Chapter 7: Rescue

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I held my staff tightly and I nervously chewed on my lip as Sokka and I waited for Katara's signal. I hadn't agreed with the plan whatsoever but Katara being the girl she was had been stubborn and said she could do it, it wasn't that I didn't trust her it was just I didn't want her to get hurt.

"Aang," Sokka said, snapping me from my thoughs, "She'll be fine, if anyone can take care of themselves it's Katara."

I smiled at him,"I know, its just.."

"You want her to get hit by one of them, me too."

"What? No! I'm worried she'll get hurt."

"Oh, well that works too." he shrugged before we heard two consecutive thuds. Sokka covered my mouth as a sharp whistle peirced the silence.

"Really Sokka?" I spluttered when he took his hand off.

"You guys coming or what?"Katara's voice called out impatiently.

We raced out to see two fire Nation troops lying unconciuos against the wall with a puddle of water at their feet. Katara was busy pulling off their helmets and armour while I just gawked at her handiwork before Sokka dragged me over.


The armour that was obviously too big hung from my arms and sholders as I attempted to move only for a loud racket of clangs and bangs to errupt.

"Its too big, I can barely move,"I groaned as I threw the helmet off. It clattered to the ground as footsteps and voices could be heard coming from around the corner.

"What are we gonna do?" Katara whispered urgently.

"Sokka capture me." I said suddenly as the shouts got louder.

"What!" They cried in unison.

"If Sokka captures me he'll take me back to Zuko's ship where he can get me and Ling out. Just fly close enough so you can see us but far enouh so that you can't be seen, Katara. Appa should know what to do." I instructed as I raced over to a wall. Still looking unsure Katara just nodded with no other real choice and a small yell escaped her lips as I airbent her onto the roof.

As soon as she was over I fell to the ground and pretended to feint as Sokka placed a punch into the air inches from my face.

"The Avatar!" Zuko yelled as he charged towards me and one of his 'troops' who stood in a bending stance above me and began to pretend to pant, but of course being Sokka it was pretty unbelievable.

"Finally, I can return home, looks like I didn't need the girl after all. Good work, uhh..."

"Wang, Wang Fire, I'm new." Soka replied quickly.

"Get him to the ship and tie him up, lock him up by the girl, do not leave his side, I'm not going to underestimate him again." Zuko ordered before marching off to do whatever a crazy Fire Nation Prince does in his spare time.

"Get up," Sokka ordered before helping me up,"Once your inside we'll talk, I'll see if I can talk to Ling." Together we willingly walked towards the guy who wanted me dead.



I sat cross legged with my chained hands together in the closest I could get to a meditive state as possible. My breath came in slow deep movements as my mind drifted.

-Spirit World-

I gracefully landed in the cool green grass of a wild plain. "The fields of peace and serenity," I thought calmly as a small butterfly fluttered onto my sholder.

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