Rose-Colored Boy: Paramore

35 8 10

Requested by bae happyhour789

Alright here I go:

Favorite lyric: "hey, man, we all can't be like you, I wish we were all rose-colored too"

What I like about it: for some reason to me, the guitar at the beginning remindS ME OF A QUEEN SONG (I've already talked about how I feel about them :) )

Track artwork: I've talked about this art before, so I really like how it's kinda an optical illusion if u tilt your head to the left
(ha did u really try it?)

What I don't like about it: I kind of feel like there could've been more beat to this? Idk i do like their music tho, so can u like hop off my cow lick??

Overall: from what I've heard of their newest album, it's got some tropical vibes, which I like. (Walking in the Wind by 1d gives me the same vibe for some reason, and Still Got Time)
But yea I think their singer is too cute for this world w her cute hair and voice and everything  :'))

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