"Yeah! We already met."

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I like bananas and you like banahnahs
I say Havana and I get Havahnah
Bananas, banahnahs, Havana, Havahnah
Go your way, I'll go mine

Isaac departure kinda left everyone in silent. Noah just sighed when he turned toward the red hair boy & suddenly all eyes were on Lucas who felt like deer caught in the headlight. Noah took the liberty & introduced himself. He said,

-"I'm Noah, Noah Parker. Nice to meet you."

There was a smile placed on his face then Lucas introduced himself,

-"Lucas Castellis. Nice to meet you too."

Lucas & Noah shake hands when Benjamin jumped in and said,

-" Benjamin Bones, You can call me Ben. That's my sister Abigail."

- "Nice to meet you both."

Lucas laughed as he answered. Now everyone was attentive toward Dominic to see what he would do because they were sure that Dominic & Lucas haven't met face to face or else why would they ignore each other. Nobody ignores Dominic or as they thought. Dominic just sighed as he said,

-"We already met. Right, Lucas?"

He eyed Lucas as a way to urge him to tell the truth then Lucas said,

-"Yeah! We already met."


Dominic just shrugged. Like saying told you, people. But they were really impressed by Lucas who didn't give a damn about who Lucas was. It acted like a green light for all of them to accept Lucas wholeheartedly as they met very few people who didn't want something from them. Then Noah asked the million dollar question which Abi was dying to know but didn't want to be seen as rude.

-"Are you new in school? Never saw you before."

Dominic noticed Lucas smile fading for a moment but it was back before anybody could have noticed.

-"Yeah! Just came here a week ago."

-"Really? Which year did you transfer in?"

Ben added his question. Lucas answered,

¬-" Senior year."

That made their eye pop out. Noah involuntarily exclaimed,

-"Isn't it like last three month of the senior year remaining? Why now?"

Now that made Lucas quite. He didn't answer & Dominic easily sensed him fidgeting so he just asks another question to divert everyone's attention.

-"You know Abi's cousin?"

Well, that was also a million dollar questions. Why are all the questions million dollars about him? He thought to himself.

-"I got to know him through my part-time job back in London."

-"Have lunch with me today, all of you can go ahead."

It was Abi who answered Lucas & her looks made sure no one asks any other question. The others left them alone as the boys decided to move to the parking lot & wait for them there. They were not going to leave their friend with someone they just met even though he knows their cousin. It's not like that among them.

-"What was John thinking sending you here like this?? I'm not mad at you Lucas. I'm really not but waking up to a ton of missed calls & messages kinda makes you worry as if someone died. It's confirmed that he lost his mind."

Abi mumbles as they started they walk to the exit. Lucas smiled at Abi as he saw her frowning but she all her demeanor showed that she was extremely worried about him or John. No wonder he was sure that Abi would help him if no one else did. He trusted Abi to that level.

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