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Being wide awake at 3am was beginning to drive Olivia crazy, the alcohol she was necking down was doing nothing to numb any pain and she was convinced it wasnt getting her drunk, a drunken slumber would just about do her wonders right about now.

Taking her cigarettes and her room key she closed her door and headed out for some fresh air and a walk.

It was so quiet out it was almost eery, all that could be heard was the clip-clopping of her heels. All the hustle and bustle of this part of town were all in bed asleep for the night.

That was all until the bleep of a siren went off behind her startling her from her thoughts. "Jesus Rick dont do that to me" she hissed as she caught her breath. Rick motioned his head for her to get in, seeing as she was becoming chilly in the night air she took his offer.

"Thought you were staying at The Hilton" he asked putting the heat on for her "I am, just needed a walk" Olivia sighed rubbing her arms as she warmed up "Lori is worried about you, we both are" he replied quickly after she finished, he rested his arm across her head rest as he turned to face her "arnt you supposed to be working?" She replied not responding to him but by the look on his face she knew he didnt want to be played around "I know you are, and I'm fine, besides you got your own worries now with Carl" she reminded him, this was her problem she didnt need her friends wasting their efforts when they had a two year old keeping them on their toes. "Well you know where we are if you need anything" Rick spoke turning back to face the wheel. They sat in a silence for a while before Olivia broke it, She could see from the corner of her eye Rick was trying to speak but each time something deterred him, it was obvious it would be about Daryl and eventually someone was going to bring him up. "How is he?" She almost whispered, she felt like he had died and disappeared from this world they way she felt speaking his name it hurt that much. "He's quiet" Rick responded with a weary nod, rubbing a hand over his face he asked "could you two not of worked it out? You two not being together, just doesnt sit right" Olivia smiled at her friend's words "it is what it is now" she huffed in reply. Rick slowly pulled away from the roadside and drove her back to her hotel but for now Olivia felt tiredness fall over her and she couldnt help drift off as the soft rumbling of the car engine lulled her off.

"You love work more than you love me!"

"I work so we can afford to live!"

"You walked in at 3am last night. Who was you working with so late?"

"Dont be jealous Daryl, maybe if you spent more time with me than cars you wouldnt need to be jealous"

Daryl pushed Olivia up against the counter and she swore she could feel the trailer tilt beneath them, and with a quick thrust he hoisted her up onto it and she widened her legs to feel him closer to her, they fed eachother frenzied kisses as he held her arms up by her wrist, he wanted full dominance of her body tonight and she was not going to complain...

It was hard to believe five minutes previous to this they were having a blazing row, one of many they had had over several weeks. Olivia hated it but she missed him, he was working flat out, and so was she, taking any extra shift going at the restaurant just so she didnt have to sit at home alone. The extra money helped but they didnt go anywhere to spend it so it felt pointless.

"So you never told me, why were you so late?" Daryl asked as they re dressed themselves somewhat out of breath, Olivia rolled her eyes, he knew why she was back late sometimes and she couldnt help it, she knew he was really asking who she was with "it was so busy and we were short staffed so we had to clean up by ourselves" she sighed in response, she knew it wouldnt satisfy him and she really didnt want another fight, it was the worse feeling ever.

Daryl pulled a stern face at her response but it was technically answered the question he had asked, he too couldnt face asking her what he really wanted, a fight with Olivia to him was a pain like no other.

He pulled a cigarette from its pack and headed for the porch. Olivia went to follow after grabbing her jacked but her phone beeped.

Once she saw the recipient she felt a big lump in her throat and it filled her with dread

Upon opening the message she received she was reminded by the past messages

Your husband dont know what he is missing! Xxxxxx Jeff

Can you tell me what shift im doing tomorrow please? Olivia

Its just you and me tomorrow night cutie xxxx Jeff

Olivia, im sorry about after work, I went over the line and I hope you can forgive me. Jeff

Followed by the new message

I need you to work tonight, Kirsty called in sick so its us two

Olivia was now beginning to hate her job, she only worked extra in the past to save boredom at home but after telling Kirsty that fact she then repeated it to their boss who was now taking it too far with Olivia.

When she came home at 3am she was in tears and wanted Daryl but looking at the time and knowing how tired he was she didnt want to wake him. She knew she had to tell him, she knew she had to tell him her boss tried to ply her with alcohol and make out with her.


The Reunion •Daryl Dixon• •Book Two•Where stories live. Discover now