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Olivia felt like a ticking time bomb, still in her predicament. It had been some weeks since she found out she was pregnant and in that time she hadnt seen nor heard from Daryl, both happy to cut contact with one another, it hurt to know he could be like that to her but she had to accept it. She vowed to herself that if she did do this alone, alone is all she'd ever be, she wouldnt become a crazy ass bunny boiler and ruin what he had with Kate, she had to let him go, infact his coldness made it all the more easier to do so. She didnt have to be thrilled with it but she knew she had to do it.

Her new apartment was ready for her to move into at the end of the week and she was sifting through what she was planning on taking with her and what she was throwing away as trash. She chose a three bedroom place, she could easily afford it with Negan's money but she knew if she was alone she could live there for a long while comfortably and happily.

She just had to decide on her predicament, Lori had even stopped asking her in fear of Olivia's mood, she was still undecided on keeping the baby or a termination but she was leaning more to the latter rather unproudly. Olivia kept telling herself she was still yet to find work, still yet to achieve her dream of enrolling in beauty school so how could she possibly be a parent on her own without any of those things? She felt ashamed to tell Lori she would get an abortion seeing how doting and maternal she is with Carl, she felt ashamed she could even contemplate an abortion and she felt ashamed she fell pregnant on what seemed now like a seedy one night stand. She felt repulsed when she thought of that night, and she hated that.

Olivia had felt off all day, her stomach letting her know today, and the previous day that she had to decide and soon. She was no where near the stage of showing, but she felt pregnant, she knew there was something in there and it reminded her every second of every day.

She loaded up her car with what she could carry ready to drop off at her new apartment and made her way there, Rick and Shane offered to help move all the new furniture she had purchased when they finished work one evening but sitting in an empty house was draining Olivia and she had to do something to stop her going mad with boredom.

It wasnt a long drive to her new place, it was ten minutes from Rick and Lori's and close enough to the mall for her liking. As she drove, signing her heart out alebit badly to the radio she gasped as her car shuddered and made a loud popping sound before the steering went light and wobbly "Dammit" she muttered as she pulled her car to a stop in hopes the car behind her would offer some help but instead it drove round her and ignored her waves "okay, dont help the damsiel in distress" she yelled in sarcasm throwing her arms down to her side as she looked fed up at her popped tyre. "great" she huffed as she saw how damaged it was.

Not even having her phone on her Olivia did all she could do and sat out in wait in her car, hardly any cars drove her way which made the situation feel all that more ironic. She flicked through one of her gossip magazines and even attempted sudoki on the back page to kill time.

A large pick up truck rolled up behind her and Olivia peered from her driver mirror to see it "finally" she moaned rolling her eyes and tossing the magazine to the passenger side and she stepped out her car only wishing for the ground to swallow her whole when Daryl hopped down from the truch looking like he wanted the same as her.

"Daryl" she whispered as he almost ran to her, he stopped himself from doing so as Olivia quickly turned away shaking her head, "I got a call about a broken down car along here" he explained looking awkward and embarrased all rolled into one, she ignored him, the words she wanted to yell at him she couldnt, her anger for him making it near on impossible to speak. Daryl sensed the situation and went back to his truck to assess the damage to her car while Olivia leant on it hating how awful things had turnt between them both.

"I cant change it here, its fucked, I'll have to do it at the garage" he explained rising to his feet "well why not?!" she snapped patronising him as if she knew anything about cars "I just cant Liv, you made it worse by driving on it for so long" He shot back, Olivia shook her head " I didnt drive on it! It popped and then I stopped!" She raised her voice making him do so too "Well either way I cant do shit to it here!" he tossed his wrench down in frustration. He walked back to his truck and got in and started the engine, Olivia wasnt sure what he was doing as he revved it and pulled away, she had to look like she didnt give a hoot he was driving away but then he pulled in front of her car abruptly before reversing to get closer. He jumped down and lowered the lowered the hook to tow her car, she still stood there not looking impressed. "you getting in or what?" he snapped not looking her way, without responding she got into his truck letting him finish setting her bumper to the back of his truck.

The tension inside was stifling, Olivia looked out the window as he drove back to his garage wishing this day would hurry up and end. His workshop was empty, and he pushed her car further into it and set her car up so he could fix her wheel. He didnt offer her a seat inside the waiting room like he would should she of been anyone else instead she stood outside purposely huffing at how long he was taking.

"Why dont you go home Liv? Its going to be a while, in fact I wont be able to do it until tomorrow" he growled her way. She rolled her eyes as if he didnt know what he was doing "Great" she muttered, he looked to her to leave but she stood there "I need to get my stuff then" she moaned crossing her arms, Daryl opened her door and handed her her bag. "I'll call you when its done" he called out to her as she began to walk away, she quickly turned back on her heels and marched his way " So you'll call me about a shitty car but not about the baby?" she snapped, his facial expression looked confused and she felt the anger in her rise as she let out a sarcastic laugh "you thought I dealt with it already didnt you?" she sighed in disbelief "well dont worry I am, so it wont ruin your precious life!" she finished shoving him hard in the chest before storming off again.

She didnt get far before a shooting pain that kept shooting rushed over her stomach while she gasped trying to catch her breath "Olivia!" Daryl called out to her but she ignored him and tried to keep walking but she couldnt the pain was too intense, she quickly felt him wrap his arm nervously around her as he tried to help her "Is it the baby?" he asked, his voice sounded shaken "I dont know" she spoke teary eyed, the pain hurting her and scaring her at the same time "C'mon lets get you to the hospital" he spoke scared as he helped her into his truck, he drove fast and he kept looking over to her every time she grimaced in pain.

Daryl helped Olivia back down as he parked terribly in a panic and walked her to the emergency department. They barely sat down in a seat in the waiting room before she was called in to see a nurse, Daryl allowed her to go in without him but she didnt let go of his hand wanting him to come with her. Olivia lay down on the bed under instruction from the nurse as she set up her sonogram machine "how many weeks are you dear?" the nurse asked and Olivia nervously replied "seven, I think" the nurse looked at her with a sympathetic smile "any bleeding? or it just the cramps?" she asked her and Olivia shook her head, Daryl's grip on her hand was tight and he stroked his thumb across it as he anxiously waited the scan. The nurse applied the jelly to her stomach and it made her flinch at its coldness and she soon rubbed the dopplier across her to show them their baby, Olivia felt herself tense up when she saw nothing come up on the screen but then the nurse stopped on a small image, it couldnt be heard but the heartbeat was visible and Olivia fixated on it "there is your baby" the nurse smiled turning the screen for them both to see better, Daryl's grip on her loosened but he continued to stroke her hand as he look open mouthed at the screen. "So it's still there? I havent lost it?" Olivia questioned fast as she worried, the nurse shook her head "You have to take it easy during this time, no stress, too much and its very risky for you and the baby" she warned her "the cramping is normal at this stage, but it was most likely a factor of stress so feet up for you and Dad will have to wait on you hand and foot" the nurse added smirking in Daryl's direction before nodding at the pair and leaving them to have a moment in the room.

"I cant believe thats our baby"he gently spoke looking proudly at the screen. "It's my baby Daryl, you dont want no part in it, remember" she sighed bringing them both harshly back to reality.

The Reunion •Daryl Dixon• •Book Two•Where stories live. Discover now