Strip That Down: Liam Payne

70 13 40

Requested by @ haha no one, just a perk of being so goshdang early for this song i guess

Alright here I go:

Favorite lyric: "Used to be in 1D, now I'm out free" (Trust me, it just stood out the most to me for obvious reasons)

What I like about it: I was fairly excited for this after seeing the teaser, because music like that just seems to sneak its way into my Spotify. But I like the beats of it and hearing his voice for the first time in a while sounded so weird to me. And you know that little 'wooh!' he used to make during performances w his mic? HE DOES THAT NOW. I like the little chimes.

Track artwork: I mean I do like seeing his tattoos, but seeing his name next to the words 'strip that down' just makes me pretty uncomfortable tbh

What I don't like about it: *see favorite lyric for more details*
Look don't tell me that they're grown men and can sing whatever they want, BC I KNOW. but I just see Liam as a teddy bear or something, so this is a bit strange for me. I'm still gonna buy and promote, but still.
And it kinda seems like he's wanting to avoid 1d??

Overall: I've already typed so much, so I'll make it short. I like it payno just don't you forget about me (1d)!!1!!

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