Chapter 2: The Boy in the Iceberg Continued

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The last bits of light from the sun reflected off the ice making it so that very little shadows were cast, if any at all. I was lying on my back on Appa's head staring up at the clouds when Katara crawled over to the end of Appa's saddle, resting her chin on her hands she stared over at me.

"Hey." she said.

"Hey." I replied staring into her blue eyes,"What you thinking about?"

"I guess I was wondering," she began hesitantly, wondering whether she should tell me or not,"you being an Airbender and all,"she continued, taking a breath before she asked,"whether you had any idea what happened to the Avatar?"

"Uuuuuuuh, No." I answered, sitting bolt upright. I couldn't tell her, no, I just couldn't. "The truth is just so, uurgh. I can't tell her the thruth when I, I"I thought to myself a silent war raging within me. But lying to her, Katara, of all people, It was just so, so hard."I didn't know him."Hoping she wouldn't notice my discomfort and the fact that I was sweating slightly on my palms I lied,"I mean, I knew people that knew him but I didn't. Sorry."

"Okay," she said, trying to not sound very dissapointed but, I could tell that somehow I had dissapointed her, and that was a crushing thought,"Goodnight."

"Sleep tight."I replied, spinning round to stare at Appa's head. I had just lied to her, but, I couldn't have told her the truth, how could I? I didn't like the truth and I couldn't even fufill the truth, so how could I. Then why did it feel like I needed to blab? Why did I feel so guilty?


I was peacefully asleep on Appa's soft furry head. BOOM! Thunder boomed in the air jolting me awake to torrential rain and hail, giant head winds that I doubted I would be able to combat, even with my airbending abilities, Waves thrashed below me as Appa dodged their deadly surfaces and lightning lit up the sky like a white canvas. Grabbing Appa's reins I deperately tried to stear him through the storm.

AAAAAaaaaaaaah! I screamed as Appa moaned, fighting hard against the mighty wind. Water making my vision fuzzy I didn't notice the giant wave until it was too late. The cold blue water forced me and Appa below it's surface. Using the last of his strength Appa pulled our heads above the waves for a few fleeting seconds. They weren't enough, In the middle of my breath water flowed down my throat. Gurgling I began to black out.

"No! I will not let Appa die!" I thought to myself before blacking out. Zooming out I watched as I let go of Appa's reins and as Appa began to drown as well. Suddenly I opened my eyes and I watched as what would have been my eyes was now just a bright blue light, my arrow tattoes also glowing with the same blinding color. I slammed my fists together and created a giant air buble that Appa floated into, ice forming around it'd edges...

Katara's P.O.V

I had just walked into Aang's tent when he yelled "Aaaaaah!" in his sleep, concerned and also needing him to wake up I kneeled beside him and started gently trying to wake him up.

"Aang." I said as I shook him,"Aang. Wake up."

"Aaaaaah!" he yelled as he jumped awake, sweat dripping of his head and down his bare back. Trying to calm him, I placed my hand on his shoulder and said,"It's okay, we're at the village now." Standing up I informed him of his predicament,"Come on, get dressed, everyone is waiting for you." As I turned to leave I noticed the blue tattoos that covered him arms and heads, A large arrow ran up his back and covered his head, two smaller arrows ran down his arms and finished on his fist's.

As soon as he was done I grebbed him by the arm and dragged him outside. When he had recovered from being dragged behind me I began the introductions.

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