Humble: Kendrick Lamar

116 17 13

Requested by neyhey_harry

Alright here I go:

Favorite lyric: I like at the beginning when it says "nobody pray for me" idek I just like it
It's not in the mv, but that's what it says on my Spotify

What I like best about it: that weird thing (also in the beginning) at sounds like someone using rubber in a car wash, the beat of it is COOL GUYS, how fast this boy can rap

Track cover: I'm judging the single's artwork, not his new album's.
I like how the ray of light is coming down on him, it's like a big spotlight on him

What I dislike about it: he's a really good rapper, but that doesn't work to his advantage in this case. He can rap really fast, but I wish I could understand what he's singing half the time

Overall: I think this is a catchy song w/ a cool beat, and you'll be listening to it for days deciphering the lyrics :)), I don't know many of Kendrick's songs, but I like this!

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