166 19 75

Alrighty I'm excited to start this book because I listen to music on a daily basis. My Spotify ranges from show tunes to Chance the Rapper. It's a problem ig :/

But that's where YOU come in! Leave me a suggestion on what song I should review with my completely unbiased opinions! The more reads this book gets, I will judge which songs to listen to based on how many replies a certain song gets in the comment section.

I don't have many rules, but the one(s) I do are pretty important:
1. If I rate a song differently than your opinion of it, please don't freak out on me.
2. You can tag people to ask them to reply to your suggestion, as I stated the importance of that above.
3. I am forcing myself to limit it to 3 reviews a day

So, what should I review?

Have fun!!!

Wait am I talking to you or myself bc??

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