Chapter 5:Warriors of Kyoshi

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I was sitting in the back of Appa's saddle with Katara and Sokka, Ling was peacefully sitting on Appa's head and hadn't said a word in ages. I watched as Sokka lay lazily on his back and sharpened his sword whacky thing as I called it.
Momo sat chittering on Katara's sholder and she completely ignored him focusing entirely on fixing Sokka's ripped clothes. I seemed to be the only one with nothing to do.
I blew out a breath of air, racking my brain for ideas of things for me to do. Boredly I rolled around on the side or Appa's saddle when a sharp pain rocketed up my side. Inquisitive, my hand reached down and rummaged around below me until I stumbled upon some small round objects. Marbles!
Smiling, I decided to tryout some tricks with the two shimmering silver balls. I threw them in the air and began to airbend them in a sideways 8 shape, then a circle, a square, a triangle then a heart when Momo snatched up the small balls of joy and I flopped back down onto Appa's saddle.
"Are we there yet?" Ling asked, startling me. I bolted upwards and stared at our surroundings, nothing but deep blues and glittering silvers that spread out for miles.
"Nope."I answered.
"Are we at least going in the right direction?"Ling asked turning to look at me, the first thing she'd said and done in ages.
"Ummmm,"I stuttered looking out to sea,"I think so." I replied, completely unsure of myself. Not convinced Sokka went over to grab a map from Appa's saddle.
"I'm gonna check a map."he said.
"I really am pretty much sure the it most definately might be in this direction."I assured him as his brows creased in confusion from staring at the map.
"We're lost." he stated.
"No we're not!"I began but Ling cut me off.
"You have no idea where we are going, do you?"Ling asked.
"I know its by water."I replied sheepishly.
"Great. Well we're definately close."He replied sarcastically.
"Have no fear."I called like a circus announcer as I tried to lighten the mood,"Momo, marbles please." I took them from the outstretched hands of my lemur. Smilling I airbent the balls in the shape of a figure of eight just above my hand. "Taa Daaa!!!"
Sokka clapped his hands unenthusiastically and Ling smiled at me. I turned and watched Katara dissapointedly as she continued to sew.
"Katara, you didn't look." I did it again and heard Katara said,"Thats great Aang." without even looking up.
"But you didn't even look!"I complained as the marbles dropped into my hand.
She looked up at me and said,"That's great."
"I'm not doing it anymore."I pointed out.
"Aang, Katara is a girl, and needs to be concentrated on her sewing."Sokka told me as Ling jumped off of Appa's head and landed gracefully besides Sokka.
"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Katara asked.
"Oh, just that girls are better at sewing and that boys are better at fighting and hunting, and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things." He replied shaking the comment off as if it was something you learnt when you were young.
Clearly annoyed Katara threw the unfished pants at Sokka and mocked,"Here are your pabts Sokka, look at what a goood job I did of them." Ling snickered as Sokka pleaded with Katara to reconsider.
"No. No. Please Katara. Please finish them Katara, I can't wear these." Katara smiled and took them back triumphantly.
"Where we're going you won't need pants." I said as I spotted a blob of green appearing on the horizon.

A while Later

I landed Appa on the gold shores of the island. About to walk off I stopped when I heard the others calling to me.
"We just had a pitstop Yesterday, don't you think we should do some more flying befoe we stop again?" Ling said as she slid down Appa's furry side.
"Yeah, at this rate we won't reach the North Pole until Spring."Sokka commented as he landed awkwardly in the sand.
"Appa's tired already."I said in an effort to get them to stay,"Aren't you buddy." I elbowed his head as I repeated"I said Aren't you buddy?"
A groan erupted from his throat as he layed his head down to rest
"Yeah, that was real convincing," Sokka rolled his eyes,"but still, it's hard to argue with a ten tonne flying monster."
A bright flash of colors out to sea caught my attention. A Giant Koi fish! "Look! Look!" I exclaimed,"It's a Giant Koi! And, I'm gonba ride one. Katara you have to watch me!" I threw off my shirt and pants then raced off tiwards the water. Excitedly I scampered to the water, the blue waves beconing to me to join them. When my first toe touched the waves and I shriecked out in terror and laughter as I allowed the cold fingers of the water to hold me as I swam out to sea.
I took a deep breath then dived, a expance of dark blue surrounding me when a glimmer of yellow and red flashed past my eyes. Swimming as fast as I could I watched the blur of colors take form, then grow in size until it was barreling through the ocean to meet me. A mixter of excitement and worry flowed through me as I watched the fish swim past not far from my face before I grabbed ahold of another one's dorsal fin and held on for dear life.
The sea swirled and raced beneath me as the koi bounced over the waves and I screamed in delight as the wind whipped my face. I turned to see Katara smiling and cheering at me. My heart swelled as I heard the feint whisper of Katara's voice cheer me on with the higher shrill cry of Ling mixed in there as well.
Holding my breath, I gripped the fin tightly as the Gian Koi I was riding dove back into the cold waves. When I emerged I turned to search for Katara's bright smile, only yo see an unimpressed Sokka with his arms folded. My joy fizzled away slightly as the wind slapped my face.
The koi dived again and a smile lit up my face as the thrashing fish desperately tried to lose me to the dark depths of the sea and I gripped the rail of the fin tighter in an effort to hold on as excitement flowed through me.
Adrelalin pumped though me as my head broke the waves the cold wind whipping at my wet skin. Again I searches the shore for Katara and discovered that her, Ling and Sokka were all yelling and waving their arms wildly; my heart skipping a beat. To have them all cheering for me, Katara in particular was amazing.
Splash! I landed in the water as my mount stopped abruptly and threw me from it's back. A dark shadow covered me and I turned to see a giant fin potruding from the waves. Fear slipped its cold fingers around my heart as I shrieked and Airbent myself up onto the waves and bent the currents of the wind to allow me to run on the still water.
I screamed in terror as the giant shadow stayed not far from my petrified form; it's lightless shape bringing it's despair upon me.
Ramming into Sokka I let the last of my screams fade into silence as I let my beating heart slowly run to a steady rythym before jumping up, collecting my clothes and proceeding to put them on.
"Are you okay Aang?" Katara and Ling said in unison as they raced over.
"Yeah, I'm good." I informed them as I finished properly adjusting my clothes.
"You sure no broken bones no major injuries?"Katara asked, concern lacing her words. I bathed in her concern. "So now that I almost died I have your attention, I should find other ways to almost die!"I thought excitedly but only said, "I'm good."
"What about me?"Sokka moaned.
"What about you?"Ling asked amd Sokka sighed.
"Hey Sokka, are you alright? Yeah Sokka, I'm fine thanks for asking. No problem Sokka." He grumbled.
"We should probably go." Ling said.
"Yeah." I agreed, I did not want to deal with whatever that fish was ever again. Suddenly I was knocked to the ground, a blindfold shoved over my eyes, my hands tied behind my back.
"Or, I guess we could stay a while."Sokka finished before we were dragged away and tied to a post.
I wriggled around in my restraints in an effort to free myelf.
"Ouch!"Katara's voice sounded as the rope was tightened around us. Reaching around I found her hand and took it in mine, the feeling of her hand sending joy winding up and down my arm and I'm sure a feint blush lit up my cheeks.
"Who are you? If you don't answer our questions we'll throw you to the Unagi!"A feminine voice said. Wait, isn't the Unagi, the Giant Fish that tried to Eat Me?!!
"Who are you? Show yourself cowards!"Sokka yelled as I felt my mask being ripped off. I saw a collection of four girls dressed in identical green armored dresses and vivid face paint of white, red and black. One, who seemed to be the leader becaise hr headress and outfit were fancier ripped off Sokka's mask then went to stand by a man who was wearing blue robes.
"Where are we and where are the men that captured us?"Sokka asked as he stared around confused.
"There are no men and we captured you."The girl I guessed was the leader said.
"Wait, wait, wait. There's no way.we got taken down by a bunch of girls." Sokka replied sceptically, the leader marching over to him threatiningly.
"A bunch of girls huh? The Unagi will eat well tonight." She grabbed a handful of his shirt and lifted him up by it. Oh no.
"Wait!"Katara cried out,"Don't listen to him my brother is just and idiot sometimes." Sokka let out a faint breath of relief as the Warrior Girl walked back to her place by the man in blue.
"It's my fault we came here." I admitted,"I just wanted to ride the giant Koi."
"Yeah, and we were about to leave before you captured us." Ling added in from somewhere behind me so I guessed she was on the other side of Sokka.
"How do we know you are not Fire Nation spies? Kioshi Island has stayed out of the war so far and we intend to keep it that way." the man in blue questioned. Kyoshi Island? I was Kyoshi in another Lifetime! I remember her from one of Gyatso's lessons.
My heart saddened a little at the thought before I yelled out,"Wait, this Island is named after Kyoshi? I knew Kyoshi!"
"Reaaly?"The man looked sceptical,"Avatar Kyoshi was born here over 400 years ago, it is impossible for you to have known her."
Without waiting for the others I decided to reveal my secret,"I knew her, because I am the Avatar."I announced.
"Impossible. The Avatar was an Airbender who disapeared 100 years ago. Throw these imposters to the Unagi!" He ordered and the girls in green all popped out fans and walked towards us menacingly.
"Aaang!"Katara whispered urgently,"Do some Airbending."
Oh yeah. I released Katara's hand and pushed off the ground to airbend myself up to the head of Kyoshi where I ripped my rope donds and allowed the wind to carry me slowly to the ground; the crowd of villagers staring at me with awe.
"It's true,"The man said in disbelief,"you really are the Avatar."
They released my friends and a thought popoed into my head.
"Watch this!"I pulled the two marbles out of my shirt and began airbending them in a figure of eath pattern,"Ba Dah!"
The villagers cheered and yelled in amazement, there was this one guy who was screaming soo much he started to foam at the mouth until he feinted. I heard Katara wisper something to Ling. I wish Katara responded like them. Except for the foamy mouth guy.
Zuko's ship
I watched intently as our waitor carried in a smooking hot fish. A sweet smell floated off of it and my mouth began to wayer as I dreampt of the meaty sensation of eating the deliciuos food.
My eyes never left the redy brown fish as it floated across the room and landed in front of me. I wadms so absorbed in the fish that I didn't notice mu nephew until he shouted in my ear.
"The Avatar is on Kyoshi!!"He exclaimed. He jumped up from his seat besides me and called to the waitor,"Prepare the rhinos. He's not getting away from me this time."
I shook my head, why waste energy on the Avatar when a perfectly good fish sat infront of you? I mean, why?
"You going to finish that?"I asked as I stared at the glorious fish, the image torturing my tastebuds.
"I was gonna save it for later."He announced before coming and snatching it up. I crossed my arms in annoyance.
Kyoshi Island

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