chapter 9

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Luke's POV

As my eyes fluttered open, I took in my surroundings with no recollection of how I got here. I'm in the back of a black car with dark tinted windows. The seats are blood red leather which partly freaked me out. That's when I noticed the heated make out session going on in front of me.

"Ew!"I squealed.

Then everything came flowing back all of a sudden.

"Hannah."my voice was merely a whisper as a stared down at my hands, which were actually tied together the same way my feet were.

"Luke, I'm so so so so sorry."Michael's voice was full of sadness and was that a hint of embarrassment I detected? It was probably from me catching him and Mr. Irwin, who now has me call him Ashton since we're "friends", but whenever I said his first name it rolled very weirdly off my tongue. I think he wants me to because he wants to get me more comfortable seeing him and Michael together. I mean, even Michael feels awkward when they only kiss in front of me.

I had no words. So I just stared glumly down at the strange colored leather.

"Why?"was all I could manage in the few silent minutes after Michael's apology. I looked up and leveled my head with his so I could look straight into his eyes.

He sighed and and snuck a glance at Ashton who just nodded his head.

"He kidnapped Ashton not long before he got.....Hannah."he said her name very hesitantly as if it were extremely fragile glass,"He blackmailed me, Luke. He said he would kill Ash if I didn't do exactly as he told me to."

All I did was just sit perfectly still for some time. I knew it was hurting Michael to see me like this, but look what he did. We were best friends. I knew him for much longer than Ashton; I guess that doesn't matter though. I mean, best friends don't punch each other in the face so as to knock the other out. My face hurt like hell and my head pulsated to the beat of my heart. It felt like my head was a dam holding back all my emotions just waiting for the right moment to break free and destroy me.

"Hannah. Is she ok?"I could feel the dam crack at the mention of her name.

"Yeah she's okay, Luke. She really loves you, you know that right? She asks for you all the time according to what he tells me."

And it breaks.

I break.

The tears gushed out of my eyes like miniature waterfalls and my heart, my heart just felt like it was shattered and the only thing that could heal it was Hannah; holding her in my arms again.

I just couldn't take it anymore. Hannah was-is everything to me. I need her. I love her.

"Michael. Please."

"Luke, I can't."

I glare up at him,"Sorry."

"For what?"he was confused.

"This."I tackle him and start kicking and punching, of course not hard enough to really hurt him, but just enough.

He was surprised at first, but then he pulls something out from under him. A needle? Before I could stop him, I felt a sharp pinch and I started to feel drowsy. My vision was fading away as I heard,"Me too, Luke, me too."


Hannah's POV

"LUKE!! NO!!" I woke up screaming his name; the only name that kept me partially sane through all this hell.

I'm still in this stupid cramped up closet. I keep on hoping that one day I'll wake up to this all being some crazy dream and Luke will be there to comfort me, but it never happens. All I wake up to is Calum's faces not that far away from mine with a scowl firmly set on that cute face of his. Ugh! What am I thinking? It's not cute. It's.....sinister? I don't even know what to think anymore.

"It's never my name."Calum mumbles to himself, thinking that I couldn't hear him.

I just shook my head at him. Why won't he just let me go? Why won't he just leave me alone? You know those relationships where sometimes the guy or the girl is too clingy? Well, that's kind of how our relationship was. He was always too clingy and now look where it's gotten us.

"So I think we're gonna have a visitor today."he gave me a sinister look.

Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit!


He just stepped out of my closet with a look that told me everything. Luke's coming! The excitement started up in me really quickly, but turned into fear just as fast. Calum got him. That's why he was so smug. I don't know how he did, but I could just tell he did. What is he going to do to him? So many questions were flying around in my head like dodge balls bouncing off each other. Soon enough, the sheer number of them overwhelmed me and my eyes closed to a world of hope forever.


ok so really short second to last chapter before the epilogue!

hope you like it!

thank you all so much for reading this! i love you all so much!!


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