Encounter 5

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Yes, I do realize this is from the Loud House, but Panther does a whole lot of this in this chapter.

Panther's P.O.V

I walked down the hall, my destination was the training room.

"Hey Panther wait up" it was Birdie, great...he grabbed my arm to stop me.

"What do you want bird-brain?" I ask him, pulling my arm out of his grip.

"Well...I was wondering...would you like to train with me?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow.

"No thanks, I work better solo" I retort, "and besides I have a feeling you aren't interested in training with me." I began to walk away.
"Heh, how could you tell?" He asks with a smirk going into a jog to catch-up quickly before easing into a walk.

"Because the League and Team have been bothering me more than ever. Care to explain?" I throw him a questioning look, I was not in the mood for B.S, especially Birdy's.

"Hey, that wasn't me" he put his hands up in defense. "I swear I didn't do anything"

"Hmph, I believe you" his face brightened a bit "for now." His face fell again. I began walking off again, hoping to finally lose Birdie.

"Hey I gotta know in the alley that night, the guys who tried to take you, who were they?"
"Not important, but...can you not tell the others? I don't want them to worry"
"No problem, it isn't the first secret I've kept" Birdie answers. I don't know how but we both were walking, I didn't notice until the silence came. I leaned against the wall, mulling over everything, hard to believe that the end of the month was around the corner. An entire month...who knew?

"Hey are you ok?" Birdie asks, leaning against the wall next to me.

"Of course, I'm always fine" I answer.

"Well I don't know if you looked at a dictionary but fine and ok aren't exactly the same thing"
"They're synonyms you idiot!" I try to hold back a laugh, why was it that now I was feeling so relaxed? Was it because no one was around? Maybe because the heavy weight that I've been carrying has been lifted? Do Birdie and I share the same experiences? Highly unlikely, but plausible.

"Wait, were you about to laugh?" Birdie asks in disbelief.

"No, I have other things to do-"
"Will the Team please report to the mission room for a mission briefing?" Aqualad's voice went over the loudspeakers. Birdie smirked at me.

"You were saying?"
"Shut up" I shoved his shoulder as I made my way to the mission briefing room.


"Why would they call god frickin' all of us if it was just a small team! What the hell! And why was Multiplier chosen! She's just a little girl!" I paced angrily in the back of the couch of the lounge area. Tectonic was sitting on the couch headboard so she could watch me with her bag of cheetos while Green Phoenix was flicking through channels.

"Relax Panther, it's not like Multiplier is going alone. She has Miss M., Beast Boy, Zatanna and Robin with her. She'll be fine" Green Phoenix reassures, watching a woman's perfume ad for a few seconds before changing it. (They needed a League Member to monitor and Zatanna was the best choice).

"Pervert" Tectonic teased.

"Am not!" He objected.

"Uhhh, Panther are you ok? You usually like to crush Phoenix's hopes and dreams, more like everyone's hopes and dreams for that matter with a big, fat reality check" Tectonic asks, noticing how I didn't stop pacing.

"Hey! I'm right here! What am I?! Chopped liver!"

"Great, she's going to be with Beast Boy, just great" I muttered to myself, imagining the scenarios those two could get in alone, he better not hurt her or I'll hurt him a hundred-fold. I thought bitterly to myself.

Third person P.O.V

The Team walked in the lounge area and saw Panther pacing, judging from the state of the carpet she's been doing it for awhile.

"Is Panther...ok?" Superboy asks Green Phoenix, taking a seat next to him.

"She's fine, she's just being a big Mom right now" he answers. There was enough room on the couch for everyone plus some (the couch was unrealistically big and there were lounge chairs ok!).

"Am not" Panther muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Uh, Panther, do you want to take a break?" Batgirl asks. Panther just stared at the floor as she paced.

"Forget it, she's gonna keep doing that until either Multiplier comes home or her legs snap off, whatever comes first. It's best to just leave her to do it, she does get exercise so that's a plus" Aquamaster advises Batgirl.

"You say it like she's a dog or something"
"She meant in a non-violent way"
"That makes more sense"
Nightwing watched Panther out of the corner of his eye, concerned about her well-being. Just how long was she going to keep this up?


Nightwing barely got any sleep in the Tower, he had a feeling that something wasn't right with Panther. He begrudgingly got up his clock read 1:15 in the morning. He got out of bed and got dressed in his hero suit, just in case. He silently walked into the kitchen and turned on the light, the kitchen had a window that showed the lounge area and there was Panther...still pacing... since it was quiet he was able to hear the words she was muttering.

"They should be back by now, why aren't they back? Beast Boy better not have done something stupid. Miss M. and Zatanna will take care of her. What if they were captured?" She said more but that was basically the jist of it. Nightwing was wondering what to do, sure Miss M. felt over-protective when Beast Boy went on his first mission with teammates besides her, but not even Miss Martian was this bad. He figured going straight up to her would probably help. He stopped Panther by standing in her way.

"What the hell do you want?" Panther asked him sharply.

"You do realize what time it is right?" He asked her.

"Do I look like the type of person to carry a watch?" She retorted.

"It's 1 a.m in the morning, you should probably get some sleep" he suggested.

"But Multiplier-"
"Would want you to rest, now go" she sighed, probably too tired to argue with him and trudged to her bedroom. A few seconds later Nightwing heard loud snores from her room and he smiled to himself and shook his head. Panther was definitely something else...

-Timeskip (I know there's a lot of them bear with me here....ehhhhh *finger guns*)-

The mission squad came when everyone was about to eat breakfast. The zeta tubes went off and Robin's urgent shouts called the whole team and even some League members to the scene. Beast Boy was in his gorilla form carrying Zatanna, a huge gash on her side.

"Put her on here" Green Phoenix made a stretcher and Superboy helped carry her to the infirmary. Multiplier clung to Miss Martian, shaking and whimpering. Miss Martian patted her on the back gently, Panther walked up to her and took Multiplier from her arms. Walking off to stop her tears and shaking. Beast Boy watched Multiplier leave before looking at his feet. One thought went through everyone's heads.

Just what happened on the mission?

Okie, I bet your all thinking hey Ftfan, what the hell? Did you skip a chapter or something? And my answer is no, no I did not. Also for you readers who've been following my story from the beginning, you'll notice I changed a few chapters around because the numbering was incorrect. And I'm supposed to be in Geometry CPA, ha! So I'm going to do the mission chapter next, after I do a one shot chapter *whispers to audience* I'm thinking of doing a Karma Akabane x reader.

After that it's a Memories chapter then Encounters. Until next time mah peeps! (^-^)/ This is Ftfanx777 over and out!

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