Blue Devil's Faith

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"And now we're here and-" Aquamaster was cut off by the zeta tube. 

"-I was gone for five minutes! Five! And what happens?! My crush goes missing! Missing! Like what the hell-?!?! And we're at the Tower aren't we?" Tectonic sighs after seeing Terra's facial expression.
"Yup, pretty much"
"Ok....guys, can someone please explain what in the hell made Blue Devil run off?" Tectonic held out her phone to show them the text she recieved.

"Who's the-"
"I'm not hearing any questions about my new child out of you Mr. Imma-teach-two-kids-for-three-hours-in-my-lab" Tectonic glared at Thunder-clap.


"Ok? I am sorry?"
"Seriously, who's the kid?" Blue Beetle asks.

"This is Terra, and I'm gonna teach her how to not set off earthquakes in highly populated areas and- why are you smirking?" Green Phoenix, despite the situation, began laughing.

"...that was one time..."

" just said you had a crush on Blue Devil! In front of everyone!" Tectonic immediately shut up, her face turning very flushed.

"I...I...I just...shut up..." she grumbled at the end after opening and closing her mouth like a fish as she tried to come up with a response.

"Time is short Tectonic, but I will recap just in case anyway" Aqualad looked directly at Impulse who was about to much on a drumstick but slowly put it back into the bucket he was holding.
"Hail and your comrade X2 swapped minds-"
"What?" Tectonic looked around for Hail's body.
"Did you consent?" X2 became surprised.

"What? No! Of course not!" Tectonic rolled up her sleeves.
"Time to go kill a bitch"
"Are you crazy?! We need a plan!"

"If we even go..."

"Is that even an option at this point?! We're going back for Hail! We're not letting you
"Fine, but I get to punch Hail as soon as they swap bodies again!" Tectonic calls.

"Very well, but we need all the information about the base that we are going to infiltrate, perhaps you could help."
"Yeah, sure" Tectonic sighs as she joined the group gathered around the screen.


Nightwing treaded through the garden of the Watchtower.

"Panther..are you here? Panther?" Nightwing calls out quietly.
"" the voice wasn't too far away, he turned his head and saw Panther sitting by a small pond.

"There you are, everyone's talking strategy, don't you want to join in?" Nightwing asks, sitting next to Panther.

"How do you know we're going to save him?"
"The moment you and your friends became a member of the Team, rescuing you if you were held captive was never up for discussion. The only discussion is planning out our rescue mission." Nightwing answers with 100% seriousness.

"Even if it was me, the one who yells at everyone?"
"Yes...even if it was you" Nightwing smiled a little before silence fell upon the two.

"I can't believe he wanted to leave Hail there" Panther mutters.

"I don't think he wanted to"
"Then why did he say we shouldn't rescue him? Why did he say we should leave him in the hellhole?"
"He just wants to protect you, all of you"
"How do you know so much? You've barely even talked to him"
"Because, I understand what it's like"
"How could you possibly know so much?" Panther mutters as her gaze slid over to him.

"I used to be the leader of this Team and I'm the oldest of Batman's protigees, I've faced tough choices before."
"You have?" Nightwing nodded.

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