Chapter 4

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I find Monty working on the communication systems on the second level of the drop ship. "Hey" I say. "Fiona, what brings you up here?" He asks. "Not muc-" I'm cut of by the hatch to the second level opening. Octavia climbs up and a boy follows her, he doesn't stay long because Atom pulls him down the ladder.

"Maybe one of theses days you'll realize you can't control me." She says. "You know that guy you were with, did you know he was in for murder?" Atom says. The smile on Octavia's face fades away. "You know, I'm actually protecting him from you." Atom says as he climbs down the hatch and closes it, then locks it. "HEY, HEY, HEY ,HEYYYY!" Octavia screams as he locks her in. "What are you doing!??" She yells. "Consider your self controlled." He says. "Is this all you got!? They locked me under the floor for 16 years just for being born!" She screams as she try's to open the hatch. "This is nothing!" she whispers to herself. "Hey trying to work here." Monty says.

Octavia walks over. We start to talk about the Ark. "Fiona I got to know why you got arrested." Octavia says. I hesitate before answering, "It was about a week after my father was floated, I couldn't take seeing the Chancellor son Wells, every single day..." I pause. "So I attacked him, I pinned him against a wall and through countless amount of punches, the guard rushed in and ripped me off him, at 17 I was thrown into the sky box." "I heard he was in a pain induced coma for 3 days because me." I finish. "Holy crap, you sure know how to fight." Octavia says. "Yea." I say, not really wanting to talk about it anymore.

There was silence between the 3 of us. "I really hope they find Jasper..." I say. "How well did you know him Monty?" Octavia asks. "Well he may not be my real bother but he's always been there." Monty says, as he starts to unscrew Octavia's wristband, so we can communicate with the Ark. "Every memory I have Jasper's there, I should be out there." He says. "Your not gonna cry are you?" Octavia asks. "Shut up." Monty says. We all let out a laugh. "You sure about this?" Monty asks looking at her wrist band. "Your brother won't approve of you helping us contact the Ark." Monty says. "Well he's not my keeper, let's just do it, just do it." Octavia says. I hand Monty his makeshift tools, and he begins to pry off Octavia's wristband. "Ahh, Son of a-!!" Octavia screams in pain. "Sorry." Monty says, as he try's to connect the wristband to some wires. "It's    dead...Dame it!" He says."If you can't take them off how do you expect to turn them into a radio?" I ask. No one answers because the hatch door opens. Me and Octavia look at the hatch then at Monty. "Go on, I have work to do." He says.We smile then walk towards the hatch.

I go down first, Octavia stops before climbing down"Hey Monty, Jasper would understand why you stayed." Octavia says. "How was someone raised beneath the floor not a total basket case?" He asks. "Who says I'm not?" Octavia says with a smile, as she climbs down the ladder. "It's because he loves you, your bother, your not a basket case because you were loved." Atom says to Octavia. I lean on a wall and listen to them. "Yea I'm a lucky girl." Octavia says. "I'm not saying I had it worst then you Octavia because I didn't, but you have someone who would do anything for you, I envy that." Atom says. Octavia just looks at him, after about 3 seconds of silence he walks out of the drop ship.

I sit with Octavia sharpening metal for weapons. Atom walks over and gives her water, and I begin to feel invisible. Octavia's eyes lock in on something to my right, I turn and it's a glowing butterfly. It a beautiful bright blue, it's starts to fly away and Octavia doesn't think twice about following it. I watch her as she follows it out into the forest, I don't tell her to stop because it's Atoms job to babysit her. I watch as Atom turns from a pile of wood to notice she's gone. "Where did she go!?" He asks, sounding as though her disappearance is my fault. "That way." I say, as I point to the forest on my left. I don't even look up from my spear, it was Atoms job to watch her, not mine.

I sit on my own sharpening my spear. I stop, and my heart starts pounding because I hear rustling in the bushes. I hide behind a pile of wood, but my fear was for nothing. Atom and Octavia stroll past me and sit in front of the fire. Atom must have found Octavia and her butterfly. I sit across from them and heat up my knife. I look up to see them holding hands, Atom should know better than to mess with Bellamy's sister. "They're back!" I hear someone shout. I dunk my knife in some water and rush over.

Finn and Wells are carrying Jasper. Jasper has a leaf of some kind on his wound, and scratches all over. He's unconscious from what I can see. Monty's outside the drop ship and I come over beside him. "Is he-?" Monty says "He's alive." Clarke cuts him off. "I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage." She demands. "I'll get some." I say heading to the fire. As I walk over and look for Bellamy, he appears from the gate carrying something in a big bag. He opens it, and a panther of some kind lies dead in the bag. "WHOS HUNGRY!?" He yells. "Yaaaa!!!" I cheer along with the crowd.

I grab some cloth and boil water and bring it to Clarke. "Here." I say. "Thanks Fiona." Clarke replies. I walk out of the ship and run over to Bellamy. "Nice catch!" I say with a smile. "Wells killed him." Bellamy says. "Can I have some?" I ask. "Sure I'll let you cut the line." He says smiling. "Just take off your wristband." He says. "Fine but don't throw it in the fire, I want to keep it." I say. Bellamy gives me a funny look but prys off my wristband and hands me one of the biggest pieces. "Thanks Bellamy." I say. "Your welcome." He says as he gives me a small one arm hug. I sit outside the drop ship alone and eat.

Sent Down to Die//Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now