Just A Little Bit of Your Heart: Ariana Grande

82 11 37

Requested by Noddyluvs1D
It's one of her favorite songs guys so give it a listen💎💎

Alright here I go:

Favorite lyric: "Nothing's ever easy, that's what they say. I know I'm not your only, but I'll still be a fool"

What I like about it: it has a sad meaning about loving someone who doesn't love you back, which I think we all can identify with.

Track artwork: I like her album cover bc she makes it look NATURAL for women's legs to be so smooth and shiny ;-;

What I don't like about it: nothing is really coming to me at the top of my head rn :)

Overall: Noddy, you picked a good one ! I really like is song's lyrics and the theme of it. The songs by Ariana that I know have been more upbeat, so it was kinda surprising to me that she has this song :)))

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