The Unprepared

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"Excuse me, excuse me, move, move!" Shoving her way through the crowd of students, Lina made it to class at just fifteen minutes past eleven. Having begged her manager to leave thirty minutes early, Lina had sped down to make it in time for class which to her, made good timing considering how far from the university she worked.

"Sorry I'm late." The room fell silent and all eyes were on her. Scoping out for the empty seats, Lina spotted one beside a grungy looking guy.

Not the best seat but it'll do. Considering you're fifteen minutes late.

"Miss Blix, please can you give us your interpretation to article number 10?" The professor questioned, singling her out even more than when she walked in.

"Um.." Article 10? What the hell is article 10?! I haven't even taken out my note pad, give me five minutes at least.

"Did you not read the article?" He pressed on and Lina could feel her palms sweat.

"No no, I did. Let me just take out my notes." She lied as she shuffled into her bag, taking out her notepad and flicking through the pages as if they had anything written on them. Feeling a nudge to her side, Lina glanced at the pale hand that slid over a piece of paper.

"Today would be good." Alright alright, nutty professor!

"Er, article 10. My interpretation is that um.." Lina cleared her throat, taking the offered piece of paper and reading it aloud. "The article is simply nonsense. Pure and utter trash."

Uh, what?

She was regretting this already.

"Why is that?" The professor prodded further.

"Well, they clearly ignored the concept of relation within the novel. The writer was simply trying to engage the reader and not necessarily have them relate to the character, but to envision the character as one they have created themselves. Thus, the article was.. nonsense.. in my opinion." Lina smiled warily hoping he would accept her stolen interpretation.

"In your opinion?" Crossing his arms, the professor glared at her in disbelief.

Well, you've been caught. Just run for it, go!

"In my opinion!" Lina spoke confidently and the professor moved on swiftly enabling her to let out a small sigh of relief.

"Thank you." She whispered to the guy beside her. He shrugged in a don't mention it way and she focussed back on the class.

"Uh, Miss Blix - a moment please." Lina stopped in her tracks as the rest of the class exited the room. Was she in trouble?

Well you did steal someone else's interpretation earlier!

"Did I do something wrong?" She questioned as she approached his desk with caution.

"Why are you here?" The professor questioned and Lina turned her head to the side in confusion.

"Huh?" Was all she could manage.

"Why are you here?" He questioned again, rolling up his sleeves further, exposing the dark tattoo on his veiny arm.

"You asked me to stay behind?" Lina asked still confused by his question.

"No. Why are you here? In my class? If you're not missing a class, you're late and you're unprepared. It's the first week into the semester so again - why are you here?"

Lina bit her lip anxiously not knowing how to answer. She felt like a naughty school girl being scolded by her teacher.

"I like literature." She shrugged not knowing what else to say.

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