Chapter 32

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Soon everyone is packed and ready. I grab my back pack and throw some clean clothes in it, Along with my knifes. As I exit the drop ship I spot everyone at the gate. The gunners push the large door open and we all begin filing out. Bellamy stands beside me as we both give the empty camp one last look. It gives me the chills looking at the camp with no people, it's like a ghost town.

I nudge Bellamy signalling him that we should leave and we both turn to towards the gate. I glance at Clarke who's walking towards us. "You go ahead Fiona, I'll catch up." Bellamy says softly. I nod and walk out the gate. I begin following the group and soon after Bellamy comes up beside me. "Hey." Bellamy says breaking the silence. "Hey." I answer, not knowing what else to say. My brother tried to hang him, what am I supposed to say? "You still hate me?" Bellamy asks. "No, not at all. You were willing to get hung by my brother to save me, and for that I owe you my life." I say softly, I could see his whole body ease up. "Thank goodness, I missed you." He says while putting his arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I lean my head on his shoulder taking in his scent that I missed. I missed being close to him, I pushed him away because of what he did to my brother. But I hate John and I'll never forgive him for what he did. "I missed you too." I whisper to him. I glance up at his face and I see his beaming smile look down at me. "Fiona, I've been wanting to tell you something for awhile. I think nows the right time. Fiona Lawrence, I-" Bellamy's cut off by the group stoping. "Why are we stoping?" I ask. "I don't know..." Bellamy mumbles. "GROUNDERS!" Someone at the front shouts.

People begin running back towards camp. I look over at Bellamy and he takes one his rifles off his shoulder. "Take this. Get back to camp. Go." Bellamy states handing me his gun. I take the gun and run as fast as I can. Three people in front of me are hit by arrows. I keep running until two blades fly past my face. I take Bellamy's rifle and shoot it at the trees 4 times. Suddenly 2 body's fall from the trees. I sprint to camp and open the gate. A moment after everyone else reaches camp and I wait impatiently for Bellamy to return. Suddenly at the back of the line Bellamy appears. I run up to him and hug him tight receiving a bone crushing hug back. We both pull away and I hand him his gun back. "Here. I killed two grounders with it." I state. "Thanks, but you keep it. I was gonna give it to you when we reached the ocean, but I think you need it now." He says handing me the rifle back. I hold it in my hands for a moment examining it when suddenly I notice, F+B, engraved on it. "Thank you." I says softly while placing a kiss on his cheek. Me and Bellamy's moment is broken up by Miller telling Bellamy to get to his post.

I follow after Bellamy as he stands up on the ledge behind the wall aiming his gun towards the woods. Clarke stands up next to him and they share a few words. Finn stands next to me looking at Clarke. "Lincoln said the scouts would be the fist to arrive." Clarke says turning around to face me and Finn. "Well if it's just scouts then we can fight our way out. That's what Lincoln would do." Octavia buds in as she approaches us. "We're done doing what that grounder would do. We tried it and now Drew is dead, you wanna be next?" Bellamy asks Octavia while jumping off the ledge. "That grounder, saved our lives. I agree with Octavia for all we know there's one scout out there." Finn protests. "One scout with insanely good aim." Jasper comments. "Clarke, we can still do this." Octavia states to Clarke who is still standing on the ledge. "Looking to you princess. What's it gonna be? Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back." Bellamy asks the blonde. Clarke turns around and glances at the forest surrounding the camp. She jumps down from the ledge and Finn grabs her arm. "Clarke if we're still here when Tristan gets here-" He whispers but is cut off by Clarke ripping her arm from his grasp. "Lincoln said scouts. More than one. He said get home before the scouts arrive, Finn they're already here." Clarke explains before turning around to face Bellamy. "Looks like you got your fight." She states. Bellamy nods and turns to the crowd. "Okay then. This is what we've been preparing for! Kill them before they kill us! Gunners to your posts, use the tunnels to get in and out! For now on the gate stays closed!" Bellamy shouts. Immediately the gunners race to their posts loading their guns as they run off. I on the other hand follow Bellamy to the drop ship to hear the plan.

We walk in and spot Raven sitting in a chair next to the layout of camp. She's holding some kind of cloth to her bullet wound. Before I can exchange words with her Finn and Clarke walk in. "So what's the plan?" Clarke asks Bellamy. While we all stand around the layout. "We've got 25 rifles with 20 rounds each, give or take. Roughly 500 rounds of ammo. While you two were gone we made some improvements. Thanks to Raven the gully's mined." Bellamy states. "Partially mined. Thanks to Murphy." Raven states glancing at me as she mentions my brother. "Still, its the main rout in. If the grounders use it, we'll know... She also built grenades." Bellamy explains. "That's not many..." Clarke states the obvious. "Again, thank you Murphy..." Raven mutters. "We'll make them count." I state.

"If the grounders make it through the front gate, guns and grenades should force them back." Bellamy states. "And then?" Clarke asks. "Then we close the door and pray." Raven mutters. "And pray what? That the ship keeps them out, because it won't." Clarke snaps. "Then let's not let them get through the gate." Bellamy states. "All fox holes listen up. Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's  the plan." Bellamy states to the radio in his hand. "That's always your plan, just like the bomb on the bridge." Finn mutters. "Dame right, you got a better idea?" Bellamy asks. "It can't be that simple." Clarke states barely above a whisper. "You said there's fuel in those rockets right? Enough to build a hundred bombs?" Clarke asks with and idea forming in her head. "Thousands but we've got no gun power left." Raven explains. "I don't wanna build a bomb. I wanna blast off." Clarke states. A smirk appears on Ravens face as she thinks about Clarke's plan. "Draw them in close, fire the rockets, a ring of fire." Raven says. "Barbecued grounders, I like it." Bellamy comments. "Will it work?" I ask. Raven takes a moment to think. "The wiring's a mess down there but yeah, you give me enough time and I'll cook em real good." Raven states.
Thank you so much for reading!

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