Chapter 23: I'm love you

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Okay, you guys might be a little surprised, seeing how I've never actually wrote before a chapter, always at the end of the chapter...but for this whole chapter, it will be in Brett's POV.



Brett POV

I have never ever felt this stress before. And it's over a girl that I've met only two months ago!

I let go of Crystal, rushing to get a taxi to Babe's Hotel.

"Taxi! Taxi!"

A car finally arrives in front of me and Crystal tried to get on it too.

"Get off, haven't you done enough?" I slammed the door in her face, directing the driver to the hotel.

I ran a hand through my disfigured hair, sighing as I contemplate on what I was about to say to Babe.

The truth to be told is our relationship is definitely not healthy. We started off our relationship hating on one another, even though we would never admit that to each other, and we got into a lot of rocky situations, one including my Father and Crystal.

And Crystal, that nerve of hers is making me angry.

Whatever Babe saw just a few minutes ago, was nothing like she imagined it to be.

I knew that something had change in Crystal when we were outside that cafe.

She leaned in and tried to kiss me, meanwhile I was there fighting, not touching her though cause it would mean I was a sadist.

I was feeling raw emotions, something that I've never felt or come in contact with.


When I saw that blonde, freckled dude running after her when she saw Crystal and I together.

I've never felt jealous at all in my entire life.

I didn't care much about the girls I have broken up with, if they have found greater, better guys than me. I'll just tell tell "that's great!" and walk away.

We only have one shot at love. Maybe two.

But I've always believed when you meet the girl of your dreams, time stops. All you could think about, dreamed about and feel about is that one girl.

I know it's cheesy even for a romance guy like me. But that's me. I like being intimate or cheesy with my female companions.

Same with my Father. That's where I got it from.

I loved seeing my family together as we were happy and carefree, we were still oblivious to the world outside our little kingdom with my parents as the rulers.

That's how I was used to living with everyone.

But I slowly started to hate my Father when my mom confronted him of his cheating ways.


"Is this true?"

I had snuck into the pantry late in the night when I overheard voices arguing.

It couldn't be my parents, they never argued.

My Mother was holding up a piece of the newspaper while glaring at my Father.

"Yes it is, but it was only one time. I was drunk besides you're the one I married and cherish." My Father stepped closer to my Mother, only to get pushed back.

"You're sleeping in the living room today."

With that, my mother stalked off leaving a helpless dad in the pantry with me eating secretly.

Confessions of a Teenage Girl <unedited> ✔️Where stories live. Discover now