Part Twenty: Teaching Sammy (Dean's pov)

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*In this one shot Dean and Castiel are teenagers who just graduated high school, they've only seen each other at school but never really did anything besides gocking at each other, until now..*

"DEANNN!!! GET UP, DAD SAID YOU HAVE TO TEACH ME HOW TO DRIVE TODAY!!!" I hear Sammy yelling from outside my bedroom whilst proceeding to pound on the door. I groggily get out of bed and pull on some torn blue jeans and my green flannel over my favorite AC/DC t-shirt before going out into the hallway. "Can we go now, are you ready?!?" Sammy questions excitedly. I roll my eyes while fishing through several cabinets for the keys to dad's truck with Sammy up my ass with every step I take down the hall, "What do you think you're doing?" He asks frantically, "Jeez Sammy..calm down I'm just looking for the keys dammit!!" I say in an annoyed tone while rolling my eyes as Sam continues to jump up and down like a lunatic. Suddenly his huge grin drops into a look of utter disappointment, " thought-I thought we were gonna take the Impala..Dean?" Sammy says with puppy eyes so I have to look away before chuckling at that humorous remark, "Yeah friggen right Sammy, that's my baby..and I'm sure as hell not gonna let anybody drive her let alone you when you haven't even learned yet!!" I explain angrily. He rolls his eyes before shaking the look of disappointment out of sight and going back to jumping and rushing me out of the door. We leave in dad's pick up truck a few minutes later, myself being the first one to drive at least until we get to the diner where we'll have breakfast. I tell Sammy that it'll be easier to learn how to drive on a full stomach, that was a lie of course. I just want some pie, love me some pie. After we finish eating I let Sammy take the drivers seat, I explain to him in crucial detail how to pull out and how to drive plus all the rules of safe driving. That obviously doesn't stop the moose from making quite a few mistakes, as soon as we pull up to drive out of the diner's parking lot Sammy accidentally cuts someone off. From what I can see they seem pissed, I look over at the car trailing about five feet behind us where I can see a boy in a car I'd refer to as a pimp mobile who looked to be about my age in the driver's seat. In fact this kid looks kinda familiar though I can't quite put my finger on who he is just yet. It doesn't take him long to pass us granted Sammy going at least ten miles under the speed limit but for the two point five seconds his car is right beside ours I get a closer look at the boy with his blue eyes and tan trench coat. I knew he looked familiar, it's Castiel Novak the adorable kid who I get caught staring at too often by everyone except him of course. "Sammy, people are honking and yelling you've got to speed up.." I say in a disgruntled tone. Sammy of course over reacts by practically stomping on the gas pedal causing the truck to jolt us both backward before speeding up a ridiculous amount, "SON OF UH BITCH SAMMY SLOW DOWN YOU'RE GONNA GET US-" I am then cut off by the truck crashing into the back of the pimp mobile. I slowly push away the airbag from Sammy's and my own face while checking him for any wounds, "Are you okay?" I ask him as he looks around with wide teary eyes and blushed cheeks. I carefully put my hands on his shoulders to gain his attention, he looks at me with puppy eyes before he begins to cry while breathing heavily. I quickly jump out of the truck and walk over to his side where I pull him out onto the middle of the road and into a comforting hug, "It's okay Sammy...if dad asks, I was driving alright?" I say to him consolingly not taking notice to my nose bleeding or Castiel who had gotten out of his car and walked over to us where he's standing behind me with wide eyes. I don't even see him until I notice Sammy making a weird scrunchy face and then Cas softly pokes me on the shoulder, his angry face quickly changes into one of awe as I turn to face him, "Ugh oh..Cas, I'm so sorry man..." I say quietly with wide eyes while trying not to seem crazy as hell for letting my little brother behind the wheel, "'s okay, Dean.." Cas says quietly while looking deeply into my eyes. We then stand there for the next few minutes in silence just staring at each other for what felt like mere seconds until Sammy catches Cas' attention by whatever he's doing behind me. "So, what's going on here?" He asks quietly in a gravely low sexy voice. I look nervously back at Sam as he begins to talk to my dismay, "Well Dean was just teaching me how to drive then I accidentally crashed into you.." Sammy blabbers as I try to shush him with my eyes but he keeps talking while Cas just nods intently looking between my brother and I, "It's okay though..Dean's uh mechanic..he will totally fix it for you..uh for free right Dean??" Sam spurts out while excitedly tugging on my jacket sleeve as I stand there slack jawed before turning to him and pulling a bitch face and then turning back to Cas with a fake polite smile. The next few seconds feel like an eternity as we stand in an uncomfortable silence myself being to afraid to speak to the angel while my cheeks tinge with blush, "Uh okay, I guess..where's the shop?" Cas says suddenly breaking the silence,"Oh, right uh.." I say before pausing momentarily while gathering my thoughts, "Okay..I can just show you.." I say while gesturing towards the two lightly damaged vehicles, he smiles and nods before hopping into his car. Sammy and I then get back into the truck myself in the driver's seat this time obviously, before I go to start the truck Sammy stops me for a moment by pulling on my shirt sleeve, "What Sammy?" I question angrily with clenched teeth, "Your nose is let me.." Sammy says quietly while gently taking my face into his soft hands, "Oh." I mumble quietly as he licks his thumb and gently wipes the now dried blood from beneath my nose as well as my chin. "I-I'm sorry...if I embarrassed you out there Dean." Sammy says quietly with blushed cheeks while giving me puppy eyes causing me to pout my lips at him absentmindedly, "It's okay Sammy..." I reply while tousling his hair causing him to smile widely. We then drive to the garage where I know only Bobby's working today. When we pull in Bobby is standing outside in the yard glaring at us with a look of one hundred percent done on his grimacing face, "I knew it was only a matter of time before you got into an accident Dean, you idjit.." He says while slowly shaking his head with crossed arms as we all step out of our vehicles and walk up to him, "Uh..who in the hell's this??" Bobby questions, "I'm Castiel.." Cas says quietly while holding out his hand to him, Bobby rolls his eyes at Cas before looking back at me knowingly, "Is this the boy who's car you totaled?" Bobby asks looking at me suspiciously. I scoff quietly while rolling my eyes at him, "No..I was trying to teach Sammy how to drive today, ya know like Dad had promised to do?"I say quietly while looking deeply into Bobby's eyes as they soften for only a moment, "Yeah-yeah, whatever..let me handle the boys go on over to my house while I deal with this whole situation.." He says after rolling his eyes with an even deeper grimace. "No Bobby, that's okay..It's my fault I can handle it..." I say before he shakes his head while giving me a don't even try look. I sigh quietly before walking back to Sammy who's standing by the truck with tear stained cheeks kicking gravel around by his boots, "Alright we're gonna stay here until Bobby is done fixing this got it?" I say quietly with a consoling hand on his shoulder. Sammy takes a step toward me before leaning in, "What about Cas?" He whispers quietly into my ear before pulling away with a small grin and a knowing look causing me to smirk at him before rolling my eyes and playfully shoving him away. We both then glance over at Cas who's standing awkwardly with red cheeks a few feet from where I was standing next to him moments ago. I carefully walk over beside him and gently place a hand on his shoulder, he reacts by shivering lightly before turning to face me with wide eyes. "Hiya Cas, so are you cool with hanging out here for a bit?" I say nonchalantly with a polite smile. I almost think he isn't gonna respond until he does, "Um..okay Dean..that's fine.." He says shyly. I lean in slightly getting a good look into his eyes, he really doesn't look so good even though he's still sexy as hell. "Cas, are you okay buddy?" I ask him while looking deeply into his eyes. He takes a sharp breath before replying, "I'm fine Dean..I just never thought I'd see you out of school let a lone you wrecking into me and knowing my name even though we've never spoken.." Cas says timidly looking everywhere but in my eyes. I resist the sudden urge to explain myself before Bobby interrupts just as I open my mouth to speak, "Come on ya slow asses, get up to the house!!" I hesitantly grab Cas' hand and pull him towards the house where Sammy already went several minutes ago. As we get up to the porch I stop before turning to Cas who has a questioning look on his handsome slightly blushed face, while forgetting to let go of his soft hand. "Look Cas..I just wanted to say that I..regret not talking to you..I-I've always wanted to but, I just never really thought you'd like me.." I admit quietly while looking down at my boots. We both blush him more heavily than I as I recall my hand still clutching his with absent minded force. I think of pulling away but then he starts to lean in slightly, "You know Dean, I've always felt the same..." He says quietly while looking deeply into my eyes with a small smile as he begins to swing our entangled hands, "M-maybe..we should go out..s-s-some time.." Cas asks nervously, "Yes-yeah..I-I mean..sure.." I say quickly as my eyes light up involuntarily. Cas then quickly leans in where he kisses my cheek before pulling away with rosy cheeks refusing to look into my eyes. I gently place a finger on his chin causing him to look up at me before I lean in carefully and capture his lips in a soft gentle kiss.

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