The Introduction

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"Fifth floor, room number nine. This must be it."
The piece of paper creased in her palm as she lifted the other to knock. A low and deep voice called from the other side of the tinted glass, "come in" and with that she braced herself for the worst.

"I am so sorry I missed the first class of the semester. My car broke down and I had the worst weekend, I just lost track of time and I got lost when I got here, I had no idea where the seminar was taking place." She spoke all at once, catching her breath for the first time in what felt like minutes, maybe even hours.

"You are?" The deep voice spoke again and only then had she lifted her head to meet his gaze. Stumbling slightly where she stood, she was taken aback by his striking features.

You've done well here. Great choice in picking this class. I suppose you didn't have a choice anyway but even still. Check out the muscles, I bet they're rock hard underneath that white shirt. What would it feel like to run your hands through his dark hair? Mmn, his mouth must taste like passion and cigars.

Lina thought to herself as her mind blossomed with fantasies.

Snap out of it, you can check him out later. Answer the man Lina!

"I'm um, I am.. Shit who am I?" Not doing so well here are we? Focus Lina, focus.

"Lina?" She asked more than stated. His brow rose in question and she tried again. "My name is Lina Blix. I take your class."

"Which one?" The professor spoke again and she gave herself a mental face palm.

"Literature." Lina smiled awkwardly hoping her professor would ignore the blonde moment she just had.

"Well, Miss Blix - don't be late to the next seminar. I trust by then you'll have found where it is." Lina nodded frantically as she gulped down the saliva that had pooled in her mouth. Was it nerves or was she just salivating at the God like sight that was before her?

"Is there any way I can catch up on the one I missed today?" Lina questioned, hoping to sound more like a determined student and less like a lazy sloppy one.

"Everything that you missed is online. If you have any further questions you can email me or save them for the next seminar. Please shut the door as you leave." Well alright then professor. You don't have to tell me twice!

Lina took that as her cue to leave, exiting his office and shutting the door as instructed. What a great first impression (!)

"Great. Just great." Having left the university and driven literally ten minutes down the road, the car had given up and stopped in it's tracks yet again. "That money sucking mechanic owes me money. Stupid car didn't even last a week!" Lina sighed and sat there contemplating her next move. She was exhausted from the day and all she wanted was to get home and snuggle up in her warm bed with a cold glass of wine. If only things were that easy! Hearing a car horn beep beside her, she turned to her left and wound down the window to find her neighbour Cole in the car beside her. "Need a ride?"

"Thank you, again." Lina spoke as she rummaged through her bag for her keys, finding them tucked away in the inner zip.

"No problem. I'll check out your car tomorrow if that's cool?" Cole was a Godsend. There was no way in hell she was going to trust her shabby mechanic again, so his offer was not only kind but also perfect timing.

"You're amazing! I owe you one!" Lina gave him a kiss to the cheek and Cole grinned at the contact.

"Don't mention it." He waved off and she entered her flat, heading straight to the fridge.

"Drinking again?" Lina's eyes rolled at the familiar voice.

"Go and shove a dick up your ass Harriette!" After the day she just had, the last thing she needed was her nosey bitch of a roommate prying. Grabbing a glass and some snacks, Lina headed to her room leaving Harriette and her insults behind her.

You know you need to move right?!

Lina rolled her eyes at the inner voice, dismissing it with a gulp of the red wine. Deciding to be productive, she grabbed her laptop and sat with it as she looked through the syllabus for the term.
"None of this makes any damn sense." With a groan, Lina shut her laptop not wanting to read further at the amount of work, assignments and books that were required.

"If you have any further questions you can email me or save them for the next seminar."

Hm, she did have questions - lots of them. Hesitating for a moment, she decided to be the good student that she was and open up her laptop and her emails.

"What to ask first?" Taking another sip of the wine, Lina pondered on where to begin. Not wanting to waste the professors out of hours time, she wanted to make the email short but straight to the point.

Good Evening Professor,

Having skimmed over the syllabus for the term, I do have a few questions I hope you can answer.

Are we required to read all of the recommended material, or just those that we touch upon for the lectures?

Are the extra classes compulsory? I have a part time job and would like to know before making any commitments.

Are the mock papers just once a term? Or given on a regular week to week/month to month basis?


Lina Blix.

Finished the wine already? Wow you really know how to take em'

"I thought I pushed you to the back of my mind." Lina rolled her eyes and stood, heading back into the kitchen with a stumble.

"Lina we need to talk." Looking up from the empty glass and bottle in her hands, she saw her other roommate Kelsey.

"Ugh, can't I catch a break?!" She questioned, putting the bottle in the bin and grabbing another.

"No, we need to talk now! You don't need another bottle."

"Uh, I'll have you know I've only had like, what - less than half? So I don't need your lecture." Kelsey rolled her eyes at Lina's excuse before pushing her gently into her room to talk.

"Look, you're still behind two months on the rent. You're drinking everyday and having constant arguments with Harriette. You need to get your act together."

"Are you going to kick me out?" Lina asked somewhat shocked at the thought of her best friend kicking her out onto the streets.

"Obviously not. I'm just worried about you, you know? Marcus broke up with you two months ago, you've been moping around all summer and I just don't want you to do the same now that classes have started."

"I know, I know. I'm trying. I've got some shifts lined up this week so I'll pay you back for the rent by the end of the month, tops. Don't worry about me." Kelsey watched Lina sympathetically before backing down and getting up to leave the room.

"By the way, Harriette needs to stay out of my way then there won't be any arguments. She clearly hates me for whatever reason I don't know, and you know I'm not no punk! I'll smack a bitch if she tries me!" Kelsey giggled and shook her head. "You know I would!"

"Yes I know, goodnight Lina!"

A ping came from the laptop and Lina gazed at the screen before opening the new email.


Read everything.

Attend all classes.

Be ready for any mock exams.

I trust you are able to follow these simple instructions. See you in class tomorrow, 11am sharp!


"11am?! I have a two hour shift tomorrow from 9:30! I have got to start checking my timetable."

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