Chapter 3: The Avatar Returns

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As the last remnants of the flare fadded into the sunset Katara and I trudged back to her village. As we walked over a hill we soon spotted the villagers all standing at the entry point to the village, Sokka and Grangran at the front of the crowd, anger printed on their faces. Our heads hung low as we approached the angry crowd. As soon as the little children from the village spotted me they cheered and ran to hug me while calling "YAAAAY!!!! AANGS BACK!". Grateful fortheir grattitude I enjoyed their love while it lasted.

"You signalled the fire nation with that flare, you're leading them right to us!"Sokka yelled pointing his finger at me accusingly.

Stepping forward Katara began defending me,"Aang didn't mean to it was an accident."

"Yeah,"I said rubbing the back of my neck,"We were on the ship, and there was booby traps, and, well, we boobied right into them."I explained, remembering my foolishness and then the scary but joyful sensation of carrying Katara to safety.

"AHA!"Sokka yelled triumphantly."The traitor confesses. Warriors away from the enemy." The children sadly walked back towards him,"The Airbender is banished from our village." Banished? But, but, that would mean that I would never be able to see Katara ever again. I would never be able to see her bright smile and go penguin sledding with the girl who woke me from the ice ever again.

Not about to let that happen Katara, anger written all over her face argued with Sokka,"Sokka no. You can't do this! Can't you see? Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time, Fun."

"You can't fight firebenders with fun."Sokka replied, folding his arms over his chest.

"You should try it sometime." I replied, trying to ease the mood.

"Get. Out."He replied, cleary agitated.

"Grangran please!"she pleaded,"Don't let Sokka do this."

"Katara, you knew you shouldn't be on that boat and yet you did,"Grangran answered sternly,"Sokka is right, I think it best the airbender leaves."

"FINE!"She cried, her voice wavering with emotion,"Then I'm banished too." Turning she grabbed be my the arm and began walking towards Appa,dragging me along behind her,"Come on Aang, you're taking me to the South Pole."

"I am?"I said confused. ME transporting Katara, all that way? Teriffic!,"Great!"

"Katara."Sokka yelled,"Would you really choose him over your village, your own family?" I didn't want to hurt Katara, I mean of course I wanted her to come with me but, I also didn't want her to have to leave her family behind, I knew that pain all too well.

"Katara," I said walking forward to place my hand on her shoulder,"I don't wanna come in between you and your family." She turned to look at me as I slowly walked over to Appa.

"So, so your leaving? Where will you go?"She asked, concern filling her voice.

"I guess I'll just go back to the Airbenders,"I said,"Wow. I haven't cleaned my room in 100 years, not looking forward to that."I said half trying to lighten the mood and half out of my own realization. I airbended myself up onto Appa's head, and grabbed the reigns.

"Aang."She called up to me,"A, about the airbenders,"

"Yeah, what about them?"

She looked like she was about to say something then thought the better of it and just said,"I, never mind, Good, goodbye Aang."She choked on the words. Suddenly one of the little children ranforward and cried"AAAAAAANNNNNG! Don't go, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too."I replied staring into Katara's blue eyes, that usually sparkled brightly just like her but where now close to tears. Using all of my willpower I resisted the urge to stay and prepared to get Appa to move.

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