The Recovery

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Muffling as she awakes, Lina reaches to her side to snooze the alarm.
You forgot to turn off your alarm again! Her inner self scolded causing Lina to groan in annoyance.
"Shit. Work!" Scrambling out of the bed and onto her feet, Lina felt her head pulsate within her scull. Groaning in pain, she collapsed back onto the bed before curling up into a ball.
You really outdid yourself last night huh?
"Right now is not the time!" Lina spoke to her inner-self aloud whilst grabbing her phone and checking the calendar.
"Oh yeah, I'm off today." Sighing in relief, Lina placed her phone back down and drifted off back to sleep.




"Whaaaatt?!" Blinking the blur away, Lina looked up to find Cole standing over her.

"Your car." He said whilst jingling the keys in his hand.

"Mmfhh." He chuckled at her before placing the keys by her bed.

"I couldn't fix it. You definitely need a new one." He shrugged apologetically causing Lina to sit up in bed.

"What do you mean? I need a car Cole. How will I get to work?" She whined. Work was too far to not have a working vehicle.

"Train? Bus? Sorry, I tried my best but its beat!" Running his hands through his hair, Cole avoided eye contact. He felt bad for not being able to fix it but they both knew it had run it's course.

"Thanks anyway. I'm going to have to save for a new one or something I guess." Ending the conversation with a shrug, Cole said his goodbyes before exiting the room, leaving Lina to dwell on her ever growing financial issues.

Her phone buzzed by her side and she grabbed it to check her notifications.

"Emails from the professor? It's a weekend what does he want?" She spoke to herself as she saw three unread emails in her inbox from him.

Be responsible and go home.

I hope you took my advise and went home.

Miss Blix, do I have to come and find you myself?!

I told you you'd regret it.

Lina cringed as her recollection of the night before came flooding back.

You might have to drop that class and avoid him forever now!

"How are you feeling?" Kelsey questioned as I dragged myself into the kitchen to join her in making a cup of coffee.

"Like crap! I emailed the professor last night." Her eyes beamed at me in shock and I handed her my phone to read the trail of emails.

"No way! He seemed concerned though, have you responded yet?" I shook my head no as I let the first flow of coffee rush into my system.

"I don't know what to say. I'm embarrassed, ugh!"

"Just say thank you for being concerned and that you got home safe." Kelsey shrugged with laughter to her tone.

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