Part Two of Part Twenty Three: Dimensions (Dean's pov)

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      when I get back to the motel from the bar I find Sammy and Cas confused as hell looking around the room with looks of bewilderment plastered on their adorable faces, both of them in clothes I've never seen before. Sammy's wearing grey sweat pants and a loose fitting black t-shirt while Cas is in a pair of cotton soft looking light blue sweat pants and a semi-tight Aerosmith t-shirt I immediately recognize as my own. I don't even get the door closed before Cas runs over to me and quickly pulls me into a tight hug while burying his face in my shoulder, "Uh..Hey g-guys, what's..going on?" I ask apprehensively as Sammy tentatively walks toward us with a questionable look. The next few minutes are filled with an intense silence while Cas continues holding me as if for dear life as Sammy watches us from about a foot away, "Oh my god! Cas, that's not our Dean..I think I know what's going on here!!" Sammy says suddenly with wide eyes, "What-what the hell is going on?!?" I question the two of them loudly while pushing Cas away, he quickly backs away with a hurt look until he's beside Sammy, "Guys??" I yell in confusion as I throw my arms in the air waiting for an answer. They give each other a look before looking at me and stepping closer, "Look Dean, this is gonna​ sound crazy but if you're anything like the Dean I know you'll believe us.." Sammy says while taking another step closer leaving Cas a step behind him,  "Believe what Sammy?? What the hell are you talking about??"  I ask angrily because they're being so hesitant instead of just telling me, "Well we-we're from.." Sammy pauses before looking at Cas with puppy eyes, "Another dimension." Cas says before letting out a quiet sigh while looking at me longingly, "What?" I say quietly while taking a step toward Cas and Sammy. How could this be possible? "Yeah.." Cas says back in the same tone I just used before taking a small step forward where he's directly in front of me leaving Sammy about a few small steps behind us, "Where's my Sammy and Cas then?"  I ask more worriedly than I'm proud of. Sammy looks at Cas then back to me, "Probably our dimension..I'm guessing..your Cas leaped into our Dimension with your Sammy therefore pulling us into your dimension." Sammy explains with a thoughtful look in his beautiful hazel eyes, "Well then... but why the hell would Cas do that??" I question still attempting to process all of this. Cas takes another step closer toward me while looking deeply into my eyes seemingly examining me to some degree, "I take it you and your Cas aren't.." Cas pauses as his cheeks redden with blush causing me to absentmindedly pout my lips at him in confusion, "Aren't what Cas??" I ask reluctantly wondering what he's about to say, "Married Dean.." Cas says quietly. My eyes widen as my jaw falls open momentarily, my face blushing heavily as I realize that Cas might just feel the same way about me and he's gone this far just to tell me. There has to be another explanation, if he felt the same he could've just told me or made a move. Then again this is Cas so maybe he did over think things the way he tends to most of the time even though that's more of a human thing. "I need a damn guys wanna join, seems we have a lot to chat about.."  I say breaking the almost awkward silence. They follow me outside to baby and we get inside, Sammy sits in the back while Cas sits next to me in the front, we then drive to the nearest bar. Once inside we ordered a round of shots, three before we started talking. "So..Cas..what's our life together like?" I ask nervously while blushing lightly. He smiled at me and I could almost see the memories in his eyes, "Well we have a big beautiful house together next door to our brothers and their amazing son Jesse.." I cut him off turning to Sammy, "Wait so Sammy, you and Gabriel 'I'm guessing' live together and have a kid??" I ask with wide eyes as he just smiles and nods with a light blush covering his face, "Yeah well you're married to Castiel with two kids so.." Sammy says causing my breath to hitch as I blush heavily. Oh my god. Cas looked at me almost apologetically, "W-we have k-kids together?" I ask quietly while stuttering and sweating nervously, blush still evident on my face. Cas blushes while nodding, "Yes.." Cas says quietly while looking deeply into my eyes as if he were searching for something. He gently placed a hand onto my own, calming me suddenly. "Tell me about them.." I nearly whispered. "R-really?" Cas asked with wide eyes as if he didn't believe me. "please.." I asked even quieter, Cas squeezed my hand gently while smiling at me lightly, I smiled back and the whole room suddenly felt lighter, "Okay Dean... well our oldest is Kyle, he'll be eight in September, him and Jesse are around the same age so they're best friends and they always get into trouble together.." Cas says with a wide smile, obviously more than happy to talk about him causing me the urge to tear up but I'm not going to do that. I smiled at the thought of us having a son and all the things we probably do together, "Then there's Tamera, she's three..she's sort of just like you..." Cas said with tears in his eyes by that last part. I had to stop thinking about it and change the subject to stop myself from tearing up, I can't help but to feel a little jealous that Cas gets to meet them and I never will. "So, what's life like here?" Sammy asked breaking the silence. "'s pretty boring, we just research cases and fight monsters going town to town staying in dirty motel rooms and drinking a lot.." I reply quickly before gulping down my drink and ordering another round, "Oh.." They said in sequence. Sammy looked really upset for a moment before Cas turned to him putting a hand on his shoulder, "Hey let's think of this as a tiny vacation from the kids..we can just hang out and party with Dean here.."  Cas said comfortingly. Sammy looked over at me, "Would you be okay with that?"  Sammy asked with puppy eyes. I was almost shocked that he'd even ask but I guess it was understandable given the  odd circumstances, "Of course.." I assured him. After we were all good and drunk we went back to the motel and passed out, Sammy on his own bed alone and Cas in a bed with me. I woke up in the morning with Cas curled up on my side comfortably holding me his head nuzzled against my chest. It felt nice so I pretended to be asleep until Sammy got up, then I casually got up as well. "Hey.."  I said quietly as we smiled at each other from across the room while I stood from the bed, "Hey..god I don't think I could get used to back is killing me man, how do you bare this kinda lifestyle?" Sammy asked with a pained look standing from the bed and following me to the tiny kitchen where I handed him a bottle of pain killers and a cup of coffee just the way he likes it. We smiled at each other as we both sipped our coffees, "Booze my friend..lot's and lot's of booze.." I say finally replying to his question, he chuckles lightly in response. We both sit across from each other at the kitchen table and drink our coffees in a comfortable silence, it's good to know that our relationship hasn't changed despite everything else. " do you feel about you and Cas being together?" Sammy asks suddenly causing me to choke on my coffee momentarily. " just ask me about my..f-feelings?" I ask him quietly with wide eyes, he looks confused. "What..don't tell me you and I don't normally talk about our feelings together here..I mean I don't know what I'd do if I didn't grow up with your advice Dean.." Sammy says looking at me almost concerned, " we never talk about our feelings..ever.." I reply gingerly causing Sam to shoot me a sympathetic look, "'s never too late to start.." Sammy says giving me an assuring look. We sit there in silence for another fifteen minutes or so just drinking our coffees and occasionally glancing at one another.  Suddenly I realize something, "Ya know, couldn't Cas just zap you guys back??"   I say, Sam rubs his face with his hands before jumping up and quickly waking Cas, "Oh my gawd!! Cas, this Dean's a friggen' genius, get up man..zap us back, can't you??" Sammy yells with wide eyes, "UGH...I suppose.." Cas says groggily as he stands up and walks over to me, "I guess this is goodbye Dean.." Cas says quietly as I stand up to hug both of them first Sam then Cas. As I went to pull away from Cas, he held onto me by my waist for a moment, "Look Dean, I know things are different here between you and Cas and they are also quite complicated but I can see it in your eyes that you truly love me, him..sorry..anyways when you see Cas.." He paused looking deeply into my eyes, "Ya?" I ask quietly as I blush heavily, "Give him one of these," Cas says quietly before pulling me into a soft gentle kiss causing the whole world to stop as our lips collide. His lips were soft and sweet just like I always fantasized in some of my best dreams. I never wanted it to end but before I knew it I was standing there slack jawed as they left. Suddenly Cas and Sammy were picking themselves up off the floor, " that you?" I ask hesitantly, "Ugh...Dean what'd  you do, I was having fun with my new family.." Sammy says as they pull themselves up from the floor. I walk over to Sammy and pull him into a tight hug, "Call Gabriel get started on that family Sammy..." I whisper into his ear before pulling away. He gives me a confused look, "What'd they do to you?" Sammy asks quietly, I blush lightly while glancing at the floor and sweating nervously. "It doesn't matter now, just..things are different now that's all you need to know go on give Gabriel a call.." I say handing Sammy his cellphone. He blushes lightly while nodding before slowly walking out the door, leaving Cas and I alone. Cas slowly walks over to me, "Hey Cas.." I say quietly while smiling widely attempting to look into his eyes, "H-hello Dean.." Cas says back nervously while blushing and looking at the floor intently, "I-I hope you're not angry Dean.." Cas says quietly just above a whisper, I gently place a hand on his chin causing him to look up at me as I shake my head slowly. "I'm not.." I reply stepping in closer before kissing him gently while wrapping my arms around him. He pulls his lips away reluctantly from my own and rests our foreheads together, "I love you Dean.." Cas whispers. "I love you too.." I reply before pulling him into another kiss. 

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