X5's Freedom

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Freedom: absence of subjection to foreign domination

It was late at night and Hail walked into the kitchen. He went into the freezer and began rummaging around.
"Hail?" A quiet voice asked. Hail stiffened before rummaging again.
"Yeah, Multiplier?" He asked tiredly, glad it wasn't someone else.

"What are you doing?"
"Looking for something cold"
"But everything's cold in the freezer"

"Something that doesn't melt but is still cold"
"Oh, ok"
"Shouldn't you be in bed?"
"Yes" she sighed, "but I can't sleep."
"Why not?" Hail turned his good side to her. Her chin was resting on the table as she poked a plastic cup on it's side with her finger. Making it roll back and forth.

"I'm trying to come up with ways to be strong. Like Panther and like you. Hail how are you strong?"
"That's a tough one, can I come back to you on that?" He asks, taking a bag of peas and putting it over his eye.

"Sure" she sighed "hey I didn't know you liked peas."

"Yeah, that's why I got these" he responds sarcastically with a one-eye roll.

"Oh my gosh! Hail your hurt!" She exclaims, getting off of her seat and running to him. "Let me see!" She orders.
"It's nothing, really" he reassures her gently. She pouted while glaring at him at the same time. He had to admit, she was pretty darn cute no matter what she was doing.

"Ergh, fine" he sat on a chair as Multiplier turned on the light. Revealing just how many bruises, light cuts, and many other minor injuries he had.

"Who did this?" She asks, climbing up on a chair and inspecting his injuries. She may be small but she still knows a thing or two about injuries.

"Hawkman, during training today" he answers.
"Is that where you've been?" She asks.
"Yep, he's been training me non-stop. I-I think maybe, he knows I'm his son. Probably the whole League knows about us. I don't know about the Team though." He felt a weight on his side, his heavily bruised side and winced. Looking down he saw that Multiplier fell asleep. He chuckled before bringing her to her bed and tucking her in. He shut the door and he remembered something.
"Oh crap, my bag of peas" he cursed under his breath as he went to go retrieve said bag. He saw something hunched in the refrigerator.

"What the-is that you Thunderclap?"
"Yeah, what's up?" He asks while eating a chicken wing.

"Jesus man, you look like a fricking gremlin and smell like one too" Hail pinched his nose.
"Ok, I know haven't showered for two weeks, but I don't smell that bad. You probably hit your head and now your nose is more sensitive or something. See ya later" he waved as he walked back to his lab.

"That dude hasn't showered in two weeks? Just what has he been up to?" Hail mumbles, picking up his bag of peas and going to his room to go and get some rest.


Hail woke up and was surprised, his alarm clock was at 1:00 in the afternoon. He would be like, seven hours into training now. He brushed it off, figuring it was another dream he took a shower and got his hero suit on. It was a black shirt with a blue trenchcoat and had a hawk symbol, much like Hawkman's and Hawkwoman's. The trenchcoat was outlined in white fur with a snowy blue color for the material inside the fur. His pants were a much darker blue and he wore slippers with motion activated spikes (Though if you ask him he'll just tell you that they were normal shoes while giving you a glare to drop it). And blue glasses made of a see through plastic, that was literally all it was made of. But how did a winged man such as himself wear a trenchcoat? The answer is simple, his wings, much like Panther's claws were retractable. Even he would admit it's weird how they would just appear when he would need them. Perhaps it was some kind of evolution thing? He had no clue. He ran a hand through his hair, making it frosted. He walked out and down the hall, feeling pretty badass at the moment.

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