Chapter 8: The King of Omashu

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A/N: sorry this took Forever to publish I just got banned from technology for two weeks then my writing got deleted twice and well, I'm just gonna stop making escuses and let you read the chapter.


The wind blew my dark chocolate black curls into my mouth, the strangled choking of my voice laced with the mocking laughter of Sokka as he thouroghly enjoyed my torment.

"Careful," I warned when I'd finished spluttering,"or you'll choke on your inflated ego."

Aang smirked and Katara giggled as I bent the wind to slap his face, a small kiss of red skin appearing on his skin.

"Where here!"Aang exclaimed suddenly,"Appa Yip. Lets Land!"

"Yay no more flying!" Sokka cried in relief.

"Sokka! Say sorry to Appa!" I scolded, his hands flew instinctively to protect his face as I faked going to airslap him. A gasp left Katara's mouth as a ripping sound could be heard. A single slither of fabric was caught on Appa's saddle, a giant curvy rip carving through my fluffy sleeve.

"Oh no." I sighed.

"Ling, as soon as we land, you and me are gonna go have a makeover session." she said and I groaned.

"Uhh, I think I might just brush Appa's fur." I stuttered moving to go collect a brush when my dress caught on my throat and Sokka said,"Oh no your not, you girls are having some girls time." he leaned in to whisper, "If I have to deal with her, then you do too."

Sighing I agreed and wished desperately for the spirits to somehow come to my aid.

Omashu! Oh Bumi I wish you were here.

I almost gasped at the sudden mental throb that rocketed through my brain. My head felt like it was being ripped apart and I heard Aang groan quietly.

"What's wrong?" Katara asked.

"I dunno." he shrugged.

'Aang.' I prodded gently, tapping at his mind.

His head shot up and he stared around startled. When his eyes met mine I tried again, even more calm that time.

Hey Aang, its me Ling. Can you hear this?

His eyebrows rose and his eyes never faltered from mine as he nodded.

I know you'll be wondering what this is, well, it's telepathic communication between me and you. You can do it too but you'll have to learn, as you know I've had a bit longer to learn so don't worry if you can't do it yet or can't control it. I'll teach you sometime, and, oh, before I forget. Just a heads up it does hurt a lot the first couple of times.

He grinned as Appa came down to land, his face mirrored by my own as I anticpated the fun conversations we possible could have.

I was about to jump off Appa when I was pulled back by a grinning Katara who said,"Time for your make over!"

I groaned, then flinched as she gave me the 'stare',"I mean, yipee! Let's do this!"

*A Few Minutes Later*

I had striped off my water tribe coat and dress so that now I was clothed in my airbender monk student outfit from my years of pretending to be a boy. I bent down to pull up my brown heeled boots over my yellow pants and brushed off my red/pink skirt as Katara peered over me.

"I like it." She commented and I breathed out in relief,"Now, all we need to do is your hair. Do you want it shaved like Aang's?"

"SHAVED? NO! NOT AGAIN! I mean never again am I ever gonna have a bald head!" I yelled back in horror.

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