Chapter 11

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I hear a scream to my right and spot Bellamy covering Charlottes mouth. I run over to him. "What the hell Bellamy!" I yell in his face. "Fiona you shouldn't be out here." He says. "Well I don't see any tall guys to drag me away right now so I guess I'm sticking with you." I snap. Bellamy starts to walk away from the yells dragging Charlotte along. "Hey! Let me go!" Charlotte screams. "I'm trying to help you." He snaps. "I'm not your sister just stop helping me." She screams. Bellamy stops looking heartbroken and let's go of her wrist for a moment. Charlotte starts to run but I grab her. "I'M OVER HERE!!!" Charlotte screams. "Hey! Are you trying to get us all killed!?" Bellamy snaps. "Just go okay! I'm the one they want!" Charlotte shouts frantically. "Okay Charlotte, listen to me, I won't leave you." Bellamy says firmly. "Please Bellamy." Charlotte begs as she escapes from his grasp and try's to run again. Bellamy picks up Charlotte and starts to run. "I'M OVER HERE, I'M HERE!!" Charlotte screams. "Come-on out Charlotte come-on out!" I hear my bother yell from a far.

We run for what seems like forever, then we reach the edge of the forest, Charlottes still screaming and Johns been following us. When we reach the edge, it's a cliff there's nothing we can do but stand with Charlotte behind us. "Damit!" Bellamy says under his breath. My brothers still screaming Charlottes name. John approaches, "BELLAMY! You can't fight all of us give her up." John snaps. "Maybe not, but I can guarantee I'll be taking some of you with me." Bellamy spat. "Bellamy!" Another voice calls, it's Clarke and Finn coming up next to us. Bellamy pushes me over to Finn and out of the way. Finn puts me behind him. "Stop! This has gone to far, just calm down we'll talk about this." Clarke says walking towards John. John grabs Clarke and puts his knife against her neck. "John no!" I scream pushing pass Finn. "You want her to live? Well convince your boyfriend over there to give me the girl." He snaps. "Let Clarke go!" Finn yells. "I will slit her throat!" John hisses. "Don't! Please don't hurt her." Charlotte screams. Bellamy looks at me then back a John. "Don't hurt her? Okay I'll make you a deal, you come with me right now and I'll let her go." John says. "Don't do it Charlotte!" Clarke says. Charlotte try's to get to John but Bellamy pushes her back. "Murphy this is not happening!" Bellamy snaps. "I can't let any of you get hurt anymore, not because of me, not after what I did." Charlotte says in tears. She turns and before Bellamy could grab her she jumps off the edge of the cliff. "Charlotte!" Bellamy yells. John lets Clarke go and she rushes to the edge of the cliff. "No, No, No!" Clarke cry's.

I drop to my knees, I can't believe what John had made her do. I look up at him and he gives me a sad look in return. I stand up and watch Bellamy give John the death stare. "Bellamy..." John says still in shock. Bellamy stands up and charges at John knocking him on to the ground, he throws punch after punch not thinking for one second what he's doing is wrong. I run over and push Bellamy off him but Bellamy shoves me to the ground and I hit my head off a rock. I stand up and he stares at me for a moment realizing what he did to me. "Bellamy stop! You'll kill him!" Clarke says running over. "He deserves to die!" Bellamy says as his anger takes over again. "No! we don't decide who lives and dies! Not down here!" Clarke screams. Bellamy gets up, "So help me God if you say the people have a right to decide!" Bellamy yells back. "No, no I was wrong before you were right, sometimes it dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want, we need rules!" Clarke states. "And who makes those rules, You!?" Bellamy says still catching his breath. "For now we do, okay!" Clarke demands. "So what do we do then, we just take him back and pretend like it never happened!?" Bellamy says pointing at John. "NO!" Clarke screams then she glances at John who I'm now helping sit up. "We banish him." Clarke states. "You can't be serious Clarke!" I say standing up.

Bellamy just looks at me then grabs John by his jacket and drags him to the edge of the cliff. "Bellamy! Please don't!" I beg. He glances back at me then shakes John, "If I ever see you near camp, we'll be back here!" He says holding him along the edge. John nods and Bellamy  throws him to the ground. I jump to his side and brush the dirt off his face. "Go, go Fiona." John manages to say. "No! I'm not leaving you!" I say helping him sit up against a tree. Bellamy puts his hand on my shoulder, "You should get back to camp Fiona." Bellamy says, I push his hand away and hold my brothers hand with tears rolling down my face. "Bellamy?" I hear Clarke call and Bellamy leaves.

"Go back to camp Fiona." John manages to say as I lean my head on his shoulder. "I can't just leave you out here to be killed by grounders." I say and tears fall from my eyes. "Fiona, you deserve a better life then I can offer you, go with Bellamy he'll watch over you." He says putting his hand on mine. "Fiona we're leaving, come on." Bellamy says softly as he approaches me. I look at John "May we meet again." He says, "May we meet again." I reply sobbing, I stand and start to follow behind Clarke, and Bellamy doesn't follow right away but I couldn't care less about him.

John Murphy Perspective

"Bellamy..." I say before he follows Fiona. "What!?" Bellamy snaps. "Take care of her for me...please." I say, he just stares at me. "She deserves so much better then me, I trust you with her life, please keep her safe." I beg him. He just nods before walking back to camp and I'm left alone in the a forest filled with grounders.

Sent Down to Die//Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now