Chapter 20

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Bellamy's Prospective

I sit next to Fiona praying she'll wake up. Suddenly Clarke comes down the ladder. "Bellamy you should get some sleep." She says kindly. "I'll sleep when she wakes up." I say, not taking my eyes off Fiona. Suddenly Fiona eyes begin to open. "Fiona?" I ask softly. Clarke smiles "I'll leave you two alone." She says as she climbs up the ladder.

Fiona's Prospective

I begin to open my eyes and a pain in my side follows. "Fiona?" Bellamy asks softly. "Hey." I say with a smile. "Thank God you're alright." He says letting out a sigh of relief. "What happened?" I ask. "The grounder stabbed you in the cave, and Clarke removed the knife. Then we realized it was poisoned and we gave you the antidote. You're alright now, you're safe." He says pushing my hair away from my face. "What happened to the grounder?" I ask. "He's chained up on the third level." Bellamy states. "He's alive?" I ask, annoyed that Bellamy didn't just kill him on the spot. "He saved Octavia's life, we tortured him to get the antidote...Fiona I couldn't just kill him, we need intel." He says softly. I nod then begin to sit up but Bellamy pushes me back down on the table. "Let me go get Clarke first." He says, then climbs up the ladder.

A moment later Clarke, Finn, Raven and Bellamy come down the hatch. "Welcome back." Clarke says approaching me. "I'm so glad you're okay." Finn says. "Fiona you had me scared sick!" Raven expresses with a smile. "How long till she can get up?" Bellamy asks. "She can right now, she'll just have to take it easy. Stay in camp, no hunting or building the wall." Clarke states. Bellamy nods, and I try to get up again. "Here Fiona." Bellamy says scooping me into his arms and helping me stand. I begin to walk but lose my balance, as I begin fall Bellamy puts his arm around my waist and my arm over his shoulder. He helps me out of the drop ship and he walks me to his tent, Clarke follows.

We enter Bellamy's tent and he helps me lay down on the bed. "Okay, I want you to get some rest and I'll be back in the morning to clean your wound." Clarke states. Me and Bellamy both nod and Clarke exits the tent. Bellamy sits down beside me and gently takes my hand in his. We just look at each other and I notice the bags under his eyes, he looks like he's been awake for days. "You should get some sleep Bell." I say softly. He nods and stands up. He takes off his shoes and shirt and lays down next to me. I lay my head on his chest and and I stare up at the ceiling, slowly falling asleep while Bellamy runs his fingers through my hair.

I wake up with my head still on Bellamy's chest. I move my head off of him and wait for Clarke to come clean my wound like she said she would. While I impatiently wait for Clarke I begin to think about what's happened to me since I set foot on the ground. I once was the perfect girl, super smart, had lots of friends. What changed? I keep thinking and every logical answer leads back to my father being floated. I beat Wells because his father gave the order to throw my dad into the depth of space. I got locked up because I wanted to avenge him, I lost my friends, and my determination to be an engineer, all because of my father's death. That's how I ended up on the ground, with stitches in my side from being stabbed, and laying next to a boy who I meet a little more than ten days ago, does he care about me? I don't know. Clarke made it pretty clear he doesn't, but maybe he does. My thoughts are broken up by Bellamy. "You up beautiful?" He asks softly. "Yeah..." I say not realizing how upset I sound.

Bellamy turns his head and looks at me. "You okay?" He asks sounding concerned.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I say brushing off his question. "Fiona if there's something wrong just tell me." He states as I try not to look at him. "Do you care about me?" I ask blatantly. "Fiona is this because of what Clarke said the other day?" He asks calmly. "Do you care about me?" I ask again. "Yes. Of course I do." He states. "Okay I just needed to know." I say leaning my head on his shoulder, I'm not completely sure it's true but for now I'll trust him. Suddenly Clarke strolls in to the tent. "Is this a bad time?" She asks obviously uncomfortable with the fact that I'm laying in bed with Bellamy who's shirtless. "No, perfect timing, I gotta go fix up camp, I'm sure the storm tour it apart." Bellamy says standing up and putting his shirt back on. "I'll be back later Fiona." He says kissing my forehead. I nod and he exits the tent.

Clarke sits down on the bed and pulls my shirt up enough to see my stab wound. "Okay, this is gonna hurt." She says grabbing a rag and dunking it in bucket filled with some kind liquid. "What's that?" I ask. "Monty's moonshine, it'll clean the wound so it doesn't get infected." She says ringing the excess liquid out of the rag. I nod my head and prepare for her to start. Suddenly I feel a sting sensation as the moonshine touches my flesh. I feel every move Clarke makes with the rag, around each stitch the painful sting follows. The intense pain makes me want to scream but I hold in my emotions for as long as I can, finally I break. "Son of a-" I try to say but Clarke cuts me off. "I'm almost done." She says. Then the stinging stops and the throbbing pain returns. "Alright, we're all done!" She says as she pulls my shirt back over my stitches. "Thanks Clarke." I say. "No problem...umm, I-I over heard you and Bellamy talking, I didn't mean what I said Fiona, I really didn't. Bellamy seems like he really cares about you. I can tell Bellamy has a big heart, and if he cares about you'll be able to tell." She says as she stands up. I simply nod not knowing what to say. "Well, you need to rest. Stay in bed for the day, I just want you to take it easy, like I said no working at all. Got it?" She asks. "Yeah, thanks Clarke." I say, she smiles before leaving the tent and I remain in bed with a throbbing pain in my side.

Sent Down to Die//Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now