Conrad: SAHN

55 6 14

Requested by bizzlesempire THANK U FOR SUGGESTING IT
I also listened to your other requests and they were v good !!

Also: you guys can comment suggestions on other parts besides the one about the rules ya know
Otherwise Jimmy will have to start reviewing her own suggestions, and that could get pretty messy heh
So suggestions (ONE PER PERSON GEEZ) are helpful!

Alright here I go:

Favorite lyric: "there's a valley fire, and it's coming to burn us down"

What I like about it: when it first played, I was instantly hooked bc this guy's got some soulful pipes. I like the melody, which is also soulful

Track artwork: while it's a sweet shade of blue, it's a lil bland for my taste

What I don't like: off the top of my head, nothing tbh. It's a purty cool song.

Overall: I like this song's chorus ("I can feel it coming") and the guy's voice. I like the rhythm of it a lot.

Ok I'm gonna try this again ;_;
What should I listen to? (AGAIN, ONE SONG PPL)

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