Chapter 29: Sore

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I woke up with the feeling to relieve myself of the sheering pain I felt below.

I glanced at Brett, his lips pouted ever so cutely, making him seem like a baby but in reality, he's actually 18.

Last night was the best night of my life. Brett was so comforting and gentle. He didn't rush into anything I didn't want.

I felt as though we really connected, both physically and mentally.

I know some girls thought of their virginity as a trouble but I appreciate the fact our lover has to take it away from us when we experience both pain and pleasure for the very first time.

The first time, as some people know, has to be special, woman often thought of their virginity as some precious, that should be a gift for their one and only and that us, woman, could get emotional if someone dismisses us after they got what they want.

I wondered how Adam and Eve knew what to do.

My greedy eyes travelled up his deliciously abs, up his toned chest, to his broad shoulders only to find myself lost in the wonders of Brett's eyes.

He grins at me, knowing I would be embarrass as he had caught me checking him out and not in a discreet way.

I coughed awkwardly turning away from him, not meeting his eyes as I heard a melodious laugh coming from beside me.

I smack him on the arm lightly before stretching my body. Bad move.

My limbs seemed to have a mind of its own and crackled if I moved a slightest bit. My area down below was sore from what Brett had done to me yesterday.

Oh god, last night. The more I thought about what we did on the very same bed I was resting on, the more heated more skin became.

I felt as though I had to do something to cool my body temperature. As I felt certain someone's eyes on my chest, i looked down to see what he found so interesting.

Shucks, my blanket had fell down, exposing my bare breasts, my buds clearly pointed, showing him a sign of how aroused I am at the very moment.

He sends me a wicked grin before making his way towards me. I shook my head, not wanting to know what was going through his dirty mind this very moment.

I backed away, running to the bathroom, slamming the door harshly, grinning in victory when Brett groaned from the outside.

"You cruel woman! What am I going to do now?" He whines, "How about we save water by showering together?"

Haha, good try buster but I've seen the movies before.

I scoffed, stepping into the shower shouting a no thank you.

How I found myself trapped between Brett's hands and feet remains a mystery.


I know, I know. This chapter's freaking short. I apologise, do forgive me but I'm working on a new project. I'll be having an update on it soon...only one more chapter left! Can you believe it!!!!

only one more chapter left! Can you believe it!!!!

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