Chapter 4: The Southern Air Temple

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A/N Hi again, sorry it takes awhile but these chapters take forever to write. You find out more about Ling's back story this chapter and I'll try to put in some of Zuko's stuff. Hope you enjoy. Comment? Warning: There may be some fluff in here. Sorry. Feedback?
I was practically running round the world that morning when the sun rose, I was so excited for the day. We where heading to the Southern Air Temple, my home. I had been building up my anticipation for the couple of days that we'd been flying since we left the South Pole until it was bubbling out in the form of untamed energy.
The first few rays of sunlight where peaking from over the sea when I first opened my eyes, allowing the sweet flowery air to course through my body. Normally I would be doing my morning meditation or training with Monk Gyatso at that time but now that I was filled with anticipation and nervous energy I couldn't sit still long enough to try. Filled with energy I decided to get ready to go by packing everything possible without waking Katara, Appa, Ling or Sokka.
As I gracefully jumped amd danced above their sleeping bags I stopped to stare at Katara's sleeping face. In the morning light her calm face looked beautiful in the gold rays that lit her smilling cheeks and smooth hair in ways I didn't think possible. Guiltily I glanced away, feeling ashamed of my actions and chatisizing myself for liking her so quickly, but, but, I couldn't help it. Her kind heart and caring nature as well as her beautiful blue eyes made not liking her an impossible task.
Stumbling from not looking where I was going I fell awkwardly onto a sleeping bag and prepared myself for the complaints and growns from my companions that where sure to follow. When nothing came I was surprised and rose quickly, expecting to recieve angry glares from the newly arroused travellers. Instead I saw Sokka and Katara sleeping peacefully; completely oblivious to what just transpired.
I gasped as I saw what was Ling's sleeping bag that I had assumed was filled by her was actually stuffed with some branches to fill the space. Where was she? Was she hurt? Had Zuko got her again? Was he after us?
Airbending myself up I ran over to my staff and grabbed it, opening the wings before leaping off into the barely lit sky. I soared not too high off the ground in search of Ling, the tips of trees brushing past my feet occasionally before I bent myself back up. It didn't take long for me to find her. Ling was surrounded by a crowd of bears who where happily sitting by her as she finished singing a song, the last lyrics floating melodously through the air before dissapearing into the the thin grasp of our memories.
Swooping down I watched as Ling farewelled the creatures before sitting down in a rather meditave stance. Quietly I creeped over to her and sat silently beside before slicing the silence by saying saying, "That was some amazing singing."
Locking confused and startled Ling's eyes darted roun the sky until they rested upon me.
Punching me playfully she said in mock annoyance,"Don't do that again, ever. But, thanks." She smiled shyly as she picked up a chain of flowers connected at the ends and began stringing new plants onto the pattern, I recognised it as a flower chain, or daisy chain as I heard them get called, from my visit to the Eastern Air Temple.
She looked slightly sad as her still wild and untamed hair fell in knots around her face, casting shadows on her ash parched dress, her deep blue eyes filled with trouble and pain. Ling had refused to tell us what had happened to her when Zuko captured her or why it had happened to her and we let her, guessing she'd share when she was ready.
"Why are you all the way out here? I was worried that you'd been taken or that you where hurt." I asked her as she wove more flowers together.
Sighing she stopped her work and looked out at the river before saying,"If I tell you, will you promise not to tell anyone else?"
"Of course, I give you my Avatar's word of honor." I said and saluted her.
A flicker of a smile lit up her for an instant before she returned to being serious and unsmiling. She continued,"I had a nightmare and so I came here to have some peace to try and calm down and to meditate, I've been having them for a while now." she admitted. She had? Why hadn't she told us?
"You have? You should have told Katara, honestly I have no idea what to do about that, I'm only 12."
"Really?"She asked.
"Really."I confirmed.
"That's awesome cause I'm 13! Now I finally know what it's like to be the older person. I've always been the youngest or at least younger than everybody else." She exclaimed happily. It felt good to see her happy, maybe this whole helping people part of being the Avatar might not be so hard after all.
"Come on, we should get back." Oh Yeah! "We're going to the Southern Air Temple today, You'll love it Ling. It really is a beautiful place." I explained excitedly as we raced back to camp.
A While Later
Ling was helping Katara rearrange the suplies on Appa's saddle while I was busy retying Appa's reins when I called over to them,"Just wait until you guys see the Soithern Air Temple, it's one of the most beautiful places on earth Katara, you're gonna love it!"
I noticed Ling and Katara sharing a glance before Katara answered,"I know your excited but it has been 100 years. A lot can change in that time."
I leaped over to check the other side and grinned wildly at her,"I know, that's why I'm so excited!"I exclaimed.
Sighing Ling came forward and tried again,"What Katara is trying to say is that you should at least try to be prepared foe what we find there."
I rolled my eyes, Katara and Sokka had told me about how the war had started by the fire last night, the Fire Nation supposedly "Attacked" and "Whiped Out" the Air Nomads and then told me that no-one had seen a live Airbender since, until me. I know they believed that but I knew better, or at least thought I did.
I leaped off of Appa and walked over to where Sokka was lying, still all bundled up in his warm sleeping bag, "Come on Sokka, Wake up. We are gonba go to the Air Temple today!" I yelled joyfully.
Groaning Sokka moaned from his sleeping bag,"Sleep now, temple later." He rolled ove onto his side, back facing to me. I sighed and stared at the ground when a cunning thought burst into my mind, a slightly evil and mischevious grin lighting up my face. I reached down, picked up a stick and tiptoed over to Sokka's snoring form. Eyes bright with laughter I began running the tip of my stick up and down the bed calling"Sokka get up! A snake is in your bed!".
Startled and shrieking like a baby. Sokka jumped up, still in his sleeping bag, and began jumping around in the dirt until he tripped and landed head first in the dirt and dust; causing everyone to burst out in a fit of uncontrolable giggles and howls of laughter.
A While Later
I decided to sit on Appa's head with Aang to see if I could try and prepare him for the temple.
Turning me head I watched as Ling played lazily with her flower chain and Sokka fiercely rummaged through the supplies. After a minute his stomach growled and he grumbled,"Quiet stomach. I'm trying to find us some food, okay?" Grasping ahold of a bag his face lit up with hope and he shoved his hand inside. His face contorted with sadness and confusion as he asked,"Hey! Who ate my blubbered Seal Jurkey!"
"Oh,"Aang replies guiltily,"that was food? I used it to start the fire last night."He admitted.
"Oooooh,"Socka moaned,"No wonder the flames smelt so good."
I decider then was a good time to try again with Aang,"Hey Aang, I just want you to be prepared for what you might see."I said again,"The Fire nation is ruthless; they killed my mother." I said bitterly, remembering that ash covered day.
"Katara, Just because no-one has seen an airbender in 100 years doesn't mean that their extinct." He informed me.
"Still, I just want you to be prepared just in case."
"Katara." he continued looking tired of the argument. You and me both, You and me both. He continued,"You don't get it. The only way to an Air Temple is by flying bison and I don't think the Fire Nation has any flying bison, right Appa." he roared in agreement.
Sighing I gave up and resorted to looking out for the temple. The wind brushed past my face making it cold, even though I was dresses in my tribal Southern Water Tribe fur coat. Noticing that I was starting to shiver Aang motioned for me to sit closer to him.
"Katara, are you okay? You look cold. Anything I can do?" His eyes where filled with concern and his voice mirrored his eyes.
"I'm fine, just a little cold."I told him. He placed one of his hands on mine and I was surprised at how warm it warm, even though I was wearing gloves.
"The Air Nomads taught me to keep myself warm by Airbending, every time I breath out I airbend the currents so that the air around me stays nice and warm, I do it naturally now." He explained,"Maybe I could try heating you up too?" he offered. I was thankful for the offer and wanted to say yes but then I thought about Ling and Sokka freezing to death in the back and politely answered,"I'd love too but, it wouldn't be fair to the others."
"Oh, yeah." He said, clearly dissapointed. Wraking my brain for ways to cheer him up Sokka yelled "While you two get all close, cuddly and warm we're freezing to death back here!"
Blushing I moved away from Aang while Aang called,"Almost their." Slightly flustered from Sokka's comment I tried to cheer Aang up again,"Aang, wanna tell me about some other cool Airbender facts?" He grinned.
Fire Nation Dock
I stomped annoyedly off the ramp of the ship, it had taken my men almost a whole day to get it cleaned up and then we had to go to a Fire Nation dock for repairs where other Firebenders would definately want to know about the Avatar and get in my way. Grrrrg!
"Get the men to start repairing the ship. We leave as son as their done, I don't wanna lose his trail." I informed my uncle as I marched angrily in front of him, the ships that lined the docks a painful reminder of what I had lost.
"You mean the Avatar?"He questioned.
I turned and growled at him,"Don't. Say. His. Name. As soon as the word gets out the Avatar is alive every Fire Bender in the nation will be out looking for him, and I don't want anyone getting in the way."
"Getting in the way of what? Prince Zuko." A cool smooth voice interupted. Turning my eyes narrowed, it was Zhao, my least favourite Captain of all the Fire Nation.
"Captain Zhao." I greeted him sourly.
"Actually it's Commander now." he informed me.'Oh so numbskull over here is a Commander now? Uugh. Great, another challenger for the Avatar.'I thought bitterly to myself.
"Congratulations on the promotion Commander Zhao."My umcle greeted him with a bow.
Returning the gesture Zhao replied,"General Iroh, great savior of our nation."
"Retired general." he informed him modestly.
"The Fire Lords banished son and brother are welcome anytime to my docks. May I ask what brings you here?"
"Our ship is in need of repairs." He looked up at our greatly dented ship and repliead"My, my, that's quite a lot of damage. What happened."
What happened? I quickly tried to come up with a plausible solution as I stumbled over my words,"Yeah it was. My Uncle will tell you all about it." I said.
His face contorted with surprise for a second before he quickly picked up where I'd left off, all the while my brain was working overtime,"It was amazing you should have seen it, right Zuko?" He passed it back,
"Uh yeah, we crashed," I randomly blurted out my first thought,"right into an Earth Ship." Earth Ship? Come on Zuko. The Earth Kingdom is pretty much powerless on water.
Clearly sceptical Zhao answered,"I'd love to hear the stories, why don't you regail me with them over lunch." He leaned in close to intimidate me.
I turned to walk away, declining his offer in the process,"We have to get going." My uncle stopped me by placing his hand on my sholder, then proceedes to chatisize me for my behavior,"Zuko, show Commander Zhao your respect. We would be honored to join you. Do you happen to have any Jasmyn Tea? It's my favourite."He asked walking off with the Commander.
I growled and firebent a wave of flames as I shook my hands angrily. Nice one uncle, Nice one. Reluctantly I followed.
Southern Air Temple
I ran around the bend excited to finally be home after 100 years, to see the Bison, the Airbenders, Monk Gyatso in particular, the life, the laughter, the joy. However when I rounded that bend I didn't find see the bison roaming freely on their beds if grass. I didn't see the young Airbenders playing on air scooters or in training with the elders. I couldn't see Gyatso cheerfully pranking the elders with his students. I couldn' hear laughter, see joy, or feel life.
My hopes dropped and I felt something new take a hold of me, and I didn't like it. The feelings pierced their way into my heart and began to sink into my thoughts.
Holding back a tear I forced out the words,"That was where the bison would live. Over there is where we would play Airball." Sighing I continued to think aloud, longing for the past, for the Airbenders, for Gyatso,"This place used to be full of life. I cannot believe how much things have changed." I said mournfully staring at the desserted complex that was the Southern Air Temple.
"So this Airball game,"Sokka asked coming to stand at my side,"how do you play?" I grinned.

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