X11's Revelation

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The fandom's about to hate me, but the face you get when you find out Aqualad was 16 when you thought he was 19 in the first season ever since Young Justice came into existence

Revelation: the making known of something that was previously secret or unknown.

 Today for training we were sparring. I didn't mind it. It is good to know how my teammates fight. That way I can cover their weaknesses, perhaps give them suggestions on being better fighters. I was going against Aqualad. We were allowed to use weapons as long as your opponent agrees to it.

"Time Gate, Aqualad. Time to spar" Black Canary says. I nodded. Black Canary was a good teacher, she did everything she could to make us comfortable during our first training sessions. Even though we knew the moves by the age of five. Unlike Superboy, when we were created we had to age. The secret of a clone staying the same age was deleted in the Cadmus files. Therefore when we were created we had to age. Aqualad and I stood on either side of each other.

"Shall we use our swords?" He asks.

"We shall" I draw my sword (kind of like the one in the pic in O.C info, it's just shorter and a little curved).

No way! Lays are so much better than Doritos!

Yeah right, have you even tried Doritos?
Guys, let me just say that both chips are equally good for the following reasons-

Lays/ Doritos are better!

Can't they both be good?
I'm surrounded by idiots

If I may interrupt this totally urgent debate and say something?
Holy crap, did X11 just use sarcasm?
Let her speak before I rip out your throat X4

Alright, alright, geebus. I'm just sayin' that's so unlike her and-

Another word and your dead

Got it!

I'm trying to focus on my fight and I would like to perform adequately


Thank you. If you couldn't tell X6 and X5 were having a debate about chip brands, I'm sure you could figure out the rest who are speaking. With my mind finally quiet I saw twenty different ways I could begin this battle. Fifteen without giving Aqualad an opening. Ten for a good chance at success and five with optimum chance of success. I decided for one of the five and I changed my position so I could strike his right shoulder. That is his dominant arm, I've noticed it during training and around the Tower in daily life. He took out his water bearers and swords were formed.

"Begin". I did as I planned and went for his right shoulder, instead I got blocked by his blades. I jumped back and he aimed for my side, I immediately dropped and rolled under his legs. I swiftly got to my feet and had my sword ready. Aqualad went to strike and I moved to the side, pivoting so my elbow could hit him in the jaw. I was holding back, if this was a real fight against an enemy he would be finished by now. Except he was that enemy I thought to myself. I remember when I got hired out to Lex Luthor and the founding members of the team confronted me.

"What are you waiting for X11. Attack." Lex Luthor commands, gesturing to the heroes that just broke through the wall of the warehouse.

"Ew, you got one of those clones? They're not any fun" Klarion says, noticing me for the first time since this meeting began.

"What did I say? Attack" Luthor tells me more forcefully. If I resist any longer I'll surely get severe punishment in the lab. I might as well do what he says before it's guaranteed I thought to myself.

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