"Where is Lu?"

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry for the late update but you know I was lazy plus busy with planning a very dear friend's wedding so yeah those are my excuses!!

They're going to be grammar & spelling mistakes. Don't be a grammar nazi & Enjoy!!


♬I know I've given up

A hundred times before
But I know a miracle
Is not something to ignore♬

After the lunch, they all had their own classes. As school ended they all met in parking except Lucas. Dominic's eye was constantly searching for a mess of red hair even when he was talking to the others. After confirming that Lucas might not come out at all; he drove away same as others.

One of the perks of being an art student in Raven High school was the access to all the facilities on the campus that included student's own studios to allow them to work on their own pace. Lucas was working on a painting that he wanted to submit to an upcoming young artist exhibition and he suddenly felt inspired. He put his phone away & wore his headphones to tune out the world. He had already told his boss that he wasn't coming in today because of his school activity. Soon, everything was toned out & Lucas sole focus was his painting. He was working on a landscape which pops up during lunch.

On the other hand, Dominic was waiting for Lucas in front of his part-time job. He knew that he was out at eight in evening but it was nine by now and he was nowhere to be seen. He finally decided to go in & ask about it. When he entered he tried to locate the familiar face but couldn't find him anywhere. But he saw the girl whom Lucas talked that day so he went up to her and asked,

-"Hi, there! I'm looking for Lu. Can you call him for me?"

Julie looked at him weirdly then she realized who he was & her face lightened up. Dominic sighed and before she could have said or asked anything, he said,

-"Yeah! I'm exactly the same person who was here that day."

Julie just laughed at Dominic confession. Dominic repeated his question again,

-"Where is Lu?"

After a good laugh she looked toward Dominic & said,

-"He didn't show up today. Talked to the boss about the day off so he isn't here. Why don't you give him a call?"

Dominic sighed. He nodded his head at her suggestion & left the bakery. He went back to the car & dropped his head at the steering wheel. He wanted to bang his head because after her suggestion he realized that he still doesn't have his number. He was feeling that Lucas was avoiding him. He wanted to thank you him for what his help. But he was thinking that he was ditched. He didn't like that. He liked Lucas's company. He felt like he knew him for a long time. He was desperate now.

He was about to give up when his phone rang like God answered all his prayers and he quickly picked up without even checking whom it was, hoping it was Lucas but alas it was Abigail.

-"Why don't you come over? Noah & Isaac already here. Bring Lucas too."

He sighed. He said,

-"As soon as I can find him."

-"What are you saying? Lucas is in his studio."

-"What? How do you know?"

-"I'm Abigail."

Dominic sighed. Though it wasn't the answer he was looking for, at least he knew where the boy was now. He exasperatedly said,

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