Chapter 21: I can't keep doing this

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''Brett's here for you.'' Rosé whispered in my ear, trying to wake me up without her face being damaged.

''Tell him I don't want to see his ass in my suite.'' I mumbled in my sleep. That asshole still has the vulnerability to occur the movement of butterflies in my tummy.

''Brett wants to sort everything out first before you ''accuse'' him of any wrongdoing.'' Rosé quoted Brett. Me accuse him? I don't think so, not this time.

"Tell him to go fuck himself." I didn't want to deal with him right now. All I want is some peace and quiet without anyone-

"Wake up!" -doing that. I grabbed my pillow and hit the person who did that, making them groan out.

"B, Brett wants to talk to you okay?" I didn't reply so she took that as a yes and opened the door to let Brett closing it quickly.

"Hey Baby." I lift my head up and glared at him.

"Don't baby me, you know what you did wrong." I wanted to hug and kiss Brett hoping that everything will be alright but I can't trick myself like that.

"Please just let me explain. It wasn't me at the club, I think it's someone else." He begged me to listen to him before making any decisions.

"You know what, I don't think this will work. You're a celebrity, I'm a commoner. We never mix. We should just break up." My heart broke at what I said but this was for the best. I can't keep getting hurt like this.

"What? So you're just going to give up on us?" I let out a forced laugh, turning to him.

"Just like you abandoned me after the dinner?" Brett immediately looked guilty, scratching his head awkwardly.

"Yeah, about that..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say about his behaviour that night.

"Just leave already."

"Do you even trust me Baby?" From the look in my eyes, he glanced away from me.

"Of course you don't. You don't trust anyone but yourself."

"That's not true! I trust Rosé and Dylan, Ethan and Fayebelle, maybe Beatrice but I don't even know here that well." Brett was deliberately trying to make me the wrong man here.

"Yeah, well, you don't even trust your own Boyfriend."

"Please just leave. It's over okay." I went back into bed.

"You are such a coward. Bye Babe." He said with such cold, making my heart break into a million pieces. It's making me regret what I've said to Brett.

Bye Brett.



You: I hate you!

Me: Do you have tissues?

You: How could you do this!

Me: Boo-hoo-hoo...

You: What sound is that?

Me: Me crying...s-see yo-ou in t-the nex-xt cha-pt-ter...

You: *sigh*

Me: Do you have tissues?

Confessions of a Teenage Girl <unedited> ✔️Where stories live. Discover now