16; bel-esprit

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"bel-esprit [bel-es-pree]"

(noun) A French loanword, bel-esprit is characterised as a person with beautiful intellect. They are witty, cultured, and gifted, due to this reason, a bel-esprit is usually found engaging in witty banter.Their possession of a fine mind indicates that their beauty radiates from their natural sense of mental intuition and vivaciousness.

literally: fine wit/mind


"Analeigh! Focus! What's up with you today?" 

I snap out of my thoughts and look at Sofia who's scowling at me, having a stern look on her face. 

"Sorry," I mumble, embarrassed that she caught me yet again. 

I have alone session with her today and it seems that I just can't focus on skating. Sofia is frustrated with me, and frankly, so am I. I can't afford to have my thoughts elsewhere. I need my mind sharp and my moves perfect. 

"The competition is in a little more than 2 months. You can't afford to be sloppy." I nod my head seriously. I get where she's coming from and I understand she wants me to know my moves to a perfection. I want to know that I gave it all, too. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll get my head in the game, I promise," I tell Sofia, taking a deep breath. Truthfully, I can't think about anything else than Zach. And that promised night tomorrow night which I'm looking forward to. I can't wait to see what he's got prepared for us. 

Him calling me last night didn't help at all. It's actually worse for me and my poor mind. That's why Sofia thinks I've got such poor skating skills because I keep tripping on the ice today whenever I remember anything about Zach. 

"Analeigh! This is going nowhere, we can't work like that today."

I give Sofia my most guilty expression, asking her for forgiveness with my round eyes. 

I'll pick you up at 9 and we can go to dinner

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I'll pick you up at 9 and we can go to dinner.

I stare down at the text and bite my lip. 

What's the dress code for tonight?

I'm kind of afraid of what he's going to say. Because if I'll have to wear something fancy, I'll have to disappoint him, maybe even tell him that I can't go. My closet doesn't hold anything fancy. In fact, my closet screams These clothes are so terrible they make me jealous of what hobos are wearing because they have a way better style. 

Anything you're comfortable in ;) 

I was also kind of afraid he'd say this. Does he even know what I'm comfortable in?

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