Chapter 1

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Before I begin the story I want to tell you I'm still working on improving this, it might be choppy so I'm sorry, but I hope you still enjoy! This book is based off season 1 of the 100, if I like this story line enough I'll make a season 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Also before I begin I want to tell you about the history of Fiona, the main Character. She is the twin of John Murphy and when your a twin your parents pick one to keep and the other gets put up for adoption, Fiona is adopted by the Lawrence family. Her brother however protects her on the Ark. Until he's thrown into lockup and a few months later so is Fiona, you'll find out why later in the story. So enjoy!
I sit here on the cold metal floor of my cell. I have nothing to do but look out my window at Earth, or better known here as the ground. The ground, thats the dream but my reality is I'm an average height 17 year old, with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes locked up in the skybox. The only reason I'm still alive is because I'm not 18, if your over 18 and commit even the smallest crime you get floated. But it's been about 5 months since I got thrown into lock up, we call it the skybox. When we reach 18 we get reviewed, we either get floated or we go back to life on the Ark. I sit on the floor of my cell bored and cold, when suddenly the door slams open and three guards file in.

"Prisoner 389 face the wall." The man holding a black case says firmly. The guards at the door pull out their stick that electrocutes those who disobey, when you get hit by one we call it a lashing. I do as the man asks, because I know better than to argue with someone who has one of those. "Hold out your right arm." He says pulling something out of the case. "Wait I think you got this wrong, just look on my file, I'm not 18 yet." I tell him sounding desperate. "Hold out your right arm." He says louder. I hold out my arm and let out a small cry when he clamps a wristband on to me.

"Come with us." He says firmly. Tears role down my face not only from the throbbing pain of my wristband, but because I think they are going to float me. The two guards that were at the door grab my shoulders and bring me out of my cell, everyone else is being taken from their cells as well. I rip out of the guards grasp and look at them, I wipe away my tears, "Your killing us all?" I ask in confusion. "Keep moving." He says as he pushes me into a line of prisoners. "No!" I scream. I push him away and start to run down the hall, only to be shot by a guard, I fall to the ground, it's not a bullet, but everything goes black.

I wake up strapped into a chair. I look to my right and see a girl with beautiful long black hair, she looks over at me and I realize who she is, the well known Octavia Blake, or the girl from under the floor. To me she looks innocent and sweet, but was born illegally and now has a bad reputation among us. I smile at her and she gives a weak smile back. I look to my left and see my brother John Murphy. "John! Is that you?" I ask. "Shut up! I don't want anyone here knowing you're my sister!" He spat. "I'm your twin! Why the hell do you need to hide that? I didn't even live with you, my last name isn't even Murphy!" I spat back. "Listen I did the best I could for you on the ark and in locked up, now you do me a favour and do the best you can to keep your mouth shut! Got it?" He snaps. "Fine..." I say looking away.

I'm startled by the sound of a loud voice. "Hello prisoners of the Ark..." a message appears on the screens above us, the dame Chancellor is making a stupid speech. "Your Dads a dick Wells" a voice calls from a couple seats over. "Why the hell is Wells here?" I ask Murphy. He ignores me and watches the boy who is floating around in front of us. "Nice spacewalker!" someone yells, Finns here? I think to myself. I try to take in my surroundings. There are lots of people strapped in to seats and they all seem to be from the sky box. "What the hells going on?" I ask Octavia. "They're sending us to the ground." She says. "It's not supposes to be safe for another hundred years." I say, Octavia just shrugges with a sad look.

I gaze across to the other row of seats, two boys start unstrapping there belts, how stupid, if we're going to earth we're about to hit the atmosphere. "STAY IN YOUR SEATS IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!" A girl calls. Finn continues to float around, the boys unstrap and take a spin at floating around. The ship jolts and everyone screams, the two boys slam into a wall next to me, Finn lands on the floor. None of them move, are they dead? The ship shakes and starts to heat up. Then we hit the ground, the ship jolts again.

Everyone goes silent but a boy speaks up "Hear that? No machine hum." He says. "That's a first." Another boys comments. Suddenly all the buckles unclip and everyone heads for the ground level of the ship. Except for a blonde girl who is checking if those boys are alive, Finn stands up and walks towards the girl. Before I stand up they get to the hatch the girl speeds down the ladder. "Don't open that door, the air could be toxic!" I can hear her yell at someone . "If the airs toxic we're all dead anyway." A mans voice shouts back. I walk to the hatch, stumbling a little, still a bit unstable from being knocked out, but Octavia helps me up. I listen to them argue as I climb down the latter and Octavia follows.

As I reach the bottom the boy is about to pull that lever but stops when he hears Octavia "Bellamy?" She asks as she reaches the bottom of the ladder. "Octavia!" The boy by the lever with dark black curly hair says joyfully. They hug, everyone started to whisper about her, Octavia looks mad, but Bellamy opens the door and lets her go out before anyone else. "Let's let them remember you by something else." He says. "Oh ya? what!" Octavia snaps. "Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years." Hes says pulling the lever and opening the door, Once she steps onto the ground she takes a minute then screams. "WE'RE BACK BITCHES!!!!" Everyone screams and runs around like animals. I walk out and take in the view, so many times I looked through my cell window and watched the earth go by. But now I'm on it, I look up at the clouds and touched the grass. I take a deep breath of fresh air. I spot Octavia and I need a friend so I'm not alone.

I race over to Octavia, "Hey... I was wondering if I can stick around you, I don't really know anyone else." I say looking at my feet. "Yeah for sure!" She exclaims. "Thanks!..Was that your brother in there?" I ask. She hesitates before answering "Yeah, are you gonna bug me about living under the floor too?" She responds. "No!" I say firmly. "I wish I had someone that cared about me, as mush as Bellamy cares about you." I say. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to snap at you like that, it's just-" "It's fine." I say cutting her off.

There is awkward silence until Octavia breaks it "What's your name?" She asks. "Fiona Mur- Lawrence." I say. "That's really pretty!" She says. "Thanks." I reply. "My father picked it, before he was floated." I say. "Oh I'm so sorry, My mother was floated too." She says. "Well I'll catch up with you later I wanna go look around." I say as I walk towards some bright purple flowers. I look at them and I can't believe I'm here, on the ground, but then I realize something, if everyone thought the earth wasn't survivable, yet they sent us down here, why? Why would they send us down here, to die?

Sent Down to Die//Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now