Encounter 1

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Nightwing's P.O.V

Recent criminals who have been taken to the P.D were reported to have giant gashes on their arms, legs or across the chest. Sometimes there would be three stab wounds, some people think it's some kind of animal. Others think it's the Joker. But the marks are parallel so it immediately cuts out the Joker from the picture. Not to mention there aren't any big animals within Bludhaven for miles around. There's something else going on here, and I need to find out before what or whoever they are decides to start killing. I heard a gunshot to the right and decided to investigate, someone could be in danger.

X1's P.O.V

I didn't even flinch as the bullet wound penetrated my flesh. It's happened before and this time will certainly not be the last time. I unsheathed the claws from my knuckles.

"What the hell! Kill her already!" Their boss shouts at his goons.

"We're tryin' boss! She just ain't going down!" Another goon shouts back, I stabbed my claws in a goon's shoulder and threw him into another guy. Ignoring his agonized cries, a guy came at me with a knife, I slid under his legs and slashed his thighs. He fell to the ground, cursing at me. 

"Who's next?" I growl.

"Get her!" The mob boss shouts, the men charged with battle cries. I ducked a knife slash. Ping! The metal shell of a bullet came out of my skin as the flesh re-healed itself. I sheathed my claws on my left hand and punched him in the jaw. I sweep kicked another guy and soccer kicked him in the head. I slashed the last goon on the chest, not enough to cause actual damage though. The mob boss tries to run but I jumped on him, putting my foot on his back. 

"P-please don't kill me...I-I'll pay you...whatever you want!" I sheathe my other claw and pick him up by the collar.

"I'm not interested in your money" I growl at him.
"T-then what do you want?"
"Information, 500 feet under ground in the Amazon forest is a secret facility. Who is the leader?" I demand.
"I-I don't know...I swear I don't!" He says with his hair up in defense, I growl and he cowers.

"You won't tell anyone of this conversation...or else I'll find you and kill you with my own bare claws" I sneered and unsheathed my claws on one hand to enunciate my point.

"G-got it" he squeaks, I headbutted him with so much force he went unconscious.

"Useless" I aggravatingly mutter, allowing his body to hit the hard cement. Five weeks. five frickin' weeks wasted on taking out these guys and not a damn piece of information.

"Where do you think your going?" A voice behind me asks. I turned around, it was a guy around my age with a black suit, some kind of hawk in blue on his chest and a domino mask on his face. He was leaning against the wall with narrowed eyes. 

"Nice Halloween costume, was there a discount?" I taunt.

"Your the one responsible for all the criminal take-downs lately" it wasn't a question it was a statement.
"No sh*t sherlock" I reply sarcastically with an eye-roll.

"Who are you?" He asks stepping closer to me.

"Nunya" I reply.

"Nunya business, birdie" I reply. Ping! Another bullet came out of my flesh.

"You do realize what your doing right?"
"I'm taking down criminals, my way. And unless if you want to become a human shish ka'bab, I suggest you stay out of my way" and with that I levitated myself and flew off.

Yay! I made an actual book and not another one shot series! I can't wait to get this book started! Well...it technically is, but whatever. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, this is Ftfan over and out :)

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