Part Twenty Five: Thunder Storm(Dean's pov)

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      I'm laying in my bed in the eerie empty darkness of the bunker listening to thunder pounding through the skies during a big storm, I'm completely alone just staring up at the ceiling from my comfortable mattress unable to sleep. Suddenly my door creaks open and Castiel tip-toes into the room quietly before closing the door behind him. I sit up slowly so as not to startle the angel despite the fact that he's sneaking into my room for unknown reasons, "Cas..what are you doing in here? It's the middle of the night, you should be sleeping.." I say in a gentle tone just above a whisper while absentmindedly pouting my lips. Cas quietly walks over to me before carefully sitting at the end of the bed, "'s just.." He pauses while looking intently at the floor, "What's wrong Cas?" I ask him quietly. He slowly brings his eyes up to my own, "'s storming..and I couldn't sleep.." He admits while looking ashamed like a small child who had an accident. I quickly scoot over making room for him before patting the bed beside me, "Come on.." I say in a gentle tone before rolling my eyes, Cas looks confused for a moment before he carefully pulls back the blanket and lays down next to me. I then readjust the blanket so we're both covered before Cas turns onto his side facing me, "So." Cas says quietly just above a whisper, "What?"I question while pouting my lips at him and squinting, "Well what were you doing awake?" He asks with a small smile and a knowing look causing me to grimace at him, "Uh..I couldn't sleep either, not because of the storm or anything!" I reply timidly with wide eyes. Cas then tilts his head slightly while raising his eyebrows causing me to roll my eyes, "What?!?" I almost yell with a deep grimace, "I think we both know you also couldn't sleep because of the storm Dean." Cas says quietly with a small smile and an endearing look in his eyes, "NO! Cas, jeez I was just bored or thinking or something!" I say angrily before turning away from him on my other side grumpily denying the truth. He quickly sits up before crossing his arms visibly angry, "Just admit it Dean! You're just as afraid of storms as I am and that's why we're both here awake!" He says irately fully aware that I'm still wide awake and listening, I just ignore him after making an angry huffing noise just to show him that I heard him and will not dignify that remark with a response. Cas suddenly jumps on top of me immediately pinning me on my back, I try to push him away from me in fear of getting turned on but I don't want to hurt him so I don't do anything besides looking up at him with with wide eyes and a slack jaw, "CAS!! GET OFF OF ME MAN!!" I say apprehensively with blushed cheeks. Cas grins down at me as he begins his tickle attack on my mid section. I laugh involuntarily while fighting against him the best I can, "Cas..NO..NO..AHH..STOP..ST..OOOP..PLEASE...G..A....AAA...AWWD...NOOO!!!" I yell between uncontrollable laughter as he continues tickling me mercilessly. Before I know it there are full on tears streaming down my blushed cheeks as I scream and laugh to no avail, "ADMIT IT DEAN!! ADMIT THAT I WAS RIGHT!!" Cas demands halfheartedly while trying to hold a serious expression, "NOOOOOOOOO....NOOO...NNN..EEEVERRRR...STOP...ERR...CAASSS...." I yell with laughter still struggling to escape Cas. Cas continues tickling me all over, "Please...errmmm...I'm gonna pee...Cas!!!" I say quietly, "ADMIT IT DEAN!!" Cas says sternly, "OKAY..OKAAAYYYY...PLEASE PLEASE..." I yell breathlessly as he finally slows before stopping completely. I close my eyes while panting heavily barely taking notice to Cas still sitting on top of me watching me intently. Ten minutes pass in silence as I continue panting quietly, "Dean.." Cas says quietly catching my attention, "Please Cas..not again..I can't take anymore..I already admitted the truth..please.." I say while giving him a desperate look, he slowly leans down looking deeply into my eyes, "I want you to give me a full confession Dean.." Cas says while squinting his eyes at me and furrowing his brow, "I-I don't know what you mean by that.." I say confused still in a daze from all the tickling, "Dean!" He says sternly causing my breath to hitch, "Please Cas no...okay-okay fine....I..was awake because of the storm..." I admit causing Cas to smile down at me with a satisfied look, "Okay..can you please get off of me now.." I say in a disgruntled tone with a small grimace. Cas' smile widens slightly as he continues looking deeply into my eyes, "I don't know..this is kinda comfy.." Cas says with rosy cheeks. My breath then hitches as I widen my eyes in surprise at him, "What??" I whisper breathlessly. Cas carefully leans down and pecks my lips with his own before quickly getting off of me and laying beside me on his back. I wait a moment before climbing on top of him where he looks up at me with puppy eyes, "Dean..I-I'm sorry..please don't tickle me..." He says with an innocent smile causing me to pout my lips at him. I carefully lay down on top of him before giving him a soft gentle kiss, he kisses back as he realizes that this isn't a revenge plot. After a while of making out I move off of him back on my side facing him. He also rolls onto his side facing me where I wrap my arms around his midsection and he wrapped his own around my hips. The storm didn't keep us awake any longer as we fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms. 

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