Bad At Love: Halsey

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Quick shoutout to Bea Miller for releasing her new ep chapter two: red
bc it's real real good
I already had her song Dracula on my Spotify but daaaang boi this is güd

Alright here I go:

Favorite lyric: "got a boy back home in Michigan and he tastes like jack when I'm kissing him"

What I like about it: dude I know I'm not the only one who thinks this sounds straight up GameBoy/Nintendo?? Literally I'm reminiscing about my childhood days of boss battles w Bowser and THIS IS THE SAME MUSIC
(I had a great childhood man, I had a comic book fetish)

Track artwork: I really liked the concept of the covers of the singles she released like for Now Or Never and Strangers (yay Lauren Jauregui!! Same name club) with the layered cards and tape and stuff

What I don't like about it: I'm so petty but she has an amazing voice, right? Of course that's not good enough for dear old Jimmy tho. Jimmy for some reason doesn't really like the tone of her voice in Now Or Never when she says "right nooww"
And yes Jimmy knows this ain't even the same song but it kinda goes the same 4 this too

Overall: don't listen to what Jimmy said. hopeless fountain kingdom is the bestest. Go buy it or stream or whatever it is the kids do these days

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