sorry & I'll tell you."

Dominic was perplexed because he never said sorry first; the apology always came from the other side first but he also wanted to know why this redhead gave him such a familiar feeling; he didn't even get this feeling from his friends.

-"I won't!"

Was Dominic's answer. Lucas just smiled and said,

-"Yeah! I figured. See you around, Nic."

And nobody but a close friend or family could call him Nic.

Once we walked together
From the fields up to the door
Promised love forever
I remember that day still
It's because I love you
I'll come home to you one day
It's because I love you
In my thoughts you'll always stay

Ooh, Do what you wanna do, be what you wanna be yeah


This is the first re-write! I hope it's good now!

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