chapter 8

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Luke's POV

"Come on, Michael." I groaned at how slow he was driving.

"I'm trying! Calm your tits, man. If a cop catches me going over the damn speed limit it'll only take longer." he said exasperated.

"I don't have any tits." I grumbled.

The red lights we had to stop at only made me more anxious and jumpy. When Michael dropped his phone onto the floor, I snapped my head towards him and it felt like I pulled some muscle in my neck. My eyes kept flickering from place to place, never resting on one object for over 5 seconds.

Finally we arrived at the motel from the key. In all honesty, it didn't look that appealing. It looked kind of run down with its neon sign half blinking since part of it was hanging off. I think I even saw some rats scurry around in the shadows of the small building. There were very few lights on in the windows. At least that made my search a little bit easier.

I walked over to the closest door to me and snuck a quick peek in the window. It was completely dark except for a small lamp in the corner that barely lit up the room. I could see a small bed in the corner near the lamp that had two moving lumps on it. You could faintly hear moaning and panting. It sounded old and raspy.

"Eeww."I mumbled to myself,"Not them, Michael."

He gazed at me with a pained look as he nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"You okay, man?"

He shook his head,"No."

"What's wrong?"I leaned against a pole further down the front of the motel, safely away from the old people getting it in.

"Is it something to do with you and Mr. Irwin?"I asked hesitantly.

He shook his head and bit his lip.

"Then what is it?"

He cleared his throat and rubbed his lower arm. He only does this when he's really upset or stressed about something.

"Luke, I'm so sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

I was beyond confused. Michael walked towards me, one fist raised, and with that everything went dark.


Calum's POV

My phone buzzed.

It's done.

I smiled as I replied.

Good. He's at the parking lot across the street in the black Sudan. Keep an eye on Luke though and wait for my word.

I set the phone down and hopped out of my bed. Hannah's screams, muffled by the gag I had put on her, had ceased a few hours ago. I went to the closet door, unlocked it, and stepped inside.

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you?" I pulled the gag a little lower down her chin so she could speak.

"I hate you so fucking much. Why won't you just let me go?" her voice was hoarse.

I knew that she meant physically and mentally. Even after all this I still loved her. Even after I stabbed her I still loved her. How could I not? I have been in love with Hannah Katherine Williams since the moment I laid eyes on her. Because of one stupid mistake she walked out of my life for good. But then I decided that I wasn't going to let that happen. Hannah was my world and without her I felt like nothing.

It was hard to figure out where she had went. She had just picked up everything and left after that night. I had no idea where she'd gone and her closest friends wouldn't say a word to me. She even blocked me on all her social media accounts. For a long time I searched and searched and finally decided I had to force it out of someone she told. That's why I asked her friend Haley out. She had this huge crush on me since the 4th grade so of course she said yes. I brought her to my house and had her drink so much beer that she told me everything. Where Hannah had went, where she was staying, even about her and that Luke. Man, did it piss me off when I heard that. I brought the girl home and told her I'd call her, but I never did.

I immediately left London and came here to Australia. The first time I spotted her was when she was on that dumb walk with Luke. When he picked her up and spun her in the air, she looked so happy. Happier than she ever was with me. Believe me, that hurt. A lot. That's when I devised this whole plan all leading up to the point where I tackled her on her way home from school and now. I feel bad when I hurt her and for all of this, but then I remember that she's mine and no one else's. That Luke will never have my Hannah. This plan was going to make sure of that. I'm not going to let her go.

"Sorry, no can do, babe!"I said and chuckled,"I think we may have a visitor today maybe even tomorrow."

She looked up at me, curiosity filled her eyes. She frowned at me wondering what I could possibly mean. When realization struck her, sadness pooled in her eyes threatening to spill over.

"No, no,, no, no, no."she muttered looking down at the ropes around her wrists and ankles,"Calum, please."

She looked up at me, pleading with those sparkling emerald eyes.

For a moment, I wanted to stop this. All of this, the whole plan, everything.

Stop it. It was that stupid voice in my head. The one that came up with all of this. The one that made me do it all. The monster inside of me.

My heart and mind hardened while I said,"I love you, Hannah, that's why I'm doing this."

She shook her head,"No, Calum, it's not."

sorry for the slow update i've been busy with school and i had a bit of writer's block

anyways i think i'm gonna do 2 more chapters then an epilogue ???

questions, votes, comments???


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