The Letter 'N'

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"I was thinking something big, white dress, white roses, a floral canopy above the alter and gold accents everywhere." Dragging me left to right, my mother grabbed dress after dress loading them onto my hands until I couldn't see her past the pile.

"Right, mum stop!" Coming to a halt, she spun around to face me. "We need to talk." Walking towards the changing rooms, I piled the load onto a seat and gestured for her to join me on the long velvet couch.

"What's wrong?"

"First thing is first, when are you going to tell dad?"

"Tell him what?! We don't speak and we're not together." She huffed as if offended I even suggested the idea.

"Well it would be nice for him to know you're about to get married. He was respectful enough to tell you about Christina." She rolled her eyes, crossing her legs and tugging down at her skirt. "Plus I've already told him you've found someone." I shrugged.

"Why would you do that Alina?!" Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"He's my father, we talk." I shrugged again. "I haven't told him you're engaged - just that you're seeing someone." Silence filled our space before she spoke.

"I'll give him a call this evening. Only for you."

"Thank you." I pulled her in for a hug, appreciating the fact that she'd at least be nice enough to have a conversation with my father.

"Now let's find you this bridesmaid dress." She stood.

"One more thing, I met up with Sean the other day." Coming to a stop, she turned to face me with a fake surprised look.

"Oh you did?" She sat back down again.

"I already know you've met up with him about the internship." I rolled my eyes, calling her out on any lie she may have tried to muster up.

"Did you say yes?" She smiled hard at me and I sighed.

"Mum you've got to stop meddling in my life. Especially when it comes to Sean and Damien."

"I'm just trying to help, I'm your mother and only want the best for you."

"I know and I appreciate it but I'm an adult now, I can't have my mum dictating things for me or fighting my battles." Leaning back on the couch, my mother looked up in thought.

"You're right. I'll step back from now on, but that doesn't mean I'll stop being your mother; don't be surprised if I meddle from time to time." She put her hands up in defeat and I chuckled.

"Fine fine. Oh and yes I accepted his internship offer." Something that I was sure Damien would disapprove of once he found out.

"So when do you start?" Kelsey asked whilst pouring us both a cold glass of white wine.

"Next week. It'll be part time so, weekends and some evenings here there."

"I'm happy for you! How does Damien feel about it all? Must be weird now that you'll be working for his father." She had a point, this would only make things much more complicated considering he's been warning me to steer clear from Sean.

Yet here you are, disobeying him!

I rolled my eyes inward at my thoughts before answering Kelsey's question.

"Who cares! If I can tolerate his fiancé then he can tolerate this, I'm doing what's right for me."

My phone buzzed in my hand and I glanced at it, seeing Damien's name flash onto the screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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