Chapter 15

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We walk into the dark woods, there's no light other than the torches some of the boys are carrying. We all search in many directions trying to find Octavia. "Octavia!?" Bellamy shouts repeatedly. Suddenly we hear a yell. "Look over here!" A boy shouts. Bellamy races over to him and I follow. We reach a steep hill and on a bush at the bottom is Octavia's bag. "What is it?" Bellamy asks not seeing the bag. "Right over there, you see it? Is that Octavia's?" He asks. Bellamy doesn't answer. "Rope!" He demands. I grab some from another girl and hand it to him. Finn comes up beside us. "What are you doing?" He asks. "We need the rope to get back up." Bellamy says tying the rope to a tree and throwing the rest down the hill. "Flashlight." Bellamy says waiting for someone to give him one I nudge him and hand him mine. He puts it in his pocket and grabs on to the rope, slowly walking down while holding it. When he reaches the bush he looks at the bag. "It's hers!" He calls up. "I'm going all the way down!" He shouts. I grab the rope and follow him down. "Bellamy wait! Slow down!" I shout as I follow him. "Fiona stay up there!" He calls. "No!" I call back, he doesn't answer.

When I reach the bottoms I realize why. Bellamy touches a red substance on a rock and it comes off on his fingers. I kneel down next to him and suddenly Finn and Jasper come down the hill along with almost ten others. "Someone else was here." Bellamy says looking at the large foot print in the mud. "The prints are deeper going that way...he was carrying her." Finn says looking at Bellamy. Bellamy gets up and follows them along with everyone else. I grab hold of his hand and he looks over at me. I didn't take his hand for his comfort I did it because I'm scared of what's lurking in theses forests.

We continue following the tracks until we reach and entrance. There are polls holding bones of dead body's and a stone path leading somewhere. "I don't speak grounder, but I'm pretty sure this means keep out." Finn says looking horrified. "Go back if you want!" He says to the group. "My sister my responsibility." He whispers to himself as he walks in. I squeeze his hand and follow him in, Jasper , Finn and a 4 other people follow behind us.

We walk around aimlessly for what seems like forever. "I got nothing, I lost the trail. Finns says. "Keep looking." Bellamy tells him. "Wondering around aimlessly isn't the way to find your sister. We should back track." Finn suggests. "I'm not going back!" Bellamy snaps. "Hey where's John?" Someone asks. My heart sank for a moment remembering my brother, but I realize she meant one of the guys that was part of the search party. We all turn and face where he would have been and he was just gone. "Spread out he couldn't have gotten that far." Bellamy demands. Suddenly a body drops from the trees, it's the guy we were about to look for with his throat slit. Bellamy, Finn and I run over to the body. "They use the trees." Finn explains. We look up scanning the trees. "We shouldn't have crossed the boundary!" A boy states with fear in his voice. "Now can we go back?" A girl asks. "There right there." Jasper says pointing towards a grounder in the distance. "Another one." I say watching him run into place. "We should run." Finn whispers. Bellamy grips onto my hand tightly and doesn't let go as we race off deeper into the forest. Bellamy grabs his axe form his belt with his other hand and I hold my spear, I have two knifes in my belt and one in each boot. "What are we gonna do?! They keep cutting us off!" The boy shouts from behind us. "Just keep running." Finn says jumping over a log. "I can't run much longer!" Jasper yells. "I'm not stopping for him!" The boy yells continuing to run ahead of us. Bellamy stops and so does Finn. "I'm sick of running anyway!" Bellamy says looking around. "Bellamy? They're gonna kill us!" I say horrified. "No, you beat Wells into a coma and you sure know how to fight. You're strong, you're not gonna die Fiona." Bellamy whispers to me as he pulls me against his chest. Bellamy starts to walk towards a grounder. "What are you doing?!" Finn snaps. "They know where she is!" Bellamy snaps as he lets go of me. A grounder charges towards us. "James where are you?" The girl shouts running away. "Roma?!" The boy who hadn't stopped running yells, his name must be James. Roma runs towards James voice and we hear her scream. Bellamy grabs my hand and starts running along with Finn and Jasper. "Roma!" Finn shouts. She stops and runs in another direction. As we run after her I realize why she screamed. James is bleeding through his mouth and was stabbed by a bunch of metal rods sticking out of some hidden trap. Finn looks at him with wide eyes. "They're leading us here, it's the only direction we could run." Jasper says shaking. "Where'd they go?" Finn asks looking around, there are no grounders to be seen. "They went after Roma!" Bellamy says running in the direction of Roma, who we can no longer see. Everyone follows after him including me.

We walk until we spot Roma along a tree. Bellamy goes ahead of us to see and I run up next to him. Bellamy and I freeze when we see Roma with a spear in her chest. Bellamy walks towards her and gazes at her. "They're playing with us." Finn states. "She only came because of me..." Bellamy whispers to me as he closes her eye lids. "They can kill us whenever they want." Finn states  looking around. "Then they should, GET IT OVER WITH!" Jasper screams before Finn puts his hand over his mouth. A grounder begins charging at us. "They're coming!" Monro screams. They begin surrounding us and we all get in a fighting stance. Bellamy keeps close to me and doesn't stop glancing at me. Just as I was about to throw one of my knifes we hear a horn. All the grounders look around and run away. "They're leaving." Bellamy states. "That horn what does it mean?" Jasper asks. "Acid fog." Finn says taking out some kind of tarp from his bag. "We have to run!" Monro says. "There's no time!" Finn says laying out the tarp.

"Get under."  Bellamy says. We all pile under the tarp. We sit under it for about 5 minutes. "How long are we suppose to wait?" Jasper asks. "Will this even work?" Monro asks. "We'll find out..."Finn says. "No we won't..." Bellamy says impatiently as he lifts up the tarp. "There no fog." Bellamy states and we all come out from under the tarp. I brush the dirt off my shirt. "Maybe it was a false alarm." Finn says standing up. "They're coming back." Bellamy states, pulling out his axe. I look to my left and see the grounder. "I think he's alone." Jasper whispers. "Now can we run?" Monro asks. "He doesn't see us...I'm going after him!" Bellamy states. "And what kill him?" Finn asks. "No, catch him. Make him tell me where Octavia is. Then kill him." Bellamy says as he runs towards him. I run after him and grab his wrist. "Fiona, I have to do this." He whispers, I nod and let go, but follow him quietly.

Sent Down to Die//Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now