chapter 10

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Hannah's POV

"Wake up."

I groan as I'm nudged a little too roughly in the ribs. That's when I realize I'm not confined in my small, cramped closet anymore. I slowly slide my eyes open hesitantly. I'm on a bed. When you have been locked up in the closet for days, you really begin to appreciate beds when you've taken them for granted for so long. Sadly, it's not my bed at home. It's his bed.

My eyes fluttered open after receiving a hard nudge in the ribs. I'm not confined in my small, cramped closet anymore. I'm on a bed. His bed.

As my eyes adjust to the lighting, I see Calum walking around his kitchen humming while he makes some breakfast.

"Good morning, sunshine!" He coos perkily once he sees me awake.

I frown at him. Why is he in such a good mood? Am I missing something here?

"So how do pancakes sound?" He grins holding up some pancake batter.

I roll my eyes and look out the window of his apartment. I can see a parking lot across the street. There's quite a few cars in the lot, but only one sticks out. It's a really dark black one and I can faintly make out blood red front seats. Its the weirdest looking car I've ever seen. Just as I was about to look away, I noticed some movement in there. Before I could strain my eyes any further to see what it was, Calum walked over and shut the curtains, still humming. He was starting to get on my nerves. Who am I kidding? He's been driving me crazy ever since I met him. That's when his weird mood made everything flood back from yesterday.

"Luke. What are you going to do to Luke? Where is he?"

"Don't worry he'll be joining us soon enough." he just continued on humming and making pancakes.

I growled,"If you hurt him, I'll-"

"You'll what?" he looked up curiosity and challenge in his eyes.

"I'll kill you."

He chuckled and raises his hands,"I got no problem with that, it's only you."

"Fine, then I'll kill myself." I muttered, shaking my head.

I forgot how fast this boy could run. He was over here and on top of me in a matter of seconds. I barely had time to blink.

"No. You. Will. Not."

Such anger was in his eyes that I quickly backed off the subject.

"Jeez, I was only kidding, Calum. Calm down."

Actually I wasn't kidding, I was just willing to say that in order to get him off of me and he did thankfully.

He stood and walked back over to the kitchen to check his phone.

"Any minute now." he mutters to himself, impatience standing out in his voice.

A pattern of knocks sound through the apartment.

"Speak of the devil." he walks over to the door and opens it.

"Son of a..." I mutter.

In the doorway stood Michael and Mr. Irwin with Luke being carried in between them unconscious.

"Luke." I breathed.

I was so happy, yet so sad to see him. He has a black eye, a bloody nose, and countless bruises visible on his arms, but I'm positive there are many more that I can't see. I can only assume that Michael or Ashton did it. So I start screaming my head off. I can't help it. All this anger has been welled up inside of me for too long and now I finally have the strength to let it out.


Calum chuckles as he motions for Michael to tie Luke up to a chair at the foot of the bed.


Both Michael and Ashton had apologetic looks on their faces, but no apology can make up for what they just did. I am shaking now from fear for Luke. I know Calum has something bad planned, I just can't tell what.

Calum walked over to Luke and paced around his chair eying him like a lion eyes its prey.

"Calum, please. Don't hurt him," I begged,"It's me you wan't right?Then take me and let him go. We can go back to London. Far away from here. I'll go anywhere you want."

He stopped pacing and considered this, but when he looked up and smiled a cruel smile at me I knew my attempt at persuasion hadn't worked, "Hannah, either way you'd go with me wherever I want. I just have to deal with him first before we go so he doesn't get in the way."

"What do you mean by deal with him?" I am so afraid of the answer that my shaking gets worse.

"You know what I mean."

"No! Calum, please, no!"

"I'm sorry Hannah, but this has to be done. It has to be done so we can live happily together with no interruptions." he gestures at Luke.

"Please. Anything, but this." the tears pour out of my eyes like miniature waterfalls.

He shakes his head then looks at the two boys in the corner of the room while he nods his head towards me. They both shake their heads vigorously as if what Calum was telling the to do was not part of the original "plan".

His eyes bore into Michael's as he says,"If you don't, I'll do much worse to him than what was promised before."

So, that's how he got Michael to do it. Through Ashton. And those words seemed to have done it. Michael was over to me within a matter of 10 seconds. He untied my hands and pressed them against my back, arrest-style. He gently dragged me to the edge of the bed; closer to Luke. Front row seats.

"Hold her head up and force her to watch." Calum orders Michael as he goes to a drawer and pulls out something small and black.

While he's over there, Michael whispers in my ear,"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

Calum comes back and I'm finally able to see clearly what's in his hands. A gun.

"Calum, no. No, no, no." By now I'm starting to go into hysterics. I'm thrashing against Michael's firm grip, but he's too strong.

He shakes Luke shoulder, waking him up. At first he was very groggy, but I could tell that as soon as he saw me he remembered.

"Hannah. I need to tell you something," he whispered,"I lo-"

But before he could finish what he was saying, the gun raised and a loud CRACK resounded off the walls.

"LUKE, NO!" I screamed as Michael's grip loosened from shock while saying, "Oh, shit."

I flew out of his grasp and landed on top of Luke while we went down in a mess of limbs. He was still tied down to the chair so I quickly undid the knots. I pressed my head against his chest, listening. I began doing my impression of those people shoving people chests down to make their hearts beat again, but no sound came from his chest.

"PLEASE, NO, COME BACK TO ME!" I yelled and yelled until my voice just couldn't anymore.

My breathing was now labored and every second feels like a lifetime. I ran my hands through his soft, blonde hair and pressed my forehead against his. His eyes were still open, but they didn't move. They weren't the vibrant, lively blue they usually were; they were now a dull, cloudy gray that showed no sign of movement.

"Luke, please," I whispered into his ear,"I need you."

That was when Calum stopped staring between his hands and Luke because of his shock of actually doing it. He snatched my hands away from Luke and started dragging me away. This time I couldn't fight. I had nothing left to fight for.

short chapter so sorry wow i cant write long chapters for my life. ugh okay i cried writing this because i mean luke no.
apologies to any luke girls reading this; love ya! * inserts kiss emoji * mwah!
epilogue coming soon!

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