"Oh! That. And?"

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If you love somebody

Better tell them why they're here 'cause

They just may run away from you

At lunch, Dominic noticed how all his friend got really comfortable with Lucas as if they know him for years. He was happy. At least, something good happened but then he sighed as he realized that Lucas didn't talk to him much or made any eye contact him; it was like he was avoiding him even when they were sitting at the same table.

Lucas loved all of them but one person. He didn't want to mingle with him because after meeting him again in the bakery he heard a few things about him from the bakery staff & his good old rational mind told him to stay away from him & that's what he decided to; well he's trying to, at least.

After some time, they decided that it was time to leave as Noah already said he has something to do & Lucas also had to go to his part-time job. No reason to be late. So they all stood up after Abi paid a hefty bill of all of their food.

All was good until they met Ava at the entrance. Literally, everyone rolled their eyes as she latched herself on Dominic's arm and Lucas had no idea about what kind of ordeal the girl was for the rest; he felt the aura changing from happy to chilling in a matter of seconds as she came. She placed a kiss on Dominic's cheek & eyed Lucas. Lucas felt a shiver ran down his spine but to say Lucas would fear that kind of person was an understatement. He saw these types of people & he knows very well how to handle them but he didn't do anything because apparently idiot jerk was friend with the crazy girl. Lucas checked his time on his watch when he realized that if he didn't get going he would be late. So, he pushed Dominic & the girl out of door & apologized,

-"I need to get going or I'd be really late. See ya around."

Before he could have moved far away from the group, Dominic holds his wrist & said,

-"I said I would drop you before."

He detached himself from Ava with much difficulty & stood beside him. Lucas stared at him but said nothing. Ava was fuming; she turned on her heels & walked away.

Dominic sighed in relief but not for long when he saw that Lucas was staring at him. He immediately turned his head toward others who were barely holding their laughs. Finally Ben said it,

-"You saw her face. It was red like an angry bull. Thank god she didn't run after us."

That's when Lucas chipped in,

-"I know I've been used as an escape goat so tell me who was she & why the hell she thinks she can look down on me?"

Everyone turned toward Dominic, waiting for him to answer & when he saw no escape he answered,

-"She is my ex-girlfriend who's not ready to accept the breakup & the reason she looks down a lot of people is that she's from Blue family."

After his answer, Lucas raised his brow that said are you serious & he said while looking toward Dominic,

-"Ohh! Like someone else I met."

Nobody knew the context of this so they let it go but Dominic felt that. He was sure by now that no matter what everyone saying; he isn't on good term with Lucas or the other case is Lucas doesn't want to have anything to do with him & he's just enduring his existence because of others.

While Dominic was busy with his mind; Ben placed an arm around Lucas from the other side, which waked up Dominic. He stared at Lucas for some time & then at Ben. He distanced himself from the duo.

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